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Everything posted by AFNB

  1. NP comic Tuesday December 14, 2021

    Okay, since people seem to be about done with the exercise, here's the link to the actual thing: https://www.csuchico.edu/anthmuseum/_assets/documents/nasa-exercise-survival-on-the-moon.pdf
  2. NP comic Tuesday December 14, 2021

    The NASA rankings also give the reasoning behind them, and while not necessarily innovative, some of them do have some good ingenuity behind them. Others rely more on actual knowledge of how such things work. I also mainly gave the clarification of the points system because Darth Fluffy was the only one to assign any numbers, and even then only went to 10.
  3. NP comic Tuesday December 14, 2021

    It's apparently from 1999.
  4. NP comic Tuesday December 14, 2021

    I'll let you guys keep discussing it, but I want to point out that the rankings are a part of the puzzle - the exercise also comes with a list of how NASA ranks each item. You score points based on how far your ranks differ, and this is one where you want a 'LOW score - it means you got close to the correct ratings for everything.
  5. NP comic Tuesday December 14, 2021

    I actually know the survival puzzle that Dan is referencing. The original was actually about ranking the 15 items in order of importance. For anyone that wants to play: You are a member of a space crew originally scheduled to rendezvous with a mother ship on the lighted surface of the moon. However, due to mechanical difficulties, your ship was forced to land at a spot some 200 miles from the rendezvous point. During reentry and landing, much of the equipment aboard was damaged and, since survival depends on reaching the mother ship, the most critical items available must be chosen for the 200-mile trip. Below are listed the 15 items left intact and undamaged after landing. Your task is to rank order them in terms of their importance for your crew in allowing them to reach the rendezvous point. Place the number 1 by the most important item, the number 2 by the second most important, and so on through number 15 for the least important. A box of matches Food concentrate 50ft of nylon rope Parachute silk Portable heating unit Two .45 caliber pistols One case of dehydrated milk Two 100lb tanks of oxygen A stellar map A self-inflating life raft A magnetic compass 20L of water Signal flares A first aid kit, including an injection needle A solar-powered FM receiver-transmitter.
  6. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Last year, my dad got my mom mom a cat for Christmas, a cute little calico that Mom named Nutmeg - we basically call her Meggie (or sweetie, darling, or occasionally "you little shit!"). In the first couple months, I liked to kiss her on the nose, but she wasn't too fond of it. Eventually, I mostly settled on booping her instead - a light tap or poke on the nose. Last night, I had my hand on the corner of the foot of mom's bed. Meggie put a forepaw on the corner of the mattress, pulled herself up, and bumped her nose on my finger.
  7. NP Saturday, Jun 6, 2020

    I suppose that's something like a magical duel just for fun and lols - which is how I saw it.
  8. Sketchbook 25 Feb 2020

    Sorry about the double-post, all attempts to edit the original one bugged up. Not just a more realistic face, but the body as well. Reduced her bust to a reasonable size (it used to be H-cup at minimum) and gave her a nice set of abs. Also, I apologize for the confusion it caused, but I was going back through the recent SBs and the comparison wouldn't leave my mind until I posted the thought here.
  9. Sketchbook 25 Feb 2020

    Compare the two bodies - Susan, as seen above, and Tifa as seen here. This is an official picture of Tifa as redesigned for the FF7 Remake.
  10. Sketchbook 25 Feb 2020

    After the release of the FF7 remake, does anyone else want to see this edited to look like the redesigned Tifa?
  11. NP Thur 2 April 2020

    Judging from the emphasis (Why aren't you the Hero of Melee?) I'd say that it's more a general question - not "Why is the HoM not chasing me?" but "Why aren't you the HoM at all?" To that I say, the reason is obvious - there's the Hero of Melee, the Hero of Magic, Hero of Skill (ranged), and then there's the Hero at the Heart, whose role it is to bring them all together and lead them.
  12. Story Friday, Jan 24, 2020

    It might also be a noteworthy example of Tedd's character growth. Compare her attitude in the relevant strip of this topic to his attitude a couple years ago (comic time).
  13. NP Wednesday July 24, 2019

    Glasses again? Maybe Tedd is feeling insecure.
  14. NP, Wednesday July 10, 2019

    Re: the commentary I think it's better that he left the metaphor open-ended. I'm sure that we have more than our share of Tolkien fans - they may know that Tolkien despised allegory. Quoth the forward of the book: "I much prefer history, true or feigned, with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse 'applicability' with 'allegory'; but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author." By leaving it open, Dan broadens the applicability, allowing for the interpretation to lie on the reader's shoulders. That said, I'm with Kitty - Just garlic bread and chill or something.
  15. EGS Strip Slaying

    I'm Spartacus!
  16. NP Wednesday, May 15, 2019

    I took it as saying "There's no way they won't get married, it's only a matter of time."
  17. NP Wednesday, May 15, 2019

    Quoth the commentary: Grace....Verres?
  18. Story Wednesday February 27, 2019

    Am I the only one that is getting a bad feeling about Smokey? Like, he doesn't just want transformations, but POWERFUL transformations?
  19. Possible, but knowing Rich it's highly unlikely.
  20. Story Wednesday September 12, 2018

    "So your ego made you stupid?" Ego does that to a lot of people.
  21. NP Friday Sep 7, 2018

    Maybe at the end of the game, they gang up and kick the villain's ass.
  22. Story Wednesday August 29, 2018

    I dunno. With Rhoda, we're probably seeing the remnants of her crush on Diane (I had crushes nearly 20 years ago that never fully went away), and frankly, Lucy may just have that attitude with everybody. I don't think we've seen enough of her to really judge (we just had, what, her third appearance? And four lines in it was more than she had in either of the ones before).
  23. Story Wednesday August 29, 2018

    Honestly, none of this really surprises me. The statement in the previous comic that "half the school" had "hit that before" was clearly news to Diane, and these two girls' opinions seem to run along the same lines as Nanase's, as seen in Diane's first appearance. But then, that's not what's important here - what IS important, is Diane discovering what people outside of her inner circle really think about her.
  24. NP Wednesday July 4, 2018

    While Dan does make an interesting point about roughhouse playing, the difference is I've never known animals to do it until one of them is unconscious.
  25. Story Friday June 15, 2018

    This hotel seems to have an unusual design - most hotels I've seen have odd- and even-numbered rooms on opposite sides of the hall.