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Posts posted by detrius

  1. 5 hours ago, Douglas said:

    For anyone who missed it, look at the word that was interrupted by Elliot hitting Magus in panel 4. With that and the commentary, I think Magus was saying "I'm going to try to wake him up." Elliot just jumped to a conclusion a little too soon, partly because Magus did a poor job of leading up to that statement.

    Eh, even if Magus just wanted to wake her up, Elliot's reaction is justified.

    Magus conspired with a parasitic lifeform to take over Elliot's and Ellen's bodies. He didn't hesitate to squash his former ally like a bug after the inevitable betrayal.

    Elliot has absolutely no reason to trust someone who's capable of doing all that and can kill with a hand gesture.

  2. 2 hours ago, Scotty said:

    I had intended that Magus' universe and SL Ellen's universe were 2 separate universes, apologies if it didn't read as such.

    They'd have to be two different universes because the alternative version of Elliot in Ellen's universe was Ellen and Magus in the other.

  3. 55 minutes ago, ChronosCat said:

    However, most transformations in the series, including the ones caused by the TFG, cast an enchantment upon the subject, and under the magic system that was in effect prior to this chapter, enchantments couldn't permanently change you (unless you got pregnant and transforming back to normal would harm the fetus); if you disliked or were indifferent to the transformation it would eventually wear off, and even if you liked it it would never become your base form (meaning new transformation spells or simply changing your mind could dispel it). It will take at least a month (in story) before the change in magic can result in any enchantment-based transformations becoming permanent.

    - Just to clarify: permanency in this context means that the transformation becomes the new base form, right?

    - And judging from Tedd's shocked reaction and Magic's explanation, the transformations had the potential of becoming permanent with all the magic energy sustaining them, they were just never kept on long enough to make that happen.

  4. 21 hours ago, Scotty said:

    I know cheetahs are cats, but realistically would they run from domestic dogs, or be chased by them? I'd be more inclined to believe the opposite would be true, but that's probably not what Hanma was going for here soo we'll have a golden retriever and a poodle chasing a big cat that could easily outrun them. ;)

    To confuse you even more: cheetahs are said to have very dog-like personalities.


  5. Honestly, I wonder why 'Magic' would assume that it could stay hidden for any amount of time when there are beings such as Col. Sanders around, who're limited to manipulating their environment by 'guiding and empowering' people.

    Even without the internet, that would be a recipe for disaster.

  6. 4 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Ok, Tedd.  Prove you were paying attention.  And remember, Arthur has honed his position by debating with Liefield, Politicians, TV Talk Show Hosts, and your father.

    Liefeld and Tedd's father already agree with Arthur, that's why they work in a clandestine branch of the government that tries to keep Magic hidden. I also don't think he's ever discussed magic with either of them on an equal footing, considering that they've been in an superior-subordinate relationship. It's unlikely that Arthur would get a chance to discuss magic with a politician who holds a divergent opinion on that matter either, since the only politicians assigned to his Department of Magic are people like Liefeld.

    TV hosts are generally useless in debates and interviews, they frequently let their guests away with blatant falsehoods in order to maintain the appearance of impartiality.

    Also keep in mind that Arthur's role in public was that of the "crazy of fool who believes in magic". His job was to discredit his own side in order to make the people who're sceptical of magic look good.

    None of the above is going to help him here. I think he spent years coddled up in a comfortable bubble designed to confirm his beliefs and is now scheduled for a rude awakening.

    It really boils down to the argument Pandora has made: magic can no longer stay hidden, humans have invented mundane means that are just as effective as magic when it comes to to causing harm - and Scarf's attempt to shoot Raven with a gun just proves that. So all a total magic reset would accomplish is take away all the good things magic can provide, such as new means of healing people.

  7. 16 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Dang, it really was looking like Susan would win this.

    Catalina's up next, maybe she will steal one of Ashley's spaces if she rolls a 4 or 8? If not Susan would need to roll a 9 to steal that 2 space from Ashley, and the chances of Ashley landing on a 3 space again (closest one is owned by Rhoda) is not impossible, but low enough. Still if Susan isn't able to steal the only thing that would keep Ashley from winning is if she landed on a space she couldn't buy, and then Rhoda would be in position to win if she lands on a 2 space.

    It's funny, Rhoda hasn't been transformed since the first round, and I think Susan's been transformed the most.

    Honestly, without any mechanic to counter attacks, taking spaces from other player seems ridiculously easy in this game.

  8. 3 hours ago, Stature said:

    It sounded like the "Kid" has a lazy attribute when it comes to rolling.

    It's more likely due to size. My six-year-old niece can hardly keep up with me either and that's certainly ~not~ because of a lack of energy on her side.

  9. Has anyone pointed out yet that it was really stupid of Sirleck to void these bonuses if the related objectives aren't met with 100% perfection? There's absolutely no reason for the muppets  to work together now that one of them has been killed.


    (At least no reason they'd consider valid.)