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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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4/25/20 - Jackknife's Unwelcome Welcome

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This is why Jackknife's not on C.R.A.S.H.'s official welcoming committee. It's hard not to be in awe walking through the halls of C.R.A.S.H., even for someone as jaded as Enticia, but Jackknife's got a knack for ruining otherwise fun or meaningful moments.
There's quite a bit going on in the first panel. You probably noticed Gelatin Boy's hand sticking out of the locker and the "Only You Can Prevent Pyrokinesis Incidents" poster with Crush, the C.R.A.S.H. Rhino. But there's a bit of a subtle joke hidden in there, too. The door in the middle of the panel reads Z311 - a spoof of the famous A113 Easter Egg hidden in the background of animated movies and tv shows, most notably Pixar films. A113 is a well-known classroom number at CalArts, where many animators learned their craft. Since I never went to CalArts, I did my own little backwards version of that Easter egg.
The hardest part of drawing this entire strip was making Jackknife lean on the wall and trying to make his arm look like it wasn't out of its socket. It's not easy trying to be your own art model when you don't have a mirror right next to a wall for poses like this.
Don't forget, there's a little less than a month until my annual art contest ends! I'd love to get some cool fan art from you folks for my birthday!

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