Something I would like to point out is that despite common preconceptions it isn't that power is at the heart of the sex and race and other similar issues. It is that sex, race, etc. is at the heat of the power issue. I will start with sex to see if I can try to be clearer. One little understood fact is that sexual harassment isn't about sex but about power. The act may be of a sexual nature but it is a power play plain and simple. The boss believes that if they cannot control the employe sexually they will not be able to control them professionally. The main reason why you hear more cases of men harassing women is because, unfortunately, there are more men than women in these high paying jobs. As this slowly, but surely, begins to change we will surely have mare case of women sexually harassing men as well as abuse of power is not linked to a specific gender. Ideally we would have less cases of sexual harassment period, but I am not that optimistic. Awkward Transitional Placeholder Around the late 80s-early 90s a split in feminism occurred. Some feminists retained the idea that to succeed in a society traditionally controlled by men women need special treatment. This is called protectionism feminism. Some say this promotes the idea of women as victims who cannot succeed without special help. Others argue that men and women are equals in all ways, and should have equal opportunity. This is called equality feminism feminism. It believes that neither gender should receive special privileges or protections. While I am only aware of such divide within feminism I can see this applying to any civil rights issue, which brings me to my next/final point(s). the problem the with protectionism feminism Is that rather than just recounting the all too real ways they have been victimized which is admittedly something that I can see being necessary they have gone one to make an IDENTITY out of that victimization. The problem with that is that it mirrors the old claim that women are children and withholds from them the right to be held accountable. Replace women with any racial or ethnic group and replace children with savage, and you could bring it back to civil rights. Do NOT misunderstand me. I understand that the scale is more tilted in favor of white hetero males and it DOES need to be equally balanced. ALL I am say saying is let's not be so eager to correct said imbalances that we create NEW imbalances. If you want one small real world example of a way the world favor women see how divorce courts tend to favor kids going towards the mom regardless of is the better parent. I am not saying it is more favoritism towards women than men. There ISN'T I'm saying there shouldn't be favoritism on EITHER side. Also full disclosure. I am white. Have so far voted entirely Democrat (though I would have voted for John Kasich given a chance). I am Adopted. I am Pro Life (Being Both adopted and born after Roe V. Wade possibly gives me bias on this but I believe I can argue my position with both logic and ethics). My Physical Sex is Male. The Short Answer to my Sexuality and Gender is Complicated. The Long Answer is as a guy I would only want to have sex with girls. If I could be transformed into a sexy girl (I thought about this without egs on any outside help though I did track down egs BECAUSE of the Gender-Bending. Not why I stayed though.) I would be primarily into sex with boys though I wouldn't give up on girls entirely either). Fun/Important Fact: I have Asperger's Syndrome. For those of you who don't know what that is it is a type of high functioning autism. It means I have high Intelligence( Iam told I have an 160 IQ) but low social skills. As such my default method for social events is to let people know going in that my social skills and social awareness sucks, and that if I do anything to offend them to please let me know and I  will gladly stop, but at the same time they can't really on me figuring out where it is on my own.