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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Posts posted by Douglas

  1. 45 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    "High" might be understatement. "Huge", "Gigantic" or "Enormous" would match better.

    Even that is putting it mildly. Remember the bit about making the illusionary people act with an illusion of autonomy? Sarah could use this to experience any sexual fantasy she can imagine, whether or not it's realistically possible, with no consequences. Well, maybe not ones that involve losing control of herself, but even for that she could pretend.

  2. 20 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    Hmmmm ... so far, he didn't shown anything else than ability to analyze magic and create magic devices. But, would ability to manipulate magic low-level really be so more "gamebreaking" than ability to create wand with any spell?

    In theory, such an ability could go as far as effectively being able to cast any arbitrary spell on zero notice, being the true ultimate in magic versatility. You can't learn and counter his abilities because he can pull new abilities out of thin air at will. Meanwhile, he can perfectly counter whatever you've got the moment he knows about it.

    True, Tedd hasn't shown anything beyond analyzing magic, disenchanting himself, and creating devices, and I might be speculating too far, but Tedd himself doesn't know his own abilities and might not have tried to do anything else with magic.

  3. Magic whale: Tedd is "not a spellcaster" (exact wording).

    Disco Wizard: rare type of wizard unaffected "because they don't get spells in the first--"


    Yeah, Tedd is definitely this rare type of wizard. My guess is that the basic principle is that Tedd has a more low level and direct connection to magic than normal wizards - a normal magic user has various prepackaged spells that do specific defined things, while Tedd bypasses that and metaphorically tells magic what he wants to do and magic goes and does it, whatever arbitrary thing it happens to be (provided Tedd can supply enough energy).


    It seems to me that Pandora would normally be very excited about the idea of magic changing the rules - talk about a great source of chaos and unpredictability! The problem is that it would leave Raven unable to use magic, and thus vulnerable, and Pandora wouldn't have any better idea than anyone else about how to teach him the new rules because no one would know the new rules for a while. Very frustrating for her, I'm sure.