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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Ooendan

    Possible. Though it's also possible 10 minutes could have passed between panels 3 and 4 and Elliot had just visited his locker and taken the jacket off and he was just heading to the cafeteria or home room. It's hard to tell when there no narrator giving time of day info.
  2. Ooendan

    There doesn't have to be suspicion on Nanase at all. All she would need to do would be to appear as Cheerleadra in a situation where Elliot is present. If she hadn't been visible as Nanase there earlier, there would be no reason for anyone to think of her at all. I don't think Edward would approve of the idea of any of Elliot's friend's who are capable to looking like either Elliot or Cheerleadra (Nanase, Grace, Tedd, Ellen) of trying to pull off that plan because there is still a chance of someone noticing one of them dissappearing before Cheerleadra's appearance, the plan was to have the sighting occur during school though I was expecting it to be during class or lunch rather than just when people are getting to school. Nanase is fairly well known in MSHS and people have seen her floating around the halls, if someone noticed her being late for class, it would draw attention to her. Having an agent of DGB do it will keep the Main Eight out of public scrutiny.
  3. Story Wednesday March 22 2017

    I doubt flight is all that rare of a spell, and the person posing as Cheerleadra doesn't have to look exactly like her as long as they keep just enough distance from witnesses, the right size person with a brown wig and blue tights would pass at 50-100 feet in the air. Also panels 1 and 2 are amusing in that it shows there really isn't much difference between m!Elliot and f!Elliot. Obviously there's hair colour, and then everything from the neck down is different, but the face doesn't seem to change at all. Elliot did say he changes eye colour as well, but that's not apparent in greyscale.
  4. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Ok, we got Prof's fridge, mlooney's dishwasher, and we can add my bedroom window to the list as it's making a noise like an animal crying in pain whenever the wind blows across it, or a really bad kazoo player.
  5. NP Monday March 20, 2017

    Yeah, I've played The Sims, 1-3 and various expansions of each and the fact that it takes an hour for a sim to walk to the bathroom and use a toilet can be ridiculous.
  6. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2325 Elliot needs a hug now, where's Grace when you need her?!?
  7. NP Monday March 20, 2017

    Yeah, the main reason games let you carry so much is so that they don't feel grindy, though some people may argue that they can still be grindy even if you can carry 50x the realistic amount of stuff. ECO though claims to be trying to simulate an ecosystem but still be presented in a simple enough manner, but it's certainly a game that needs patience and teamwork.
  8. NP Monday March 20, 2017

    Of course in ARK there is a penalty for trying to carry too much and you start to move slower at something like 75% capacity and then are unable to move at all when you've maxed out the amount you can carry. Also the attributes do seem to scale differently depending on the dino so obviously a bronto would be able to carry more than a triceratops. Though it is strange that they somehow have inventories that you can access despite not having any harnesses with packs or anything. I think there's only 1 game that I know of that tries to be semi realistic with inventory and such and that's ECO, It's still in development but it's the only game where you shovel a pile of dirt or something and have to put it somewhere (either in a chest, cart or place it down again) before you can dig again, meaning that if you go mining, you need to bring ore and materials up one shovel load at a time until you get a cart or something to haul more.
  9. NP Monday March 20, 2017

    In the game both you and the dinos can level up and get points that can be spent in various attributes. I imagine those examples I gave were of dinos whom the player had leveled up pretty high and put all the points into stamina and carry capacity, because game logic.
  10. Story: Monday March 20, 2017

    Maybe? "I think he MIGHT be using some calming spell" implies that you believe he is using a calming spell. If that's not what you mean then replacing "using" with "needing" would be enough to imply that he needs a calming spell to use on himself. Alternatively "I think he could use a calming spell" would work with implying that if Elliot had one or even if Ellen had one, now would be a good time to use it. Actually, Ellen with a calming beam would be appropriate.
  11. Story: Monday March 20, 2017

    If he's using a calming spell at this moment, I'd hate to see him not using it...
  12. NP Monday March 20, 2017

    You need to play ARK: Survival Evolved then:
  13. Things that make you sad.

    This goes along with what I said about today's comic. I noticed on Twitter that David Rockefeller had died at the age of 101, I wasn't sure if he was of the same Rockefeller family that is iconic for American wealth so I clicked to see what people were saying about him. Turns out I was right and he was of that family, but what the majority of people were saying about him was not what I expected, sure I expected some to comment about money or something, but I noticed a lot of people posting this image: And at the same time calling him a traitor to the U.S and that his death couldn't have come sooner. It really bugs me to think that people see the desire for economic and political stability around the world as traitorous.
  14. Story: Monday March 20, 2017

    I was going to ask "what does that make Lisa and Amanda? Since they can see the titles." but then I re-read the commentary, and considering Dan linked references to both Susan's book and Elliot's, it's possible that Dan might not always display the spell books with titles unless he feels it necessary to show it.
  15. Story: Monday March 20, 2017

    There's no title on the book Ellen is reading, though I dunno for sure if "A Perfectly Normal Book" is the actual title of Elliot's spell book or not. Maybe it isn't and both their spell books have no visible title on the cover. Correcting myself here, "A Perfectly Normal Book" had to be Dan using artistic license as we see Ellen reading Elliot's spell book and it didn't have a visible title on it, so it both their books likely have blank covers.
  16. Story: Monday March 20, 2017

    His hair didn't go golden and spiky though so he's still so far right about it being impossible.
  17. Story: Monday March 20, 2017

    There's no title on the book Ellen is reading, though I dunno for sure if "A Perfectly Normal Book" is the actual title of Elliot's spell book or not. Maybe it isn't and both their spell books have no visible title on the cover. I mostly think to myself "there are people that actually think this way?" or "they gotta be just saying that because they know it upsets people and they can get away with it because internet anonymity allows it" It's pretty bad because you can ban or block someone and they'll just create a new account to comment on, and IP bans can also be circumvented by people who are savvy enough.
  18. Ellen's Magic - Facts and Speculation

    Yeah, she was limited to FV5 related transformations and copying at the time. While it has been about 2 weeks since then and during the events of So a Date, they didn't show off anything new, though earlier in the day during Playing with Dolls, Tedd revealed that Nanase could give her avatar (and the doll she leaves behind) different, simple outfits so that's relatively new chronologically. Ellen is assumed to read her spellbook more than Elliot so it's less likely for her to accidentally cast a new spell, but the fact that she hasn't said "check this out." in a long time says something.
  19. What Are You Ingesting?

    I did kind of give it away with the "KITTY!!!" statement.
  20. What Are You Ingesting?

    Obviously they were doing it wrong. They were being all "KITTY!!!!!" which caused the feline to avoid them completely.
  21. What Are You Listening To?

    Band of Brothers, but from what I've read about them, your term may also be applied. It was one of the biggest alliances in Eve for several years, then a couple months before I started playing (2009) one of it's top directors defected to Goonswarm, but not before disbanding the alliance and main corp. They were very expansionist oriented and they were essentially trying to conquer all of Eve but they spread themselves too thin and made too many enemies. A year later, Goonswarm's CEO "forgot" to pay sovereignty upkeep, disbanded the alliance, and then moved the GoonFleet corp into the Band of Brothers alliance that Goons snagged to prevent anyone from reforming that alliance when it was collapsed the previous year.
  22. Story: Monday, March 13, 2017

    I think someone once said that the trick to orbiting the Earth was along the lines of falling towards it and missing.
  23. What Are You Listening To?

    Eve's been around 15 years, the dishwasher could have started playing long before you, the chanting is it's way of lamenting the memory of B.O.B
  24. What Are You Listening To?

    It's a good thing that Tengu fleet was with the good guys, Nanase and Ellen wouldn't have had a chance against those even with Guardians. See what I did there?
  25. NP Wednesday March 15, 2017

    Ah, my mistake. The 'mysteriously' bit was supposed to be humorous; perhaps I should have put it in quotation marks. No, my mistake, I though it would be funny to pretend I didn't get it. I guess I overdid it. To take from the commentary of a recent story comic, this conflict could have been averted with the proper use of ""