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Darth Fluffy

NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 23, 2025

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I know a dancer who balances up to 6 swords while belly dancing, so a book isn't that big of a deal.  That's what she started with.  She also does flaming swords while dancing. I don't think she balances them on her head, but I've never seen her act after she passed her certification to use fire.  I was not aware that there is a national belly dancing federation that has tests and everything for professional dancers.

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7 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:


Do I understand Bishop? 

If your best abilities are the skills possessed by hired help, you will end up as hired help or married to a poor man who can not afford hired help  


That does seem to be what she is saying.

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14 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:


Do I understand Bishop? 

If your best abilities are the skills possessed by hired help, you will end up as hired help or married to a poor man who can not afford hired help  


I took it more in the vein of "You won't stand out from your competition and be noticed." If the hired help can do it, you're not really special.

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15 hours ago, mlooney said:

I know a dancer who balances up to 6 swords while belly dancing, so a book isn't that big of a deal.  That's what she started with.  She also does flaming swords while dancing. I don't think she balances them on her head, but I've never seen her act after she passed her certification to use fire.  I was not aware that there is a national belly dancing federation that has tests and everything for professional dancers.

I saw a similar dancer at a recent (last spring or summer, 2024) Ren Faire in Kingston, NC. I don't recall how many swords she did, but it was multiple. There was flame involved in the act, but it might have been her magician husband juggling.

It makes sense that if public safety is involved, there is some form of testing and certification. I don't associate sword tricks and flaming objects with belly dancing, it seems like an add on, probably starting in circuses many years ago, say 1800s in the US or even much earlier in Europe.

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3 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:

It makes sense that if public safety is involved, there is some form of testing and certification. I don't associate sword tricks and flaming objects with belly dancing, it seems like an add on, probably starting in circuses many years ago, say 1800s in the US or even much earlier in Europe.

There is some evidence (mainly paintings) that two sword dancing was done “in period” (read pre-1600) but we aren't sure if it was what we would call “belly dancing” or not.

I've met Emine in person twice at Pennsic, and she's a “Friend of Explorer” on the “Known World” Discord server and Facebook. She has a full-time mundane office job, does professional belly dancing on weekends, makes her own Elizabethan grab, is a frequent crown retainer and acts as a water bearer at fighting events, including wars.  Oh, yeah, and she manages to post 6–10 times a day on Facebook and the server. I wish I had half her energy.

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And she lives on a 4 acre plot and has 8 or so semi tame deer.  They come up to the window to hang out with “Murder Britches”, her husband's cat, who is inside facing the glass sliding door to the backyard. If ever there was a real life “Disney Princes” she's it.

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1 hour ago, mlooney said:

There is some evidence (mainly paintings) that two sword dancing was done “in period” (read pre-1600) but we aren't sure if it was what we would call “belly dancing” or not.

I've seen 'belly dancing' several times, NY Worlds Fair, '64 & '65, Epcot, TV, not sure where else, no swords involved. Wiggling the belly seems to be the defining criteria. Oh, Salome in one of the fifties films about Jesus.

Emine sounds like a very interesting person; merely being female in SCA is 'interesting'. Let me know if she posts a YouTube singing with birds on her shoulder.

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3 hours ago, Don Edwards said:

Hm... I've known several females who were active in SCA - mostly bards, warriors, and warrior-bards.

Some, but they definitely are a minority, unless things have shifted?

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19 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:

Some, but they definitely are a minority, unless things have shifted?

Things have shifted A Lot. I'd say that the majority in the SCA are women, and the percentage of fighters that are women is rapidly rising.  Granted there have been very few queens “In their Own Right”, i.e., won crown a tourney, but lady knights aren't that big of a deal any more and the steel fighting peerage is about 40% lady in some kingdoms.  

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On 1/24/2025 at 8:59 AM, Darth Fluffy said:

Emine sounds like a very interesting person; merely being female in SCA is 'interesting'. Let me know if she posts a YouTube singing with birds on her shoulder.


No singing birds, but lots of swords. Linwe is her “mundane” name, just BTW.

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