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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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An Insight She Can't Unsee

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Enticia utters four words that everyone fears.
Enticia's been one of the more fun characters for me to write. She may be my favorite character outside of the main 3. She started off as a femme fatale, but I found myself discovering her character and backstory, and she's evolved as the story progressed.
That being said, she isn't always easy to write. I've become increasingly aware of how frequently men take advantage of women in the real world, especially in the last few months, and while I enjoy subverting expectations to create new characters and situations, I didn't want to make it look like I was dismissing what women were (and are) going through by turning men into the victims*. There's MORE than enough of that online. I hope that as the story goes on, that readers will find Enticia to be as deep and loveable as I do.
As far as the art in today's comic, my first sketch of Enticia in the last panel had her face looking even more cartoonishly exaggerated, but I felt that it made her look crazed instead of distraught. I feel pretty pleased with how I have her hands clutching her head and messing up her Halle Berry hairdo.
By the way, If you've been following me on social media, you know that I'm disappointed by the FCC's recent decision to repeal Net Neutrality laws (And if you enjoy webcomics like mine, you're probably disappointed, too). That being said, this isn't over. There's still plenty of things you can do!
1. Go over the FCC's heads and demand that your representatives in the Senate and Congress put Net Neutrality laws in place.
2. Tell the FCC that you are displeased with their decision; Net Neutrality isn't about taking away people's ability to take selfies and make memes, but about people's ability to have a voice that can be heard globally, and about small businesses having a chance to compete with big businesses.
3. Tell your ISP that you're not a happy customer; you want their website to guarantee that there will be no throttling back the speed at which information comes to you, that there will be no paid prioritization, and that they can still guarantee that low-income families have access to the FULL internet.
Don't give up on this cause! Keep listening to what's happening, and keep speaking out!
*In the context of this statement, I mean men as a whole. I am aware that men can be victims of abuse in relationships as well as women. However, a disappointingly high number of online complaints involve men complaining that women have it easier than they do, or that feminism is "taking away their rights", and that's just total malarkey.

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