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Posts posted by RainbowWizard

  1. 7 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Unfortunately as time travel isn't possible in EGS, none of them would be able to do the time warp the first time let alone do it again. ;)

    Arguably with Sarah's 'timestop' spell's logic it's not impossible to have a suspiciously accurate simulation of the past while magic sneak edits the history books and fossil records and the wikis when nobody's checking. Less travelling through time and changing history, more magic having a sense of good humour about requests but being utterly terrified of the events that arise should paradoxes form.


    There is evidence to suggest such paradoxes have already happened in gone timelines. After all, when was the last time anyone thought about towels in EGS? Totally not froody.


    Seriously though you could probably find localised hacks through the EGSverse secret agency databases on time travel esque effects that do not involve actual time travel. Much like zombies, if you be loose on your definition of 'zombie', anything is possible.


  2. 5 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Years ago, Diane surrounded herself with a clique of girls.

    There were two common factors among those girls.  They were attractive, and they were willing to defer to Diane.*

    That leaves a very large gap of personality, history, interests, and opinions not involving Diane in which two or more member of the clique could be significantly different.

    This situation has festered for some time.  I think we can guess that whatever Rhoda did to offend Lucy was not of concern to Diane.  Likewise, whatever Lucy does to intimidate Rhoda is also unnoticed by Diane.

    *While the clique defers to Diane regularly, Diane herself may be unaware that this is a significant factor holding the group together.  Diane has often tried to bring Nanase into the clique, even though Nanase would not defer to Diane just because everyone else does.  Eventually, Nanase would challenge Diane for the Alpha dog position in the pack and the story winds up as a National Geographic documentary or a teen angst movie.

    You make teenage girl cliques sound like the Mafia.


    This makes too much sense.

  3. Yay I predicted the 'she gun be angry' in last comic's thread!


    What's that?

    Literally everyone predicted it before me? Well, peanutbrittle, that blows.


    Side note: Angry Susan looks increasingly Raven-ish. Probably the black hair, but hey, if immortals can have kids with mortals and they draw a lot of their inspiration from Shakespearian fairies...


    I make baseless accusations as to her parentage. Truth roll to save.

  4. just realised that angry Lord Tedd had an eye glowy thing when angry.


    Probably not relevant but might mean that Alt universe Tedd had the same powerset. Cool. Or that forbodes. Eep.




    On the subject of Nioi... Did Kaoli ever show up to hang out in Ellen's universe with Ellen? People linking to the older comics makes me realise suddenly that for us a lot of these plot sensitive time bombs were set up in back in 2004 (12 years ago!) but for these teenagers with attitude it was only a few months back, a year tops.

    Probably due at some point for some of these 'I will meet you at some point' open stuff from the old days of the comic to be resolved.


  5. f39.jpg



    Although to be fair, the capacity to 'boiiing' out one's bust does have combat potential if she does a training montage. Flesh creation to absorb hits that would hurt one's allies...


    Catalina is melee DPS Catgirl Rogue, Rhoda is maybe a ranged tank... with specialisation on power that does body scale morphs.


    They just need a cleric and they could have an adventuring party going!

  6. Heh, Tedd's getting a little bit Spacebattles forums there. 'Overkill gets the job done'.


    Very close to the SB axiom of 'one can never have enough dakka.'


    Still, good. All the secrets are unveiled, we're exploring options without too much exposition or rehashing points, and the facial expressions on the characters is really good.

  7. So things who aren't blocking her scan...

    Shoot, was hoping it could be used to detect invisible immortals.


    Heh, to those with magic sensing ability Sarah is like the scanner fish sensor in Finding Nemo.




    "Forsooth, what is that girl doing, Prismagic Wizard?"


    "I... I think she's trying to scry the entire area... How is she..."




    Also I only just remembered the thick black line on Sarah's hair is a hairband. I had abstracted it in my head as just 'Sarah's Hair'

  8. 16 hours ago, Don Edwards said:

    Catalina can ride on Rhoda's back, concealed by her hair.

    Or just revel in it and ride her head, Shadow of the Colossus style minus the stabby and Rhoda's just 'haha forgot I had a doll of my girlfriend ignore me please' if anyone asks.

  9. You know, this spell actually does fit Sarah pretty well, in retrospect.


    Looking at her character across the whole of EGS, her role has largely been to be the perhaps the most normal person in a group of people who are, to be honest, weird, and gaining power at an alarming rate in-universe (albeit years out of universe). The observer to their weirdness, the Jane to their Tarzan.


    This ability kind of expands on the same lines as her character: she has phenomenal cosmic power, but mostly to cogitate and reflect upon what those around her are doing.


    She dreamed of being a wizard once... And she will continue dreaming of being a wizard. Only better dreaming...


    Come to think of it, would a mind-entering power allow someone to see all this? Pandora could maybe piggy back in Sarah's mind as she did with Grace and have a looksie. I now start to realize that she may have been making a bit of a lie when she was saying 'I must find a way to observe what you do in there'.


  10. ... It just struck me that this power is like a really limited lucid dream.


    If she can do more than just transform her avatars, and as commentary Dan suggests, it's basically a Holodeck...


    Now I get how this could be high powered. Not just a simulation. Processing vast changes as if they were real in a simulation?


    Depends what happens later... And how real things are within the hangtime simulation doodad.


    Come to think of it, is she breathing real air in her 'real' world or the illusory air in the sim? I'd assume the former while she thinks she's doing the latter...



  11. I'm still not sure how this spell is high energy. 


    Near as we can see, it takes a snapshot of time in which you can move entities.


    The snapshot might not necessarily be 100% accurate, but so far is good enough.

    It seems high power from a tech logic, since it's simulating all objects in a room...

    But magic seems more 'five league boots' half the time, which make conceptual sense to human minds but not feasibly a thing. Magic makes Escher stairs seem viable to build.

    This spell feels like using the tfc 1 command in Skyrim, but then being able to move your character around and move other entities.


    It doesn't feel like it should be powerfu-


    What happens if she pokes a dragon while in this... Hangtime?

    Hey, Sarah should have super-counting ability now. Use power, count objects... Let's say a pile of 50,000 ball bearings. Turn off power, see if count matches up. 

  12. On 18/10/2016 at 1:23 AM, ShinyAeon said:



    When fictating becomes loud enough to startle your dog....^_^

    Unfortunately (I am the High King of Skyrim), it is likely autumn. Shopkeep has a 1d6 chance of stocking scarves.


    Disguise Chart:


    1. Hats of Unusual Size

    2. Overpriced OverEar Headphones of the Viking, Bluetooth

    3. Scarves. Nifty!

    4. Unfortunately you are nerds and this is a cosplay shop really. Cat ears... But also maid outfits!

    5. Huh. You found the EGS NP vanishing magic shop. Goomanji II: Eclectic Boogie Time


    6. This was a book shop and that's a cleaning cupboard that was a changing room before the book shop bought the premises.


  13. 7 hours ago, Aura Guardian said:

    "Do this, and you will no longer be Sarah. You will become MAJOR GENERAL SARAH."

    "GASP! A major general?!"

    Dan's been reading the Dresden Files lately. I'm not sure if that quote applies; maybe something from a different book would have been better and more applicable.

    Given the circumstances, the closest equivalent is Dresden becoming the Winter Knight.


    Which maybe would cast a slightly sinister vibe to the vow, if he quoted THAT Dresdennish mess.


    Still. Sarah's got Tedd Experiments teaching her mad sciencery, whilst Pandora teaches her how to become a wizard...


    She might NEED the time compression simulation magic simply to get the study time to gain power quickly.


    Then her rule is assured. All hail Sarah, Witch-Scientist Queen Of America!

  14. I really like the idea of sufficiently powerful 'chomps' at magic lowering the water level. It makes magic a bit more reasonable to think about, like thaumic particles you can drain energy from, and potentially split to create e magical equivalent of nuclear energy.


    Course, with this dam analogy, what you need is to make it a proper dam. With holes for magic to run through back to ifs natural course to go out to sea with metaphorical turbines within that power up your generators with regular energy... Can you stick a turbine in a fundamental concept of reality? 


    Either way, cheap electricity if you can finagle a generator to be run off magic.


    Speculaton below is mostly nonsense:

    Maybe if you turned Moperville into a big road bypass, and shaped the motorway roads so they were a runic array designed to spin magic as it enters the system, then use a modified dreamcatcher footpath shape to filter magic... Nah, too much would be kept, and you've got puddles of angry magic in the area. You need to funnel it, and it's in such a big area... And the rune and dreamcatcher might have the chance of manifesting spiritual entities naturally, leading to another Hellouth scenario. Maybe if you split magic through Dewitchery prisms, you could control it in manageable chunks to disappate into drivers going elsewhere?


    I'm sure the main cast would hate their homes being destroyed for a road bypass. Shame, the world needs bypasss, they gotta be built somewhere.


    Okay. What they need is a Disneyland. That kind of place is a beacon for magical and weird stuff, and it drains off the local magic enough to safely 'earth' it...

  15. Burn out-level spells to do it quickly? Purge the system of energy... Or would that... Hmm.


    Is there such a thing as magic capacitors? You don't want to end up trying to handle huge magical energies and have literal Magic Smoke be your result as you fry your magickyness.


    Alternatively we know magical artefacts exist... Dewitchery Dismond-esque items could be considered to be stored charges of magic...


    Depends how easy the equivalent of enchanting is. Inbuing items with energy should use up the energy, locking it into the item.

