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Posts posted by banneret

  1. Aye, it remains to be see whether Sarah is incapable of simulating any abilities, or if there are merely limits based on her perception or personal stores of power. I too suspect that she can simulate someone in a transformed state, because the state is a material consequence of an ability.

    I'm always excited to see an artist experiment with layout in the service of storytelling, since it is often subtle and overlooked.

  2. As the swap takes place in the context of the simulation, she would do well to investigate the extent of the simulation. Of course checking whether powers persist and she can use them is worthwhile and has comedic potential, but I'm more interested in Sarah potentially inhabiting Tedd and getting a sense of emotional state, as reflected by physical responses - is Tedd tense across the shoulders, covered in gooseflesh, slightly chilled? What is the resolution of detail that Sarah can reproduce without awareness of it, and what - if any - distortion does she bring to the simulation with her preconceptions?

    Of course, I feel that "checking for a magic mark" during a switch is adequately and humorously handled by looking at the inhabited body in the simulation.

  3. I think the Vampires who can sense Diane's status in detail probably have better targets. There are likely to be other people in town who might constitute a potential threat but don't have inconsistent contact with the eight, the other marked youths in their supporting cast, the adults with power, or immortals like Jerry. Access is almost as important as threat, someone who follows a routine and isn't in contact with as many powerful people is a much better target - if they're smart enough to detect her, they're smart enough to pick their targets.

  4. I see that Tensaided has a fine eye for logical, satisfactory ships. Sadly, seaworthiness doesn't dictate what makes it into the water.

    On 9/5/2016 at 9:39 AM, CritterKeeper said:

    I can see how he might come to that conclusion.  He strikes me as exactly the sort to cling to his own fanon even after it's contradicted in canon.  A classic Harry-Hermione shipper.  ;-P

    Even J.K. Rowling regrets putting Ron and Hermione together.

  5. On 9/11/2016 at 7:08 PM, hkmaly said:

    ... ok funny. I see I was not clear enough. I meant that it's hard to have the kind of sex which can result in pregnancy and is therefore most likely to be mentioned on sex education class without one of partners having erection.

    But not strictly impossible, since you can have ejaculation without erection.

    Anyway, most sexual education courses in the United States that don't focus on abstinence stress the reproductive process, basic methods of contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases. In retrospect, it is difficult to recall very many course topics which were less sexually encouraging, outside of certain sections of history and literature.

  6. While I don't believe the Disco Wizard is attempting to manipulate Pandora, I'm not convinced that he was directed by Magic itself. His discussion with Pandora in Grace's sleeping mind may be another play to expose, distract or weaken Pandora through driving her to violence, rather than Magic reaching out to cut the Gordian knot, and so normalize without a system change.

  7. Politics is not a recent invention, as a manifestation of hierarchy and the pursuit of power among social animals we can safely assume it predates written history. As far as we know there have always been leaders who rode to war, and leaders who did not, in the same periods. The warrior king and the tribal chief riding with their hosts are romantic notions, but we must not succumb to primitivism. Soldiers are sent to fight whether or not the leader is present, and historically the presence of leaders was a matter of practical necessity. Either the leader stayed with the host to direct it or stayed with the host for security, they can only now command from afar due to advancements in technology.

  8. Not always a choice. This computer runs Linux, but for my workhorse laptop and my gaming desktop, I need Windows. My workhorse, 8.1 to 10, now gets continuous hangs after the upgrade, but I haven't ruled out HDD issues. Nothing else has been upgraded yet.

  9. On Monday July 18, 2016 at 6:07 AM, mlooney said:

    Not major sad, just sort of bummed out.
    For reasons, I have not been reading all of my rather long list of web comics. I feel a little sad a deleting the book marks for them, but doing a archive binge of several months of 20+ comics isn't going to happen.

    This happened to me several years ago. I went from a hundred to sixty to twenty to two. I'm now up at six, but I can't even remember some of them, I get fleeting memories about this or that story I want to drop back to, but I don't have enough to go on.

  10. I've always felt EGS fan fiction is limited because the work is dense, and everything is interconnected. The world itself exists in one era, with three or four periods, but the well defined characters are often together, undergoing development, and Dan generates this array of touch points all around. If you want to stick Susan and Sarah together at any time they weren't in the actual comics, and you're probably going against canon, and even if you aren't, you need to thread the needle with each of their schedules. They're not going to hook up, I guess they can play video games except - wait, they did that in NP. You can't go back, because the characters don't really exist in the early period, and you can't go forward because writing Susan and Elliot's eventual lovefest is not going to work out if Dan does this, or that, or the other thing. Ignoring Canon invalidates most of what made the characters interesting, it all emerged through layers of activity and development.

    Contrast this with Harry Potter, where writers can work in three or four eras, maybe twelve periods, and you don't have any touch points to work with or around for most of the timeline. Want Lily Potter to have an eating disorder, and struggle with that through Year 5, you can. Want to detail a piece about Neville Longbottom's slow accumulation of power and wisdom over his school years, you can. Writing about Regulus Black waging a one wizard guerrilla war before anyone else knows what Voldemort is really going to do, sure, we know virtually nothing about him. Even the major characters have plenty of time for experiences, and a threesome with Gred and Forge may not even mess up Draco Malfoy's character from a canon perspective because his development is stuttering and superficial. Named Harry Potter characters, with a very few exceptions, are initial traits and simple relationships, which anyone can take and move elsewhere.

    Do I think about writing about a long, blooming romance between Susan and Elliot? Of course I do, a lot more than I think about Regulus' guerrilla war. I'm not going to write either of them, but Regulus would be both far simpler and probably better in the execution.

  11. Grace is dreaming uncritically, under normal circumstances I doubt she would learn anything from this experience. Her subconscious has put someone she knows - but only so well - at cartoonish risk against a composite of cute elements, it set her up for failure to resolve. There is nothing to trigger her, the circumstance itself lacks any sort of hard edges.

  12. I wonder whether any of the main cast would be able to project themselves into the dreaming of another, in an active sense. Mind to mind communication seems relatively uncommon in EGS, though Nanase and Ellen experienced it with the Angel Guardian form, and Tedd suffered a variant with the whale. Is it beyond Tedd to develop equipment to give himself the same power? Wizards and immortals can project themselves into dreams, is there are compelling reason the children cannot?

    On Saturday July 23, 2016 at 4:23 AM, Scotty said:

    Yeah, those were just natural dreams powered by teenage hormones and stuff. Elliot just seems to have some natural ability to do lucid dreaming, so....if there's any dream tampering going on there, Elliot's the one doing the tampering. ;)

    Elliot has a great deal of discipline and control, Sarah may have found it dull and Ellen thought it wooden, but the truth is that Elliot's self-discipline makes him considerably more powerful. Of all the eight, he is the one who would be the most dangerous in a dreaming state, I feel. There are conflicts in Susan that can be exploited, and Nanase grew up disciplined rather than developing her own self-discipline so I feel they would be less formidable in their own minds. Ellen navigated an implanted reality, Grace confronts fears, but Elliot actually communes with himself and redefines the experience.


  13. I bought Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE for the Wii U, which is a mashup of Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei. It started very slow and, although it has been improving, it isn't as strong as I hoped. Fortunately, I owned Persona 4 Golden on the Vita and had yet to play it. One day later, I'm four hours in.

  14. Domain specific, or technical, terminology can be useful when it serves to clarify, differentiate, or in other ways improve the precision of discourse. Not all jargon is useful, as not all jargon improves communication, and applicability varies based on audience and context. When useful, technical terminology still narrows the audience, though this is more of a signal, to precede a topic which otherwise should be selective. As ever, one must practice moderation.

  15. 48 minutes ago, mlooney said:

    That's the point.  You can't kill gods that have active worshipers.  Not people that know about then, I mean those that have active worshipers or other deep ties to the god.  Wanting to wipe out the cult of that god makes you have deep ties.

    Plus, you know, it's a game.

    In one campaign, I leaned upon the myopia of faith to permit the succession and execution of a deity, but that depended on the deity crafting an impersonal identity about rule, which could then be assumed by another. Fitting for a deity of betrayers and regicides, whose power is narrow, and arrayed against the order enforced by her peers and betters.

    Uncritical worship provides opportunity for usurpation, which is why a deity wants some intimacy with core followers, and some signature presence in the material plane to extend the scope of belief and attach it to herself in an identifiable manner.