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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Comic 9/10/16 - Cannon Wasn't Entirely Wrong

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Well, it's been a while, due to my trip to Texas (and subsequent post-vacation recovery), but fillers are done, and it's back to the story!
The punchline of today's comic actually harkens back to some commentary for the 4/30/16 comic, where I mentioned Sugar Rush's previous attempt at tasting her dessert-like teammate. Of course, Gelatin Boy is half gelatin, half boy, and he tastes like a combination of the two. Not very appetizing.
Also, not sure if I mentioned this before, but Sugar Rush won't have any digestive problems with those erasers; she's got a cast-iron stomach, and has eaten stranger things before. Now if they were pencils, they'd probably be sitting in her stomach like lead! Buh-DUM-tch!

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