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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. The Association Game

    widely misunderstood thought experiments
  2. Things That Make You Happy

    I suspect that eventually, a lot of thos classic cartoons will be modified so that Popeye is blowing bubbles with his pipe instead of smoking, and cigars will turn into lollipops and such. I just watched the original Ghostbusters, and it was quite jarring to see so many characters smoking! Indoors, even!
  3. What Are You Ingesting?

    Rice cookers can also cook quinoa, teff, and many other grains! Can be nice to add a little variety and a lot more nutrition. Summoning Elder Gods ruins the taste, though.
  4. Things That Are Just Annoying

    If/when you call the police about such activities, stress how close to the buildings they are and how worried you are about a fire starting, how young the people handling the fireworks appear to be, how large the explosions are, any overhanging trees, anything you notice that will encourage them to take your call seriously and prioritize it over the hundreds of other calls they're getting on or around Independence Day. "The noise is scaring my cat" (or "waking my baby" or "interrupting my sleep") just isn't as important as trying to prevent fires, maimings, etc.
  5. NP: Friday, July 1, 2016

    What does it mean for a game to "go Gold"?
  6. NP: Friday, July 1, 2016

    Sounds like small bits of DLC shouldn't be a problem, as long as it's A) clear what you're buying, and B) priced appropriately. So, are tiny bits of DLC available for 10¢ or 25¢, or do they never offer anything for less than $0.99 or $1.99 or such?
  7. Last Post Wins

    I thought the periscope was what we use to see up into the gutter!
  8. The Association Game

    Curiouser and curiouser!
  9. The Association Game

    Steed and Emma Peel (and I think that rather dates me....) (incorrectly)
  10. NP: Wednesday, June 29, 2016

    Depends on how useful the cyborgs are. If one cyborg could do the work of a million-dollar load-lifter, and the cost of the drug were comprable to salary for a trained operator, then it would come down to cost and life expectancy of the implants versus cost and durability of the equipment being replaced....plus how flexible the cyborg is versus how versatile the equipment.
  11. Story: Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016

    That seems more like it to me. Hmm, I wonder how theobromine affects squirrels? Or Uryuom or Lespukos, for that matter.... I still have a picture of my Nook's EULA first page. A box to click saying something like, "I hereby confirm that I have read and understood this End User License Agreement," and at the bottom, "page 1 of 178" Now that Elliot has met the conditions to make his Magic happy, I suspect he's done with having energy build-ups. Not sure if it was explicitly stated that getting only girly spells and getting energy build-ups go together and end together, or if my brain just made that up....
  12. The Association Game

    ghost peppers
  13. Story: Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016

    In such a court case, there would be no way to prove *when* such additions were made to his spellbook. Edward could argue that the relevant passages could have appeared *after* the incident, perhaps in response *to* the incident.
  14. Last Post Wins

    It's all the good part! I'm with the Nac Mac Feegle on this one....this world has so much to offer, it's got to be our reward for having been good in a past life somewhere else!
  15. The Association Game

    *flips an hourglass*
  16. The Association Game

    Virgil Brigman back on the air
  17. The Association Game

    "Aw, crap." -Darien Fawkes
  18. Story: Monday, June 20, 2016

    Elliot being a boy scout doesn't really fit in with Gryffindor rule-breakers. He seems more of a Hufflepuff loyalty and helping others type. Their belief that everyone has value would fit Grace pretty well, too. He'd probably fit about as well as Neville did....
  19. Story: Friday June 24, 2016

    That would give you Cannon canon. What we're looking for is a real-life canon cannon.
  20. Popularity of gender flip in the general populace

    It's possible that if gender could be changed a will, then gender roles would end up even more rigid. After all, if a girl wants to be a fighter or a mathematician or President, well, she can just turn into a boy to do those things. And if a boy wants to stay home and raise babies, or be a nurse or a schoolteacher, well, he can turn into a girl to play those roles. No need to struggle for the right to do those things when you're the "wrong gender" for them, just switch to the "right one" and them you can play that role!
  21. What Are You Watching?

    Finally got to see last Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones, so now I'm trying to catch up on the video reviews and podcasts I usually watch before the last new episode of the season airs this Sunday.
  22. Story: Wednesday, June 22, 2016

    I'm pretty sure Edward was being honest with Tedd when he worried that spending a lot of time transformed into a girl could be bad for him. Edward is acting out of love and ignorance. In truth, having the TFG probably saved Tedd from years of gender dysphoria, and improved his mental health overall. Edward, however, doesn't know this, doesn't realize how important swapping genders is for Tedd. He's genuinely concerned for his son's well-being. That probably both helps and hurt; Tedd knows his dad doesn't mean to hurt him, but likely feels, on an emotional level, like his dad *should* know, should be able to see, and the fact that he doesn't is proof of the gulf between them. I'm hoping that Grace will find a way to introduce Edward to the concept of gender fluidity, and that once Edward understands what his son has been going through and how hurtful his past actions have been, that he'll force himself to be uncharacteristically open and forthcoming about it, and apologize to Tedd for all the pain and loneliness. Perhaps more likely that we'll get an awkward, stammered attempt which both of them will be relieved to cut short with an equally awkward hug....
  23. Story: Monday, June 20, 2016

    Perhaps Dan would be willing to expand to include Toms and Dicks, too.
  24. The Association Game

    Alas! Earwax.
  25. Popularity of gender flip in the general populace

    Given complete safety and guaranteed reversability, I'd expect the percentages to be far higher than that. Heck, given that transforming with the TFG is supposed to have health benefits, it might even be required, or at least strongly encouraged, in school.