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Comic 1/13/18 - Enticia's Least Favorite Running Gag

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A callback to comic #312, this probably won't be the last time we hear this phrase. And yes, we will soon get an explanation of what Mrs. Greene has to do with Enticia's attitudes on relationships... to some extent, anyway. Enticia's got a lot going on below the surface, and I look forward to exploring more of her character in the future. :-)
Titanium Maiden and Dino-Mo, as you can see from panel #2, are still there. TM tends to be quiet and gives other people space, whereas Dino-Mo's still taking all this in.
If comic #475 and the last panel of today's strip didn't make it clear, Sugar Rush is canonically bi. While she finds other women attractive, she's quite happy in her monogamous dating relationship with Dodge. The two of them happen to be a loving, passionate young couple who just happen to high-five each other whenever a beautiful woman passes by (I think I let Marshall and Lily from How I Met Your Mother influence how I depict their relationship a smidge).
Oh, almost forgot; Enticia's last line was, at one point, going to be, "I'm being punished, aren't I?!", borrowing a quote from one of my favorite movies: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze.  I decided to skip that quote and use some dialogue that made Enticia's feelings of frustration and guilt a bit more apparent.

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