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Filler 11/23/19 - Thanksgiving 2019

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Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at http://TheHeroesOfCRASH.com!

Thanksgiving is upon us! Ah, yes... that time honored tradition... Also known as National Gluttony Day, it is probably best described in the words of the great 20th century philosopher, Garfield the cat: "the day people celebrate food by eating as much of it as possible." That's exactly what it is, not some junk about being thankful for what you have or perpetuating a skewed myth about history that romanticizes the relationship between early colonists and native peoples. It's just the food thing. Yup.

Let’s put slightly depressing jokes aside and get to something more pleasant: some of the hidden details in this filler.

I wanted this fridge to look like a retro, 1950s-era fridge; I’ve always wanted a kitchen with a 1950s diner theme, albeit one with candy apple red rather than grayish green in the color scheme. I’m known to call the fridge the “Frigidator” and I’m not sure why; either I just decided to pronounce “refrigerator” in a silly way on a whim, or I picked it up from another member of my family… but either way I decided to turn it into this fridge’s brand name.

My family has had smiley face fridge magnets before; I gave them an emoji-like appearance for this filler. The alphabet magnets shown are a gold B (for Belt Boy), a green C (for Cannon or for Caped Cod), and – at the bottom – a pink T (for Titanium Maiden). The “Hang In There” magnet shows a tiny sloth, if you can tell. I was going to draw a monkey instead of the usual cat, but I figured a gray sloth would stand out better than a brown monkey against the brown tree branch.

The shopping list includes some Thanksgiving foods. The message at the top right is supposed to be on the inside of a greeting card. Max/Belt Boy’s hand turkey is well-drawn, but not well-colored; his artistic skills are mainly limited to design, as he’s had to draw up blueprints many a time. Caped Cod drew very well considering he was holding the crayon with fins.

Hope you liked this filler! Due to all the craziness around Thanksgiving, there will be a filler right after Thanksgiving as well, but I have a little something special planned, so keep your eyes open for something fun next week...! Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

P.S.: Also, please consider donating to a food bank with cash or with fresh nonperishables (If you're just cleaning out your pantry and donating a can that's rusty or a few years old, you deserve to step on a Lego brick).

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