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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Aura Guardian

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Posts posted by Aura Guardian

  1. 5 hours ago, Random Wanderer said:

    You very likely answered your own question. If I were to guess, she's shocked because the spell shouldn't be able to do that.

    ... Anyone have any theories? My only guess is that some other Immortal upgraded the spell when Pandora wasn't looking.

  2. 20 hours ago, chridd said:

    She's having doubts about whether it affects stuff in the real world, and she's complaining about using the body swap accidentally... what if bodies actually stay swapped once she ends the spell?

    Ever hear of Capiorcorpus/Corpsetaker of the Dresden Files? By which I mean, please don't give Dan that idea, though admittedly it would go against who Sarah is, so, we're safe and she won't get such a villain spell as that.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Circe said:

    Pandora, you and I are on exactly the same wavelength.  You just expressed what happens all too often in EGS - a lot of talk about fun stuff that *could* happen, followed by all the reasons why it shouldn't happen.  Thank you, Rhoda, for taking us in a much more interesting direction.  I think you and Ashley have much in common. :)

    Well, hijinks are a lot safer for side-characters in this genre. Might as well be them who do it. The rest of the cast? Not quite so safe, given the extra time on them.

  4. Alternate idea: Catalina hides somewhere while Rhoda gets a skirt to put over Catalina's tail. Ears are then ignored and left to be explained as clip-on cat ears (or headband)

    But, no hijinks. And not as entertaining as whatever Dan has planned. I wonder if they'll try escaping to the roof or something.

  5. My pet theory is that Pandora needs Sarah and her friends to all use as much magic as they can to chomp out the excess magic in Moperville. When the magic falls to 0, then removing the plug won't be a de-power.

    Next-favorite, the plug itself can be used as a finite magic power source.

  6. 10 hours ago, malloyd said:

    Catalina hasn't reacted much either.  Does she not get any sensory feedback?  Calmly sitting on a bench seat with that tail....

    Judging by Elliot's Cheerleadra spell, she might not be aware at this time that she shouldn't have those senses. But as soon as she has the chance to sit down... YELP!

  7. 14 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    I think the idea is that the thing is only growing (or shrinking) WHILE she is focusing on it.

    Hey, it makes sense to try with only three targets instead of five ...

    The answer to this will be firm "yes".

    Okay, we need to ask WHICH one it is, then. Thanks for the reminder!

  8. I'm sticking with Pandora as my top suspect for the comic shop for now, because it seems like it was more of Pandora's unveiling of magic. The dojo, though... who knows?

    I wonder when we'll find out for sure, though.