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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by InfiniteRemnant

  1. The Association Game

    It's Bearly a discussion really. It's really just rehashing of an Ursanine point.
  2. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    Of course I would misread that as cape of Siri... Great, now I have a mental image her cape talking to her in a computer Voice.
  3. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    A lot of the spells shown thus far react to subconscious control, the cellphone functions could be the same way. he doesn't need to train them because he's not consciously in control of them, they're operating entirely on instinct.
  4. NP, Monday April 4, 2016

    ...yeah, that's not how alchohol works at all. It doesn't make people universally social, it weakens their inhibitions and shuffles around their motivations. how those changes manifest depends on the person, their mood, and how much they drank, and can be almost anything including; thinking everything is inexplicably hilarious (me apparently, I'm told i'm prone to giggling like a deranged lunatic when I drink), hitting on everything in sight, becoming the undisputed lord of snarky comments, deciding the entire world is your enemy and taking it out on whoever's closest, suddenly becoming everybody's friend, to throwing todler-esqe tantrums, just to name the reactions I've seen in person.
  5. NP Friday April 1, 2016

    I don't like jarring setting changes, so that was what stood out to me the most in the reviews. and again, haven't watch anything beyond the first season, only read reviews.
  6. Things that make you worried.

    the only thing rodents can't burrow through is metal.
  7. NP Friday April 1, 2016

    You mean where it abruptly changes theme to a gunslinger game and looses what little dramatic tension it had due to the stakes being much lower and the main character's skill higher? haven't watched that one, and from what I've read about it, no way in hell am i going to.
  8. The Association Game

    Please don't poke Guilomon
  9. What's in the Lost and Found?

    I'll just put it over by the pile of Pokeballs.
  10. More Speculation.

    I doubt that's a factor given Pandora's age. Pandora is confirmed to be a minimum of 500, (she said herself she's been claiming to be just shy of 300 for centuries. Centuries, plural, so minimum 2.) seems to favor attire that belongs in the medieval ages when appearing in her adult form, which would suggest closer to 1000, and for all we know she's THE Pandora, of greek myth, which would put her at 2800. give or take a century. If age made them more vulnerable to attack, the advantage should still have been theirs.
  11. More Speculation.

    I have to question the idea of a single immortal forcibly resetting them though. Pandora is powerful, sure, but is she that powerful?
  12. The Association Game

    Gone Clubbing.
  13. What's in the Lost and Found?

    wait... how did a [?] block get in here? i didn't think those were a real thing...
  14. The Association Game

    references i don't get.
  15. The Association Game

  16. The Association Game

    Mr. Verres closet. (ignoring th part in brackets)
  17. What's in the Lost and Found?

    conveniently, right next to Keanu Reeves career.
  18. NP Friday April 1, 2016

    meh. SAO always felt like a pretty, but shallow, rehash of other anime series. It starts off looking like it's going to be all complex and deep and get inside your head at first... only to follow through with a generic damsel in distress subplot, questionable characterization choices making several characters feel like the kind of people who never would have bought an MMO in the first place, a main plot that feels rushed, and constant dissonance between the running subplots and the THREAT OF IMPENDING DEATH. That said, i may be a bit... biased. Kinda a big fan of .Hack//, so somewhat predisposed to hate something that feels like a mockery...
  19. The Association Game

    There is no try.
  20. NP, Wednesday March 30, 2016

    Clearly Pharaoh RutinTutin seeks the Grail...
  21. The Association Game

    RPG logic.
  22. Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    As a general rule never trust any spellchecker with any name. Every time I've done that I've had to go back and fix it later.
  23. Story Monday March 28, 2016

    ...that's kinda the point.
  24. The Association Game

    Very confused
  25. We have a chat room!

    http://www.instructables.com/id/Add-an-IRC-Chat-room-to-your-website/ Like this maybe?