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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Showing most liked content on 05/18/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    This Day In History

    May 18, 1993: In Copenhagen, Denmark a large group of demonstrators assemble to protest the legality of a recent plebiscite about Danish membership status in the European Union. For the first time since World War 2, police officers discharge firearms against assembled protesters. 113 pistol shots are fired and a total of 11 injured protesters require hospital treatment. Subsequently, a commission is established to investigate why Danish police officers are such awful shots.
  2. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Story Friday May 18, 2018

    My own impression is this: that Ellen is still tremendously conflicted about her own creation because it was such a traumatic experience. She feels irrationally angry about it, which I fully understand. She had very conflicting feelings even about Tedd whom she until recently -- to be exact, this page -- held responsible for her creation because of his careless use of the TG gun and for his part in getting Elliot to the diamond. Now she has learned that Magus used Tedd, Elliot and her creation simply as tools to set himself free from his prison dimension. Acts born from desperation, yes -- but even understanding that, Ellen would still be furious, knowing as she now does that the sole reason for her existence is that she was intended as a one-shot zap device to give Magus the means of possessing Elliot. Granted, she has found meaning of her own since, but I really doubt that will calm her very much. In short, she badly wants to give Magus a piece of her mind, and I do not really blame her.
  3. 1 point

    This Day In History

    May 18, 1979: A forum member spawns in to the world, who knew 39 levels would be such a grind? At least it's not exponentially increasing the amount of EXP needed.
  4. 1 point

    Story Friday May 18, 2018

    ... wait. Could she be angry at him BECAUSE he made her angry at Tedd?
  5. 1 point

    Story Friday May 18, 2018

    I'm sure this yelled admonishment won't be misinterpreted at all. There is zero chance that Magus will think Ellen is angry about him not turning her back into a man.