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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Posts posted by Solarn

  1. Only tangentially related to the pinup itself, it seems from the descriptions of the pinups for next month that we'll be returning to the more raunchy stuff after a few months of cuter/more subdued pictures. I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand, I'm not opposed to sexy times, but on the other, the last few pinups before Dan dialled it back a little were just one layer of plausible deniability away from being actual porn, which is really jarring when you consider the way EGS proper deals with relationships and sexuality.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Wixelt said:

    Ah, right. I assumed you were talking about something EGS related. My mistake. Explains why I didn't know what LFG meant.

    Also, the writer, Ryan Sohmer, is somehow even more of a jerkwad, including once having bragged about scaring away a woman criticizing him by threatening to rape her.Not even kidding.

  3. 17 hours ago, Scotty said:

    A Grace and Vladia story doesn't sound dramatic enough to require a cover page, if Dan did troll like this it wouldn't be a good kind of troll. The stuff that happened in the So a Date has "must be addressed ASAP" written all over it, to go on to something different first would be very annoying.

    Sorry, I might be channeling some disappointment from the recent turn that LFG took in their story, it went from "crap's going down, we have to get back to Kethenecia!" to being in a pocket dimension at the bottom of the ocean because some dolphin decided be a troll...

    LFG is still going? I stopped reading when the elf guy's mentor deliberately arranged for his heart to be broken and then murdered his lover to tie up loose ends.

  4. Okay, hear me out. Dan has said nothing more about the next story than that its cover will be a huge tease and it will end on a Friday, probably to be even more of a tease. What if this is the story that will make Tedd/Grace/Sarah canon?

  5. 6 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    I was content with the "Catgirl Incident" remaining vague.  Nothing wrong with some things happening just out of view.

    This feels like a tacked on answer to a question no one was asking.

    The catgirl incident has already been explained in the comic once in far more detail than this. This is just where it originated.

  6. My gender is similar to Dan's, although I do feel somewhat closer to a specific gender from time to time (usually female, I very rarely feel male). I actually thought about transitioning when I was 13 and first found out about the existence of transgender people, but since I didn't feel particularly strongly about it, I figured I wasn't actually trans and decided against it.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ijuin said:


    Although actually DA has much more stuff like that. FA has a ton of non-fetish furry art, while DA in recent years has morphed (heh) into a repository for transformation/growth/mind control fetish works.

  8. 10 hours ago, ijuin said:

    Dan has over eleven hundred Patreon patrons. Assuming anything like a typical ratio of readers to donors, EGS probably has at least ten thousand regular readers.



    Don Edwards said in the 3 May 2016 thread for EGSNP that the statistics say that about 30k people visit EGS on an average day.

    Mind you, about 20 of those every day are me checking repeatedly in the vain hope that Dan suddenly decided to update daily from now on and there are probably several others like me.

  9. 11 hours ago, Pizzaboy10 said:

    I feel like trigger warnings are kind of dumb nowadays, as people use them to describe things they don't like (Which I'm fine with), but then try to pass it off as something that'll send them into a PTSD attack (Which I'm not). That's an actual serious condition that you're trivialising, and makes those with the actual condition look bad. 

    Do they though? Granted, I'm not super active on tumblr and twitter, but from what I see, there are maybe a handful of assholes and/or idiots who misuse trigger warnings, a handful more who whine about wanting trigger warnings for things that annoy them, and the vast majority of users use trigger warnings responsibly.