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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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  1. NP: Monday May 8, 2017

    You know, I wonder if Grace somehow knows that they want her boobs to get bigger, and is doing this just to mess with them. I kinda doubt it, but it would be funny
  2. Story Monday April 10, 2017

    You might want to read the commentary...
  3. Story Wednesday February 22, 2017

    I doubt that Tedd's father would be so accepting of it right off the bat. I mean, this comic should be plenty of evidence to that. If he really did know and understand what gender fluid is, he would have put two and two together by now, just like most of Tedd's other friends did. At best, he's going to need some time to understand and get used to the change, and that isn't an easy change to come to terms with. But either way, we can at least agree that Tedd's dad has to know at some point; Tedd can't keep avoiding it forever.
  4. NP Monday Jan 2 2017

    So, Catalina is going to try to get rid of the enchantments, while being unaware of the fact that the only way to get rid of them is to stop caring about hiding, making it very likely that they're going to add EVEN MORE enchantments on top of this by accident. brb getting the popcorn
  5. Story Wednesday December 21, 2016

    What evidence does Noah have to not blame Pandora for Dex? The main characters got confirmation thanks to Voltaire, but Noah never even met him as far as I'm aware; at most, Noah just saw him in the news report. As of now, Pandora seems to be the prime suspect from his point of view, and this conversation certainty doesn't help matters.
  6. Story Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

    Oh yeah, Pandora can kick his ass.
  7. Story: Friday, Aug 12, 2016

    This has got to be the worst justice system I've ever heard of.
  8. Story: Wed, Aug 3, 2016

    I wonder how she's going to react to this info...
  9. Story Friday July 29, 2016

    Well, while they both could be in the wrong with entering Grace's mind, let's look at it this way: The Emissary is trying to warn Grace about a huge devastating magic change, and Pandora is trying to start the apocalypse. I think I know who to support.