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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by Arcanimus

  1. Three Word Game

    Cue dynamic entry.
  2. The Band Game

    Their first album, S//plice//lice//cience, sold well in Japan, but only released to moderate acclaim in the US and EU, despite difficulties with getting the guitar guy to record a studio album or play live concerts. Their second album, sans guitar absolutely tanked, and now they primarily play birthday parties and weddings with a new guitarist. Leather, Lace, and Lipstick is a metal group of men in drag, fronted by a leather-clad toaster. Don't ask how the toaster hits the high notes, but they do.
  3. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, however all of the simulations are COMPLETELY EVIL and trying to kill you. You also find Evil Lincoln, in every simulation regardless of setting. I wish for Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra to be a story (or show) of its own.
  4. Three Word Game

    rather fortunate because
  5. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. I do. Also, WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! (You are crushed by a steamroller) I want to have an ability to counter ZA WARUDO
  6. Three Word Game

    a goat from
  7. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. Your free time, and all other time is now managed by Donald Trump. He sends you to a sweatshop in Taiwan. I wish for more free time.
  8. Three Word Game

    the sauce expired.
  9. What's in the Lost and Found?

    They're nearly stacked atop the first and the intermediate shreds as well.
  10. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, however you instead receive a Purple Positron Prose Cannon. Unleash literary devastation upon your foes. I wish for a vastly improved vocabluary for the purpose of artistic alliteration.
  11. Three Word Game

    out in joy,
  12. Three Word Game

    A woman of
  13. Last Post Wins

    *inhales deeply* (In as loud a voice as possible) Princesses! ASSEMBLE! The field has been set for this, your final battle! The victor here shall rule Mushroom Kingdom! There can be only one.
  14. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, however the newly formed art-charity soon tanks due to lack of revenue. I wish for shapeshifting abilities.
  15. Last Post Wins

    *shouts out, mimicking the BOOMING GOD-LIKE VOICE* ALSO, PEACHES. (Somehow it works, but not with the intended result. Hundreds of Princess Peaches spontaneously appear amidst the tulips)
  16. Last Post Wins

    *spots a windmill and quant house in the distance* Huh. *hears a spooky voice saying "return the slab"*
  17. Last Post Wins

    Oh, oops. I seem to have accidentally turned on "Lost Woods mode". Use the Konami Code to disable it.
  18. Three Word Game

    Baron Siegfried the
  19. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, however the first time you wear it you will be forced into the life of a Mahou Shoujo, and spend the rest of your days fighting the villain of the week, never gaining the upper hand in the greater battle. I wish for the abilities of a Contractor from Darker Than Black.
  20. Three Word Game

    small rooms, culminating
  21. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. Your back is now a scratching post for every cat in a 400 km radius. I wish "normal" didn't exist.
  22. Last Post Wins

    *hands IR a program* It's all in here. even the spoilery stuff.
  23. NP Friday Oct 7, 2016

    Or both. Both is also good.
  24. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. Knowing the answer generates a PlotHole in reality, however. You spend your remaining days as a TVTropes editor, and found IRLTropes. I wish for IRLTropes to be a reality.
  25. Three Word Game

    perform alchemy with