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Posts posted by vvaivi

  1. 9 hours ago, Scotty said:

    How so? We already knew that Tara was a little absent minded on some things especially when anxious about something, like not realizing that the reason Andrea hadn't returned yet was that she lost track of where the portal back was, instead she assumed Andrea was in trouble. Forgetting that Andrea had told her about the differences between Immortals and Ancients would fit in character for Tara.

    It was only a feeling, but I'll try to examine my feeling. It retroactively changes the previous climax into a plot where there was conflict because someone was forgetful or being ditzy. Elliot and Nanase are acting as ciphers for the readers, reacting to a flashback they couldn't have seen. It makes Griffins have modern human sensibilities, like Tara calling Andrea nerdy, which is very video game culture.

  2. 1 hour ago, Circe said:

    This is the sort of thing I wish Dan would edit out.  It doesn't really advance the story line, only adds a little characterization, and while it is somewhat funny IMO it's not funny enough to justify spending an entire strip on it.  I'm probably in a minority there I just would rather see the plot move along more.

    This bothers me for another reason.  Maybe I read too many Dresden books, but there is big difference between not lying and telling the truth and I would expect someone with Tara's intelligence to understand that.  I suppose you could say that none of the immortals in her half of the world have bad intentions and so she never heard of one twisting the truth....but that seems a bit unlikely to me.

    Ah well....at least Nanase looks very cute sitting on floating Elliot's leg.  And the griffin couple continue to remind me a lot of couples I know in real life. :)

    This strip kind of feels like it's leaning on the fourth wall. Like we got a joke out of it but at the same time it broke the characters and the world a little bit.