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Posts posted by TehEpicDuckeh

  1.    I don't know if this is relevant in the current topic of discussion, but from my (continuing) experience in secondary school we are only required to take PE until grade 11, and like every other standard block, it happens every 2nd school day. It seems that Elliot and Tedd also have the same PE block, or at least they know each others schedule. And obviously educated turkeys are highly distinguished from those normie turkeys on gobblr.

  2. 24 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

    I'm still.... 'How is this a spell? this is like just Sarah simply playing imagination'

    Even if it is a spell that like does a magic radar ping of the surroundings how does that make it so intensive if it only interacts long enough to go 'here are objects.'

    I'm sorry but I'm not grokking how this is hyped up as big as it is.


    Also Resting Ominous Voice. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Great.

    It is so energy intensive because of the fact that it scans everything around her essentially down to the atomic scale, which makes it ridiculously detailed.

    Fun fact: I accidentally scans as scams and that happening IRC would just be silly. 

  3. Guys! I have realized that Sarah isn't seeing herself glowing when as Tedd, because the instant she started the spell, she wasn't glowing. I assume that when someone casts a spell, there is an almost immediate glow in Tedd-o-Vision. Because it isn't instant, and the spell captures the exact moment it is cast, Tedd(Sarah) wouldn't have been able to see it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Vorlonagent said:

    You could have the Fairydoll Squad, making the little buggers all over the place: Dex, Nanase, and Susan can all make them.

    I literally just realized that if Nanase made enough fairy dolls and Susan got a big enough box, they can have free travel by fairy and infinite kamikaze dolls.


  5. 1 hour ago, partner555 said:

    Think in their panic, Catalina and Rhoda would forget that no one would be suspicious if they act natural?

    If they didn't, then Luke would have to be around (potentially using 'aura vision' for the first few times?) for there to be much story. Also being shcked and looking at stuff tends to draw more shock and attention to the thing you are shocked about and then exponential growth of shock ensues. Grace may make an appearance and seeing (probably) how she knows about this will find out about it soon.