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Posts posted by RainbowWizard

  1. On 9 July 2016 at 5:48 PM, Tom Sewell said:

    A giant magical lion bear: Impressive. But... it would have been even better with the pogo stick and the accordion.

    As long as we're speculating on Mommy Pandora and widdle Adrian, could it be possible that Adrian had a sibling? Back in Death Sentence, Grace had a question...






    I uh... must have missed that day's comic because apparently I didn't know how Adrian potentially fits into the mess of family issues surrounding Susan.


    Well. At least I knew before the current 'likely to involve resolving the familial arcs for a time' chapter is up!


    also, sidenote: anyone else getting I Dream Of Jeanie vibes from Pandora? Girl got seragiglio clothes on, or at least got the Jasmine style tied up hair you see in Korean knockoff action figures of Jasmine anyhow.

  2. Actually, we haven't seen Jeremy the cat for a while now, or the Dunkels' cat, Brownie, I think its name was?


    Anyhoo, it's funny to think of how long it's been since the first Sister arc. I remember struggling to read EGS on the PSP's awkward web browser back when I was reading that, I think.


  3. Strictly speaking, you can level and progress through Champions Online without ever hurting anyone.


    Be a healer, and don't participate in fights: my own healer recently hasn't killed a dude for ages, instead she just heals herself and her team. You get xp from their kills, which is kinda like depending on followers to kill for you, but also, many missions require collection or interaction with stuff, which gives you xp. It's actually only slightly slower than regular gameplay since you need to avoid missions where the goal is to defeat X enemies.


    With sufficient stealth powers boosted and heal power, it is very possible to have a fun experience avoiding inflicting damage on others.


    If I had a power that let me heal enemies, I would, as I have slipped up maybe twice and killed a guy with excess healing energy.

  4. Recommend some books for Dan?




    Okay, first off, he might enjoy Worm, a web serial novel about superheroes. The main thing about it he might enjoy is that the 'trigger event', the event which mumblemumblespacewhalesmumblemumble causes an traumatic experience to spark superpowers, is kind of like an EGS angst-induced Awakening.


    Next, if he enjoyed Dresden Files, then Felix Castor is basically the same genre and similar quality, and the Accidental Sorcerer series by KE Mills is somewhere between Discworld and Dresden. 


    For villainy, I highly recommend Soon I Will Be Invincible, by Austin Grossman... Get the audiobook. I love Doctor Impossible.


    Also, audiobook-wise, the audiobook of How To Succeed In Evil is a great character driven story about a supervillain consultant. It's by Patrick Ian Maclean. Just don't mind that a few characters are really basic, it is a fun story deep down.


    What else... Discworld is a given, specifically the books Sourcery, Interesting Times, The Last Continent, Thud!, Mort, and my favourite, Thief of Time.

    I'd also highly recommend the novelisations of the Star Wars movies. For the most part, they add a sheen of quality the movies couldn't do... Although I will say the Force Awakens is a bit too much tell at the expense of the movie's show. Too much is explained too soon, at the cost of the pacing. It's probably useful for Dan to look and compare, since I know he used to have trouble with exposition dumps.


    Beyond that, for a laugh, check out this book: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_My_Bum_Went_Psycho


    I had it as a kid, and it's quite possimply the weirdest attempt to spin fart and poo jokes into a full child's novel, and I hold it in high esteem as a example of 'how to run with a joke for longer than you ought to'.

  5. Hm. But there's no such thing as enough firepower when you live in a world with magic in it...








    Seriously though, magic on top of Grace's existing durability, versatility, and general powerhouseness is probably OP.

    My main thought is that while she's great with physical stuff, blasty magic might be tricky to deal with...


    But hell, all her friends are magic (la la la la laaaa my little pony), so it's not implausible she could get Nanase or someone to figure out how to make a Scrunchie Of +5 Resist Blasty Magic. So adding more dakka to Grace's existing RIP AND TEAR suited moveset is not necessary.

  6. I have wondered since the Nerdsissance brought upon us by Lord of the Rings making geeky stuff cool again by not making 'a fantasy movie' but 'a good war movie that happens to have fantasy aspects', how the geeks are lame camp hoped to survive.


    Then again, on Reddit the other day someone mentioned how it was 'nerdy' to skateboard these days because of those hoverboard doodads that you're not legally allowed to use on the street.


    I guess everyone is a geek now? Did we inherit the Earth? I almost miss the years of chick tracts and bizarre persecution of being passionate about a thing that is intellectual.


    Back in my day, cool dudes had baseball caps on backwards and nerds had pocket protectors, and all was good and wholesome!

  7. On 9 June 2016 at 2:15 PM, Maplestrip said:

    Today's answer doesn't confirm that magic can't be used to heal such illnesses, though. It only makes clear that transformation magic can't be used for it. With Ted in the team, it seems like a matter of time before he investigates a person with healing-specific magic and applies it in Uryom-style technology.

    I mean, realistically. And, knowing this webcomic, "a matter of time" refers to many decades from our perspective ;)

    How long has EGS gone, in-universe? Maybe a year or two, right?


    Hella hectic year for them all.

  8. 6 hours ago, Don Edwards said:

    Probably only because FOOF (dioxygen difluoride) technically isn't flammable at all.

    (In the presence of FOOF, practically everything else is flammable, and most other things at least border on being explosive. Water, for example, burns like crazy - and the smoke will melt your lungs.)

    Catch is... thinking about chlorine trifluoride, I suspect it actually isn't flammable either.

    I think it just reacts really energetically because it's got a free pair thingy hanging around on one side. That makes it more thwooshy fire explosivey.


    I'll admit though my Chemistry-fu has grown weak since I switched academic focus from 'All The Science' to 'Arty Stuff For Some Reason?'

  9. Dan can recap anything. It's one of the main features of his comic: worst case scenario, we can have an old school exposition dump like back during the early Grace v Damien bits.


    I see EGS:NP as the Marvel Netflix Serieses to the main comics' Marvel Cinematic Universe: while it might potentially cross over (ignore that the analogy no longer works since they've separated things in MarvelTV to the point where they cannot crossover), it still has roots in the main story from which it buds off from.


    Things introduced in NP are either inconsequential to the main story or would break the narrative flow to introduce at the time they occur.

    (of course, this would mean the Q&A segments ought to be in NP, but since they use large spreads for illustration that doesn't fit since it'd no longer be Newspaper-Style. So Blargle.)

  10. I'm just weirded out it's a remake when they had the perfect sequel fodder for a new team in the fluff for the tabletop game: the guys in New York are franchising out, and you're one of the new Ghostbusters teams.

    That, to me, would be the best way to continue the series. 

    A lot of people are going nuts over them being ladies, which... Eh.  Whatever.

    We've had lady ghostbusters before, in the cartoons and the tabletop game. Nothing new there.


    It being a reboot raises many questions I feel ought to be asked.

  11. A thought occurs is that from everyone's perspective but the readers, Pandora Raven, aka the Spooky Girl With Tied Hair And Laughed A Lot In That One News Segment, is a girl with tied hair and a possibly cheerful disposition!


    *turnabout storm music plays*


    Therefore, I present evidence that Ashley is really Pandora in disguise, because both are known to smile and have tied hair! Furthermore, her hair is maybe black, which fits with Pandora's son having black hair!

    Plus, the main cast know shapeshifting is the primary magic effect in this universe from their experiences, so anyone with traits similar to their potential foe is suspect!

    *Jury disagrees, desperately try to present attorney's badge as evidence*

    And it is totally not because Ashley is a cute Asian girl who is cool with transformations, avoiding the problems of one of Elliot's ex girlfriends and having one of the features of the others!

    *is held in contempt and thrown out of the court*

  12. Isn't his expectations as to how his other forms think and act shaping them into being more like that? They likely have basic natures, i.e. Mild Mannered is, well, well mannered and unlikely to go to extremes, but probably can range approaching Velma levels of SRS BSNS inspired by Tedd on a quest, all the way to Fluttershy levels of social anxiety. It's unlikely she's cripplingly timid since magic is way more convenient than that... Although, saying that, do the characters in-continuity know the "It's More Fun That Way" rule we know from outside continuity periods?


    Otherwise Elliot's magic is terrifying, since he rewrites his brain chemistry to alter his personality every time he transfoms, and that can't be good!

  13. Because war... war never changes.

    You can try to play nice, and be the peaceful mediator, but eventually, you'll realise you're a lone Courier in a world forged in flame into an awful temper.

    Especially when idiots who model themselves after Romans in dress but fail to understand Roman philosophy, tactics, even ethics. Sure, the Romans weren't great, but still. There's more to Rome than crucifixions and mangled Latin.

    If this false Caesar was not into Romans, he might well have been into Native American stuff. Or arab stuff. Or modelled himself after the British empire. The wasteland could do with a cup of tea.


    And the outcome would have been the same. A gang of mad dog killers, aping their betters from history, but failing to learn from it.


    Maybe they were going for a cargo cult, by shaping themselves to be reminscent of Rome, they would attract the trappings of the rest of Rome, but alas, all they've done is proven is that their version of Rome can burn down into nothing in just one day.



  14. 14 hours ago, The Old Hack said:

    Mass Effect is a game where all the power lies with the female variant protagonist rather than the male. Admittedly this is mainly due to the voice actress who is so stupendously good that she puts poor male Shepard quite to shame.

    That's Jennifer Hale's skill at play. Lady has been just about every female character in cartoons and games since the 90s.

    Seriously, most main character Marvel or DC ladies have had her.


    Black Cat? Hale.

    Poison Ivy? Hale.

    Spider-Woman? Hale.

    Martha Kent? Hale.

    Captain Marvel? Hale.

    Mary Jane Watson and Miss Vermin in the Spiderman Unlimited series? Hale.

    Bastilla Shan? Hale.

    Aayla Secura, possibly in a video game? Hale.

    the video game voice of Dory from Finding Nemo and Galadriel from Lord of the Rings, since apparently I guess they couldn't afford their main voice actors for thevideo games? Hale.

    Cinderella in the awesome time travel and actual conflict direct to video sequel known as Cinderella III? Hale.


    She has basically been every enjoyable character in animation and in gaming. It surprises me she hasn't been a Lara Croft yet, but it's a matter of time and availability of an opening I guess.

    More than half of the female characters I enjoyed as a kid had her behind the voice.


  15. Ah. This guy.


    I believe I stuck a lit stick of dynamite in his pants at the first opportunity, then wore his suit as my trophy. 


    Speaking of no murder runs, tried to do one in Skyrim with a mod that makes enemies turn neutral if they cry out they yield.


    My Sauron-expy's castle now has gained maybe 30 bandits who keep scrapping with the regular recruits. It's at the point where he doesn't dare go to his throne room for fear his original orc troops have decapitated the bandits and coated his freshly-cleaned-of-the-lich-that-used-to-live-here floor.

  16. 7 hours ago, Scotty said:

    The only thing I can think of, and this goes back to speculation of who he could be back when we first saw him, is that he's Pandora's alternate from Magus' reality. This would of course be partially confirmed if his name also turns out to be Pandora Chaos Raven or a variation of it.

    Dibs on the bet that he's called Cassius Lawful Pelican.