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Everything posted by ChronosCat

  1. NP Wednesday, Oct 23, 2019

    There was a Pokemon-themed puzzle game on 3DS like that which I played a bit of (without ever paying anything), but it got frustrating how just when I was really getting into the game I'd need to take a break. Also, I don't like to turn on a gaming system just to play something for a few minutes, so unless I feel like playing a little bit of that puzzle game then switching to something else (or vice versa), it just isn't convenient for me to play. (I might feel differently if it was on something that I had on most of the time, like a phone... But then again I never fire up any games on my computer to play for just a few minutes, so maybe playing games for a few minutes at a time just doesn't appeal to me.)
  2. NP Friday October 25, 2019

    I don't follow. I mean, I suppose the fact that Ferengi see naked women so often could lead to them becoming desensitized to it, but the fact that it's considered normal would also make it unlikely they'd comment on it either. (Also, this comic implies Rich and Larry would have found her sexy if she was wearing more clothes. It's been a long time since I watched DS9 -- do you remember Ferengi ever saying they found clothed women sexy? I thought that it mainly just offended the sensibilities of more conservative Ferengi.)
  3. NP Wednesday, Oct 23, 2019

    I haven't actually played any games like that (these days most of the games I play are by small indie developers and/or on older consoles), though I have heard of them, and agree they're far worse. (I actually passed up Diablo III and one of the Sim City games because they required an always-on internet connection and I didn't have that at the time.) Another recent video game trend I despise, one I refuse to participate in on principle, is the "freemium"/"pay-to-win" style game. I can tolerate buying bonus levels and characters and the like when they feel like significant new content added to an already fun game, but I cannot tolerate paying real money for in-game consumables or other content of little long-term value, and if the game isn't fun without paying for extra stuff, I'm not going to play the game at all.
  4. Things That Are Just Annoying

    As far as Challenger goes, I was only in Kindergarten at the time, so the memory is a bit fuzzy and uncertain, but I want to say that they had brought a TV into the classroom so my class could watch the launch. I remember thinking something looked wrong (but not being familiar enough with shuttle launches to be sure) before the TV announcer said anything, which would support the idea that I saw it live. At any rate, I was really into space related stuff at the time, so it was a huge deal to me. I was shocked, and a rather sad about the lost astronauts and the teacher who was on board. I was also really disappointed when the shuttles were all grounded for close to three years afterwards, as I had enjoyed reading about the things astronauts did and that was a really long time to wait as a kid.
  5. NP Wednesday, Oct 23, 2019

    DLC? Bah! I remember when you bought a game once and it never changed. No patches, no expansions, no nothing -- and we were happy with it! Well, except for when the game shipped with a game-breaking bug... Or they released a new version of the game and you had to pay full price if you wanted the new features despite it being essentially the same game as the one you already had... Okay, so DLC and downloadable updates aren't all bad. However, I do still prefer it when I can get the complete and final version right off the bat, no assembly or additional purchases required...
  6. Story, Wed 16 Oct, 2019

    A brain-dead person wouldn't (be in a position to) take offense, but their friends and family might take offense...
  7. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I was sitting at the computer trying to write, when I decided to turn on the radio to listen to some music. Instead I heard a live news report about the event, which quickly let to my turning on the TV and turning off the computer. While I feel a lot of sympathy for the victims and those close to them, the event really didn't strike me with the same level of shock and horror it did many. Instead it was more of a grim resignation - I knew that terrorists attacks had been occurring around the world, and had figured a major international terrorist attack happening in the US was just a matter of time.
  8. NP Friday October 18, 2019

    While having a mental backup (& recovery) is standard and desirable in such cases, there are some stories where that is not the case. For example, in the old Toho monster movie "Frankenstein Vs. Subterranean Monster Baragon" (AKA "Frankenstein Conquers the World"), the disembodied heart of Frankenstein's Monster is hit by radiation from the Hiroshima nuclear bombing, causing it to regenerate a new body which has a mind like that of a small child, and apparently no memories of the Monster's previous experiences. (Then in the sort-of-sequel, "War of the Gargantuas", torn off skin from the first monster regenerate into a second monster with a completely different personality.) ...For that matter, even the movie version of Wolverine can only regenerate brain tissue, not the knowledge stored within that tissue (at least according to "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"). I pretty much agree with the view hkmaly mentioned, though it does get a little more complicated if the two versions of you are alive at the same time. In that case, both parties have continuity with the you who made the backup, but one version has more continuity than the other. Ideally in such a case, both versions could come to some sort of agreement as to what their relationship to one another and the being who made the backup is. In that case I would respect that agreement. When the two versions can't agree is when things get really tricky... (Incidentally, this side track is actually rather relevant to EGS, as it ties into the relationship between Elliot and Ellen...)
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    More or less the same here, though unfortunately I didn't actually consciously realize I had finite energy to work with until a few years back. As a child I assumed I was just lazy or a wimp depending on the situation (which did nothing good for my self esteem), and even after being diagnosed with depression it took a long time for me to figure out the difference between "I don't want to do this" and "I don't have the energy/spoons to do this".
  10. Friday, October 18, 2019

    Speculation: The reason Dan hasn't introduced any counselor characters is because he's been planning since back when he thought the comic would get to the main cast's college years quickly that Grace would become the counselor of the group.
  11. Friday, October 18, 2019

    The next comic suggests to me that had more to do with her relationship with Elliot than her having a strong interest in ftm transformations for their own sake. On the other hand... Yeah, Sarah was pretty enthused about the MV5 form, though it's hard to say how much of that is about the transformation and how much of that is about admiring male bodies... As for Nanase and Cheerleadra, I'm definitely reading that as interest in a female body, not in the transformation itself. ... I guess I might as well concede that Sarah's statement isn't entirely out of the blue. However, Nanase's statement still seems like new info to me. At any rate, my chief complaint isn't that I don't think the characters like sex-change transformations, it's that this in this comic they seem to be implying they have a similar level of interest in it as Ashley and Tedd do, which I do not believe to be the case. Perhaps they are merely showing solidarity, which I suppose is fine so long as Ashley doesn't get too much of a wrong impression. What I'm afraid of, though, is that they all really do have almost the same interests now; I prefer characters to be very distinct from one another, and would find this turn of events disappointing and annoying - not to mention somewhat immersion breaking.
  12. Friday, October 18, 2019

    I definitely need to re-read the comic sometime soon, I keep forgetting about things from the period after I stopped obsessively re-reading the comic (roughly the end of Sister II)... However, while Playing with Dolls does establish that Nanase has an interest in transformation, that just puts her in the same boat as Sarah. I still don't recall any evidence that either of them have a specific interest in sex-change transformations.
  13. Friday, October 18, 2019

    While Nanase has plenty of reason to be grateful to Tedd for playing around with mtf transformations, it seems to me Nanase thinks of Ellen as her own person (who has always been female), not as a copy of transformed Elliot. Nor do I think Ellen's powers have anything to do with Nanase's interest in her. I suppose Ellen's own interest in transformation could have gotten Nanase into it, but I can't recall any indication of that in the comic. Do you disagree with my assessment, or is there something I missed?
  14. Crazy Counting Guy

    You really do love counting, don't you? Out of curiosity, do you laugh after you finish counting? And are thunder and lightning involved?
  15. Friday, October 18, 2019

    Yay for bubbly background in panel seven! ... While the show of support for Ashley is nice, it seems strange to me to have them all bringing up their interest in sex-change transformations when as far as we've seen it isn't nearly as big an interest for any of them as it is for Ashley & Tedd. Sarah is more into transformation in general, Ellen likes sexy girls but otherwise I've always assumed her focus on FV5 was just because it was her first power, I think this is the first time Justin's interest in teasing straight men has shown up in canon (unless you count his desire to get Elliot's attention around the time of Grace's party), and I don't remember Nanase's interest in transformations ever being mentioned before at all.
  16. Monday, Oct 14, 2019

    If you believe I was suggesting something like that, I don't know how you got that impression. I certainly didn't mean to suggest that. All I've been trying to say is that reconciliation between Tedd and Noriko should only occur if both parties want it (and not just because it turns out Tedd has magic), and if written realistically (which I hope it will be) will take a lot of work and pain along the way. The early parts of it are particularly likely to be painful, and as such I expect the story their first meeting occurs within to be on the downbeat and/or bittersweet side.
  17. Monday, Oct 14, 2019

    I missed the "some", but I did mean between Tedd and Noriko. Noriko really hurt Tedd, and while Tedd needs to work through that pain enough to heal, he doesn't need to forgive her, and unless she delivers a heartfelt apology and does everything she can to make it up to Tedd, I don't think he should forgive her. At lest, that's my opinion.
  18. Story, Wed 16 Oct, 2019

    I'm not entirely sure of your point here, but in case you didn't realize weirdee was talking about Tedd, "trans" can be used as an umbrella term for everyone who isn't cisgender.
  19. Monday, Oct 14, 2019

    Frankly, with all the build up, I would be a bit disappointed if Tedd's first meeting with his mother after all this time resulted in a happy reconciliation. If they're going to reconcile at all, I want it to take a lot of work on both sides, and some time. (Also, this is probably my own issues talking, but I actually would prefer it if they never fully reconciled. Much like with Justin and Melissa, sometimes when a relationship ends, it's for the best that it stays ended.) As for whether the meeting is likely to take place in this story, I say no. Dan's tweets prior to the start of this story suggested it and the party it features were a more-or-less last-minute idea. I would expect Tedd and Noriko's reunion would be an event planned for well in advance, occurring in a story that had been in Dan's long term plans for some time.
  20. Monday, Oct 14, 2019

    I do not expect the reunion between Tedd and Noriko to be a pleasant one, at least at first. Tedd has a lot of pain over her abandoning him, and he's likely to either shut down or take it out on her. And if she tries to reconnect with Tedd and Tedd has any reason to believe she knows that he has magic, he may believe that she only cares about his magic, not him. Unless I'm completely misreading things, that story will be one of intense drama and angst. Meanwhile, I was hoping and expecting Title Pending to have just as much fun in it as drama and to be upbeat overall, much like Grace's Birthday Party. So, this is another "no". Cake is Truth.
  21. Friday, October 11, 2019

    Out of curiosity, do you normally say "in TV" in your area/language? I've only ever heard it phrased "on TV" in American English... Though actually, given what it looks like, "in" does make more sense. I'm not sure how aware of that Dan is, but it clearly isn't enough to stop him from giving characters that ought to be side characters tons of development, to the point where some of them border on being main characters themselves. I'm not saying this expansion of the cast is a good thing, I'm just predicting what seems most likely based on Dan's writing style. I'd call eight "plenty" (particularly as Dan has a hard enough time juggling the current 8)... Also, I didn't actually work out what characters were potential main character candidates when I made that statement; I based my statement on the fact that that there have been a lot of times over the years where it's seemed to me like I was looking at a potential future main character or at least important supporting character. Some of those times were probably for the same characters. And some of those characters don't seem like main character candidates any more (for instance, after the way things ended between Justin and Melissa, it would cause too much friction to bring her into the group, and it's been so long since we've seen Grace's siblings they'll need a re-introduction just to return to important supporting character status).
  22. Friday, October 11, 2019

    Well, I'm certainly not waiting for it. He's well behind Rhoda and Catalina, but I suspect that Noah will one day be part of the main cast. In fact, between the big deal Dan made of him when he was introduced, and the fact that he was made to be Elliot's friend, I suspect that Dan has always intended him to become a major character if not one of the main group, it just hasn't worked out that way (yet). Charlotte has all the makings of an important character, particularly if we get more focus on Ellen and Nanase's adventures. Liz seems okay being outside the group, but between how much she cares about Ashley and her having been implied to have magic, I expect her to get more focus in the future, and after that who knows. If Diane and Rhoda are both main characters, it would be strange for Lucy to be left out; besides, romantic partners have a tendency to be drawn into the main group (or at least it worked that way with Ashley). Luke and Sam are on my list because they are in relationships with main characters. But yes, they're nowhere near ready to be main characters; this is why I specified they would be candidates if the relationships got serious (if the relationships get serious they will likely get lot more panel time and spend more time with the current main characters, but if the relationships don't go anywhere I expect them to fade out of the narrative once their plotlines are complete). Other characters I can think of off the top of my head that I expect to get more panel time and who might far in the future become main characters (or at least get their own storyline) are Rhea, Akiko, and (together) Kitty & Felix. (And also the Germahn Labs crew, but besides a few cameos we haven't even seen them in canon yet.)
  23. Friday, October 11, 2019

    I'm not talking about Mr. Verres' "keep everything to you eight and there won't be any problems" (or whatever the exact quote is), I'm talking about how the characters see themselves, and how us readers see them. And I don't think either the group or we need Mr. Verres permission to think of Ashley and Diane as part of the group. That said, I don't think it will end with just ten. Too many characters are close to the "eight" and/or are given a lot of attention by the narrative. I think it's only a matter of time until Catalina and Rhoda join, and if their relationships with Jusin and Sarah get serious it would make sense for Luke and Sam to eventually join. Plenty of other characters have potential as well. However, I don't expect any of that any time soon (and certainly not during this story line).
  24. Friday, October 11, 2019

    So, this is more to do with this storyline in general than this strip in particular, but this strip brought it to mind and it doesn't seem worth creating a new thread in General Discussion for... The main eight all interacted during Sister I and Painted Black, but it was Grace's Birthday Party that really solidified them as a group rather than just a network of friends. Now, it looks like another party is going to see Ashley and Diane truly brought into the group after having spent quite some time as important satellites. ...Thus was the "Main Eight" upgraded to the "Main Ten"? No, no. The Ghost Shark is the Space Shark's one true love; that's how it fits into the OTn. ... Oops, almost missed it! Yay for starburst background in panel six!
  25. Story Monday October 7, 2019

    Maybe Ashley doesn't like fairies as much as she likes squirrels. Maybe Nanase is coming on too strong. Or maybe, like me, Ashley's not a fan of that outfit. I guess we'll find out Wednesday!