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Posts posted by Sargon

  1. Do you think that Pandora means "before waking up" as in waking up, or "before waking up" as in getting the ability to use magic.

    I know Dan said that Grace couldn't awaken on her own, but an Immortal like Pandora could probably find a way, and Pandora apparently wants to create a world where everybody can use magic, so...


  2. That's the problem with (most) people who refuse to accept evolution: They do it out of blind faith and refuse to learn about it, so they don't really know anything about it, so they are unable to have a logic argument about the issue.

    It reminds me of that politician guy who was convinced that the pyramids where granaries built by Joseph: When people pointed that pyramids were mostly solid stone with only some narrow tunnels and relatively small rooms inside, so they couldn't hold barely any grain, he refused to listen and insisted that the Bible said that pyramids were granaries, despite the Bible not mentioning pyramids at all.

    It can go both ways. I once read an atheist's webpage in which he explained that the Bible was wrong because it described a cosmology in which the sky was a solid ceiling with a sea and lands (Heaven) over it, and he explained it like it was a great discovery, a revelation that refuted religion, and I was like "Really? Dude, there are a lot of languages in which heaven and sky are the same word! And that description of sky/heaven has been there for thousand of years, do you seriously believe that you are the first one to read it?" I guess he believed that every religious person in the world was a fundamentalist who interpreted the Bible literally.



  3. I think Nanase may be a bit jealous: When she fell in love with Ellen, all she knew about her was that she was a female version of Elliot... I think she likes Elliot, and would date him if she weren't into chicks... she just isn't sexually attracted to him.

    But I think the main reason she feels suspicious is that she feels that Ashley is too good a thing and she came too easily into Elliot's life. In Nanase's experience, getting into a fulfilling relationship like this is hard: She dated like a hundred people (some of them quite awful, it seems) before finding her perfect match...



  4. On 11/5/2016 at 8:36 PM, Scotty said:

    That still requires him to morph back to normal first, Elliot's probably thinking "Well if I have to switch back to normal to avoid mind altering effects, I might as well stay normal."

    He can return to male and turn into Goth Chick somewhere  under good cover. If he changes to normal form and stays that way while he walks to the building, he's giving potential witnesses plenty of time to memorize his face and clothes.

  5. Wait... has Elliot forgotten that he uses his basic girlie spell to turn into the Goth Chick without adopting her personality every night before going to bed (and probably does every time he takes a shower too)?