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https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-089 Is Sam specifically aware that George claims to know everything that happens around that shop? Does George give off "i'm watching" vibes even when he's not watching? Or is Sam paranoid? Running with the bulls, Hope? I think you may be on the wrong continent.
Comic for Monday, Jul 8, 2024 As portrayed in the comic in the past, rebooted immortals are kind of clueless - the couple that have been hanging around Elliot, perhaps selfish - Zeus, who is watching out for Susan and Diane. Pandora rebooted retaining much more than normal memory of her relationships, yet the outstanding feature of Hope is that she is hampered in functioning, more so than others who reboot unencumbered. Was it just a bad idea? I have the impression that is not what Dan intended. I expect her to be dialed in more quickly than a normal reboot; able to reconnect with her past. Of course it could be that Pandora was discounting the affects of her own actions and how it would affect her future self. She clearly does not understand people all that well. I hope she connects and gets guidance. Jay's response is a bit odd. Is she surprised that Susan has friends? Implying that she does not?
Comic for Monday, Jul 1, 2024 VS list with some mental images. Tensaided looks fierce, Tedd looks apprehensive. Susan and Rich both look freaked out. I think George is getting ready to stomp AJ. Hope still looks worried and withdrawn. She needs to pull Sarah aside and talk to her.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-075 Yay for gloomy cloud background in panel two! (space for spoilers) It's nice to see cowgirl Guy again. And now Tedd has seen AJ's spell. I wonder if Tedd can tell exactly what the spell does? And what can Tedd do with that info? I mean, he could tell Justin, but I assume Justin can't just arbitrarily kick someone out of the tournament, and it would be pretty hard to prove AJ is cheating without getting into the existence of magic. Also, kicking AJ out of this tournament wouldn't prevent him from doing the same or worse at some point in the future.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-058 Does AJ have the ability to know what cards his opponent is holding? If this works for Poker (or other Vegas card games), then he may just be using these small town collectible card tournaments as a way to practice. A place to learn how to use his abilities without being noticed in a relatively low steak environment. But if his ability only works on people playing that particular game, then he may have one of the most useless magical abilities ever. And I couldn't be happier.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-057 The Line Cutter has official initials now. AJ. I suppose it could mean lots of things. But until I see confirmation otherwise, I'm reading it as "A Jerk". So which opening round pairing will be first in our focus?