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Posts posted by detrius

  1. 4 hours ago, ChronosCat said:

    So, Liz is clearly pretty unhappy with this situation - and Dan hates to leave his characters unhappy. I predict that by the end of the school year Liz will have been let in on the Magic Masqurade and the fact that Elliot and his friends (and now Ashley too) can use magic. (This may or may not wind up being related to the magic mark Liz was implied to have.) I wouldn't even be hugely surprised if she winds up invited to this party (though I still think it more likely Dan will try to keep the number of guests down to the main 8 plus Ashley).

    Ideas where this could go from here:

    Liz angrily confronts Elliot, which leads to another one of those public spectacles in the cafeteria.

    If she has been marked, this could be the moment when she manifests her magic abilities for the first time (magic likes drama).

    If Elliot and the others are there, they might be able to cover this up.

    This would also be a good reason to bring her up to speed and invite her as well.

  2. 1 hour ago, Tom Sewell said:

    So, what's it to be? Tiny squirrel? Sleepy-time squirrel-girl? Something with talons, horns, and three tails? Probably one of the first two if Grace doesn't want to ruin her clothes.

    I don't  think she wants to reveal her shade-tail "superhero identity", and Smoke mentioned werewolves, so I guess it's going to be a canid form

  3. Considering the choice of indentations: guys, you're overthinking it.


    Have you ever noticed the small markings on a bowling lane?



    Those dots and arrows help with targeting the pins.

    If you want to score a strike, what you do is this: target the second arrow from the right if you're right-handed or the second arrow from the left if you're left-handed. Give the ball a slight spin to make it curve inward and with some luck (or training), you'll hit the right pins that will make the rest fall over.

    Here's a video that'll explain it better:


  4. I find those made-up distinctions and probabilities pretty exhausting.

    To me, discussing the technical details of 'magic' in the EGS universe basically has reached the point of counting midichlorians.


    Any character in EGS has relatively high magical potential simply due to this being EGS. I don't see the point of speculating any further.


    I mean, the entire past storyline has basically been about Dan breaking free of the self-imposed regulations for how magic works in his world and yet here we are again, trying to press it into rules and family trees.

  5. The silhuette reminds me more of a dragon than of a gargoyle.

    But I actually think that it's some sort of demonic presence that was imprisoned within the diamond and now bonded with Ellen. That would also explain why the diamond caused so much trouble.

  6. 17 hours ago, Tuscahoma said:

    Well, we either have to believe he is so extremely bad at teaching wizards that he can be categorized as useless, or he was inactive until the magic changeover and really is from an older system of magic; his modern design could be part of his magic, appearing to the wizard in a form that seems appropriate to the wizard. 

    If he's incompetent, I'll nickname him "Whandley".

    And he could also be from another universe / "other side of reality", which might render him next to useless since his expertise would refer to a system of magics that's not related to the one in effect in the Moperville universe.

    17 hours ago, Tom Sewell said:

    Ashley being a wizard who doesn't know she's a wizard ties in nicely with her parents claiming they don't know which country they came from except it wasn't Japan. Obviously her parents are hiding the truth from Ashley, and it's not a stretch that they could be hiding their magic from her too.

    And if Ashley is a wizard, she might even have been an awakened Seer by now if Pandora hadn't decided against giving her a mark.

    I'm still not quite convinced that Ashley is a wizard. Kevin / Whandley could be incompetent, use a different definition of "wizard", or simply be wrong. Maybe he spent his entire existence in some Hogwarts-like school for magic and just assumes that everyone around him is a wizard?