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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Showing most liked content on 01/02/2017 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Fifteen Years of EGS

    El Goonish Shive is the only comic I was reading fifteen, or even ten, years ago which I am still reading today. As I grew old and tired, other media failed to grow with me, but El Goonish Shive has. That is all I can say, for the moment.
  2. 1 point

    Story Monday January 2, 2017

    In my opinion she is doing the same thing now as Susan did for Justin at the party. Pushing aside her own massive issues and seeing to how Tedd is doing. We will see on Monday.
  3. 1 point

    Story Monday January 2, 2017

    Pandora is having a breakdown, no questions, but is hardly insane. With a slight change in subject I have basically had the same breakdown and two thoughts thread effect several times. I really feel for her right now. I still don't think she is the Big Bad of this arc, nor really any arc now that we know who tried to kill Elliot. Of course I am on disability because of having breakdowns like that, so I might not be the best person to evaluate Pandora right now.
  4. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    NP Friday Dec 30 2016

    The only problem with the statement is that "sole" is a word with too many meanings. My first thought upon reading the line was to think of flat fish. And that left me floundering.