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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by Arcanimus

  1. Story Friday August 19, 2016

    To be completely honest, I find Pandora to be no more unstable than the people I deal with every day at work. She's eccentric, sure, but I've always found sanity to be relative.
  2. The Association Game

    I'm just a Bill
  3. The Association Game

    There's math everywhere.
  4. The Association Game

    Math Blaster
  5. Last Post Wins

    *After floating in an empty void for an unknown amount of time, Arcanimus pulls out the trusty Undo Button* That's about enough of this. *pushes the button* *disappears, then reappears just before unplugging the PlotHole Generator* How about we don't do that.
  6. Last Post Wins

    Well, carp. That was *my* PlotHole Generator, not yours.
  7. Story Friday August 19, 2016

    Edward doesn't watch much TV, I'd wager. He got a call from Agent Cranium to watch Arthur's interview.
  8. The Association Game

    scalding hot beverage
  9. Last Post Wins

    *unplugs ProfessorTomoe's PlotHole generator*
  10. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, however it is one-way only and in a random direction, usually directly into a star. I wish for the ability to understand and be understood whenever I desire to.
  11. The Association Game

    Deception filter
  12. Last Post Wins

    *sees the tentacles* NOPENOPENOPENOPE *uses hearthstone* *pops back to the gutter comfortably*
  13. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. You now have a pair of rotary phones installed on your head. They somehow work no matter where you are wirelessly. One of them seems to be linked to the 411 line. I wish for infinite wishes.
  14. The Association Game

    Somebody Else's Problem Field
  15. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. You are now a tuna on your way to the processing plant. I wish for shapeshifting powers.
  16. The Association Game

    [confusion intensifies]
  17. Last Post Wins

    No, I'm not "Fate" but we're friends on Facebook. I'm pretty sure it'll be fine. Also, there's the matter of the boat not being able to rock at all under the effects of the anchor.
  18. The Association Game

    Which witch is which?
  19. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. Your wallet implodes before the Steam Sales, leaving you unable to purchase anything. I wish for more substantial discounts during said Steam Sales.
  20. Last Post Wins

    *deploys a fourth dimensional anchor, tethering Boaty McBoatface on the spot*
  21. The Association Game

  22. The Association Game

    Lost... in... SPAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!!!
  23. The Association Game

    Lost socks in the dryer.
  24. The Association Game

  25. The Association Game
