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Showing most liked content on 07/19/2017 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Story Wednesday July 19, 2017

    I did not see that coming. I thought Tedd would be needing hugs but it looks like Pandora is the one who does. Tedd reaching out to Pandora doesn't surprise me. As you said, he is a protector/healer who is at heart a tremendously sensitive soul. What has surprised me is how much strength Tedd has shown in hearing hard truths about his life. Really, his parents as well have underestimated him, even Edward who should know him best. I get it, the desire to protect can blind you, but Tedd, with the help of his friends, especially Elliott and Grace, isn't the bomb waiting to go off that Ellen fears.
  2. 2 points
    I dunno, it might be easier to let go if you could see your descendants spreading out across the world, than it would be to say goodbye to your only child, knowing your love for him would be forgotten....and especially if there were hard feelings and misunderstandings between you!
  3. 2 points

    Story Wednesday July 19, 2017

    That wouldn't have anything to do with your avatar, now, would it?
  4. 1 point

    Story Wednesday July 19, 2017

    Elves likely don't have ever expanding magical and cognative abilities like their parents, which would help curb the boredom that causes instability in Immortals. Also while elves are restricted in what they can do, they are less restricted than their parents. Immortals are limited to (broadly) "empower and guide," while elves are just restricted to when magic and magical things are involved. (Adrian is allowed to directly engage and attempt to kill Abraham, while Pandora has to rely on other individuals to try to kill the wizard that hurt her son.) This gives elves more ways to keep themselves grounded and preoccupied.
  5. 1 point

    Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    I'm a bicyclist and I approve of this statement. Sometimes I'm even one of them.
  6. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    In most cities where I've seen a lot of bicyclists, that would be a GOOD day. On bad days it's more like 99%.
  7. 1 point

    Story Wednesday July 19, 2017

    When I think about it, it does not sit right with me. If she was leaving because she wanted to protect Tedd, by having anyone who looks on from the outside think she doe snot care for him, but still cared they would have taken steps to help prevent Tedd from developing his abandonment issues, and Edward would have told Tedd the truth once Tedd was aware of Magic. If she cared about Tedd they would have done things in a way so in Tedd's mind he knew she loved him and cared, but circumstances were keeping her away. Now, people lie to themselves about their reasons for doing things all the time, and this might be the lie Noriko told herself to feel better about leaving, but it does not match with her actions. There is also the coldness between edward and Raven, as well as Raven admitting that there is no chance of reconciliation, if she left for Tedds own good these would not be as bad as they seem.
  8. 1 point
    ...'cause he loved his mother.
  9. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    Me, so I am sure he can arrange a nice funeral for me.
  10. 1 point

    Things That Are Just Annoying

    The problem was you apparently took the gas pill and not the anti-gas pill.
  11. 1 point
    Yeah, I've been expecting a reset for Pandora once the current storyline is over for quite a while. Personally, I'm hoping she ends up the college student from the Mall, and Sarah's dorm roommate.
  12. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Story Wednesday July 19, 2017

    Tedd is a better person than many suspect. It is precisely because of his empathy and his desire to protect those he cares about that he is vulnerable to becoming corrupted. With all the hurt and injury done to him early in his life he withdrew into himself to protect himself. Getting Elliot as a friend was the best thing that could possibly have happened to him; if Colonel Sanders had succeeded in killing Elliot, it would have been the worst -- provoking the kind of anger and hate in Tedd that was precisely what Sanders wanted. We have time and again seen Tedd step up to the plate when his friends were in danger or someone was trying to harm them. And that is no small thing. He is also the sort of person who would intercede if he sees a perfect stranger in pain. This is Tedd at his purest. Like Elliot, he is a protector and possibly more. Perhaps even a healer. ETA: I also see the first hint of a possible non-selfish motivation for Noriko to withdraw from Tedd. Maybe she was afraid that her profession would draw dangerous attention to Tedd and potentially make him a target for anyone who wanted to get at her. It is not as if this hasn't precedent. (It is usually also complete codswallop and the idiot doing it ends up doing more harm than good, but there you are.)
  13. 1 point

    Things That Are Just Annoying

    Three hours and about 5 gigs of reinstall later, life is good.
  14. 1 point
    I'd suggest asking just to be sure. Even if your age doesn't qualify you, your condition might.