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Comic 6/10/17 - Big Brother is Watching

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Necros is a level of evil that deserves a lot of symbolic, artsy backgrounds whenever he speaks, if the last few strips are any indication.
While Necros does love evil monologues, he's very careful about what he gives away to Belt Boy - moreso than most villains. He's given him just enough information to make our hero doubt himself or become paranoid, but he doesn't know how Necros is able to spy on him and his friends. Of course, we all know from the Gym-Nauseum storyline that Necros is able to use the cameras mounted on tiny BUG-type Necrobots (First seen 5/8/12, and first named 5/10/12), but he hasn't revealed this to Belt Boy. That's what seperates Necros from other archvillains; his speeches are more than simple brags and gloats where he reveals his plan to the hero. He knows just what information to withold so it's not used against him, and what to reveal in order to use his knowledge against the hero. His speeches are psychological warfare.

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