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Posts posted by Veya

  1. 19 hours ago, Howitzer said:

    You should kill her.

    Well, you see, the thing is that I had a small flock of people I knew telling me to avoid killing at all costs, I remember a friend of mine called me a monster when because I killed the goat lady at the start and I didn't care about it, and that's the thing, I care nothing for any of those characters, I don't have a reason to, as far as I am concerned, this game revolves around the game telling me I am supposed to care and expecting me to, and then putting said characters as obstacles to me.

    And don't get me wrong, I enjoy games where choices matter, Chrono Trigger is probably the Ur-Example for that in RPGs and it still holds as one of my favorite RPGs of all time, then there is the entire main Fallout series(minus 4, 4 is garbage story-wise. 3 is... eh, could be better, but gets a pass). the earlier TES games(Skyrim is... meh at best in this department).

    As far as I care, the "true ending" is the one my character just walks out of that cave, leaving the trail of dead bodies of those who tried to stop me, and gets back home in time for the next GameGrumps upload or something like that(I don't actually know the human level of technology in that universe).

  2. I will be honest, I am the rare kind of person who played Undertale and hated it, the whole "no kill" message felt like pretentious garbage to me, many characters people found "endearing" felt obnoxious to me(specially Papyrus), and worst of all, nobody could give me a satisfactory answer to why I should not kill certain characters, I used Undyne as an example, and why shouldn't I kill someone who's been trying to brutally impale me with spears? all answers I was given demanded a meta knowledge my character had no way of having, all while people I knew urged me to spare her.

    It was the first legitimately mechanically well-made game that managed to feel unfun to me, and I really can't understand why people like it.

    If there was a mod that allowed me to, say, kill anyone I want and gave the game ignore the kills, like divorce gameplay and story completely, I would probably be able to enjoy it a little, as I wouldn't have the game going "hurr durr ur bad" for every time my finger slips on a key.

  3. 1 hour ago, hkmaly said:

    Sounds much better than memorizing every single Legion spawn and encapment. Also, the game get points for allowing to load shotgun with coins.

    It's more that I played this game so much I memorized overtime, I didn't intentionally and systematically write down the locations.

    This isn't just about the Legion, I know every inch of that overworld, the main reason I stopped playing it was because I knew everything so well that I was avoiding all ambushes and traps without even thinking, when I started going through Nipton Town Hall and instinctivelly deactivating mines and shooting enemies before I could possibly know they were there, I realized it got a bit silly.

  4. 1 minute ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Hearing killing animals (fauna) described as one of the "fun options" does not exactly improve my impression of these games....

    The animals in this game involve mutated gigantic scorpions and chameleons that were genetically engineered into death machines past the point of being identified as chameleons, you don't exactly feel bad for killing them.

    I only ever few bad about killing dogs, and you don't ever HAVE to kill dogs in this game.

  5. On 4/27/2016 at 2:05 AM, partner555 said:

    I bet many people playing the game found it cathartic to beat these guys up.

    You have no idea.

    I am a huge Fallout fan, and New Vegas is my favorite game of the series, I've played it countless times and did every ending several times, except the Legion ending, which I did only once for the achievement and never again.

    In my every playthrough, I activelly go out of my way to cause as much trouble to the legion, and by "trouble", I mean "erradicate every single member of the Legion I can find from the face of the planet", to the point I have every single Legion spawn and encapment memorized so I can systematically erase them at will.

    It reaches the point of being somewhat troubling how very obsessively violent I am against them, I am cool with every other joinable faction in the game, and often will make sure to save as many faction as possible, but there is nothing worth saving with the Legion.