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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Blog Comments posted by Maplestrip

  1. Required Reading?

    If you want to get into webcomics in particular, it might be valuable to read Scott McCloud's Reinventing Comics.  I mean, I haven't even read the book myself yet (I'm planning to!), and it's rather outdated, but it might get you thinking about the possibilities of the infinite canvas and all that. I've read his I Can't Stop Thinking webcomic blog and I really enjoyed it.

    ... I only just now noticed that you had already brought up McCloud and he simply didn't pop up in my search due to a typo. Oh well. I'm just a bit annoyed at how few of these books are particularly aimed at webcomics, as it's a difference I think is vital. I'm actually not interested at all in comics, but webcomics as a medium really fascinates me. It's an entirely new thing ^_^