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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Posts posted by heroesofcrash

  1. ComicNumber741.png


    Technically, letting his friends know his feelings IS facing ONE of his problems. He'd previously been unable to even face his team, and he's not hiding from them anymore. He's even telling them his feelings assertively. Progress!

    Not much to say about the art or the dialogue, except that I like having GB making a "time out" gesture and telling Dino-Mo to "hold her dinos" instead of "hold her horses".

    In other news, I finally did something I should have done a long time ago; I registered The Heroes Of C.R.A.S.H. at TopWebComics! If you're not familiar with that, it's a site that helps promote webcomics. You can vote for as many webcomics as you like once a day, and also "like" their Incentive Art to boost their popularity (Found by clicking the big thumbs-up button near the upper-left). You can find HoC in the Humor, Adventure, and Sci-Fi categories (Sadly, you can't just SEARCH for a comic through the site). Please vote for my comic so that more people can discover and read it! and while you're at it, please check out and vote for more Collective of Heroescomics on that site; we're trying to push our TopWebComics promotion this month.

    Don't forget to enter my #contest; all valid entries win ART! You have just a little over a month left! I have two entries for the main category and one for the Generated category, but the last month is when most of the entries come in. Don't wait too long!


  2. ComicNumber740.png


    Dino-Mo is willing to help, but makes a few things clear to Enticia.

    First, being sorry and wanting to make things right isn't enough to earn Dino-Mo's forgiveness. Second, the advice Dino-Mo offers is for Bastion's benefit, not Enticia's. Third, Enticia will never live down that "turning into her mom" comment, especially when people know her mom's a hot bikini model.

    Shadowy Sentinel was intended to be the school psychologist for a long time. Does it make sense for her to be a school shrink AND a teacher? Probably not, but it's my comic world, and I'll build it the way I want to. So there. 1f61b.png Besides, it fits in well with her backstory; I envision the former villain as having sought psychiatric help while switching sides and serving time, which in turn led her to studying psychology. This gave her the unique expertise to teach studies into villains' minds, AND to help students at risk of turning evil.

    I added the "GLOOOOM" text in the last panel to show that it's just to emphasize her mood; I didn't want anyone to think she was using a dark version of her pheromone cloud powers.


    Don't forget, my birthday's next month! I've gotten some fan art already! If you want to send some my way, read the full rules on my site. ALL valid entries will get some form of art in return!

  3. AprilFools2019Filler.png


    Cannon pranks the cast of Band Vs. Band in our annual April Fool's Day strip!

    I'm sure a bunch of you were expecting me to get someone from the Collective of Heroes to make a cameo appearance. I definitely want to do that eventually, but I'm still catching up on a lot of their comics. There's only three that I've read fully; two I've already done April Fool's fillers with (Gyno-Star and Grrl Power), and one I have... other plans for...! Besides, Band Vs. Band is a lot of fun, and I've been dying to draw this comic for a while!

    If you're not familiar with it, Band Vs. Band centers around two rival band leaders: the Candy Hearts' goody-two-shoes Honey Hart, and the Sourballs' crude, vulgar Turpentine. However, their rivalry masks a mutual attraction, turning every "battle of the bands" into a battle with their feelings. With its limited color palette, retro art style, hand-written text, and borderless panels, Band Vs. Band has no shortage of eye candy, but it's the story and characters that you'll truly fall in love with. Check it out through my Links page. Many thanks to Kathleen Jacques for letting me use her characters!

    Drawing this filler was tricky. To make the joke in the last panel work, I needed to incorporate elements of Kathleen's style into my own, most notably the color palette. The only colors she uses are shades of blue and pink, which contrast with Cannon's green-and-purple ensemble (Normally, he doesn't wear purple pants, but I stretched his wardrobe a bit to help him stand out more). Trying to emulate her lettering and rounded borders was a bit too daunting (especially for all the things I wanted to fit in the panels), so I stuck with my old fonts and borders. But I did color the letters and word balloons like Kathleen does.

    The final panel is chock-FULL of music-themed gags. Can you spot all of them? I'll give you a minute.


    Was that enough time? Okay, let's run through all the hidden jokes, starting with the audience.

    The audience members are modeled after various musicians from fiction (with some tweaks here and there), plus the very real (or rather, SURreal) Weird Al Yankovic (my favorite music artist!). The fictitious artists, going from top left to bottom-right are based on:

    - Ember McLain (from Danny Phantom)
    - Chap Lipman (The Beets, from Doug)
    - Marina (Off the Hook, from Splatoon)
    - Danny (Love Handel, from Phineas and Ferb)
    - Manolo Sanchez (from The Book of Life)
    - Sakura (Franchouchou, from Zombieland Saga)
    - One of the Aquabats (from The Aquabats Super Show)

    In addition to the audience members, there's also a bunch of parody posters in the background:
    - Linus N. Lucy (The title and moustache are a reference to Vince Guaraldi, who wrote my favorite song, Linus and Lucy - better known as the theme song to Peanuts!)
    - Lease (Parody of the musical "Rent")
    - Elwood Pretzel (Elvis Presley)
    - Holly Graham and the Gem Stones (Jem and the Holograms)
    - Brentalcase (Brentalfloss)
    - Rosie and the Kittycats (Josie and the Pussycats)
    - The Fad 4 (The Fab Four, AKA The Beatles)
    - Linda Silver (Lindsey Sterling, as you may have guessed from the violin)
    - Stephanie and the Stephanies (Steven and the Stevens from Steven Universe, as the star symbol suggests)
    - Specter of the Rock Opera (Parody of "Phantom of the Opera", obviously)
    - She Loves Fabric (Referencing the notion that "She Likes Cloth" would make a good band name from HomestarRunner Dot Com's "Teen Girl Squad Issue 12")

    Despite this being one of the more detailed strips I've drawn in a long time, I managed to complete it in a surpisingly fast two days; perhaps the lack of colors, action poses, and dramatic camera angles had something to do with it...?

    Drawing this strip as a form of fan art has been a lot of fun. 1f642.png If you want to get in on the fan art train, why not enter my contest? There's still over a month and a half to go, and ALL valid entries win some art as a prize! Happy drawing... and happy April Fool's Day!


  4. ComicNumber739.png
    Enticia gets some surprising support, Ken Bailey sends some fan art that's NOT for my contest, and I restate the rules for anyone who WILL enter. Also, my internet's back!
    Whew, that's a lot to unpack in a Twitter-friendly blurb... Let's take it from the top.
    Due to some local internet outages, I was not able to update my site until I got it back this afternoon. Thankfully, I was able to post a picture of the latest comic (Taken from my camera's phone), as well as the other pictures below. Remember, folks, if my site hasn't updated, and I didn't announce it beforehand, check my Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook posts; I'll usually be able to fill you in there.
    In this week's strip, Enticia recognizes what she's learned from her friends and from Dino-Mo. When Enticia says that Cannon made her realize her relationships have been hollow, she's referring to their discussion WAY back in strip 232. Belt Boy and TM have gained her trust slowly, but listening to her backstory throughout the Even a Rose Has its Thorns story certainly helped. Dino-Mo, of course, told Enticia off in the Gym-Nauseum storyline.
    I do like getting experimental with the format of my comics, and I like how I set up the three-part panel in the upper-right, turning the connections between word balloons into panel gutters. That was actually pretty fun!
    In other news (But not NEW news if you've been keeping up with my Facebook group!), I got some fan art that is NOT a submission for my annual Birthday Fan Art Contest that's currently going on right now. Why? Because the fan art in question happens to be from Ken Baily, who won last year with his awesome picture of Titanium Maiden alongside his own creation, EnergyGirl. However, the rules state that someone can't win in the same category for two years in a row, so unless he did something in the Generated Fan Art category, anything he submitted would be ineligible. But knowing that, he still decided to draw TM and E-Girl again for funsies, and because it IS for my (and my comic's) birthday. Thanks again, Ken!
    If YOU want to enter my contest, check out my website for the full rules! Ken got to pick the next HoC desktop wallpaper, and you could do the same this year! Even if you don't win, all valid entries get some art in return, making it a bit like an art trade as well as a contest. Good luck!

  5. ComicNumber738.png


    Enticia declares that she's ready to face the music. I have to admit, outside of my main three, Enticia may be my favorite character. Quite a few of my characters have been based on aspects of myself and people I know, but Enticia's been sort of her own entity. She's grown and evolved as a character in ways I never predicted, whether it's on-screen or behind the scenes. Today's strip certainly marks a turning point for Enticia, but it hardly marks the end of her personal character development arc. I have big plans for Enticia in the future...!

    I typically prefer my comics to have a bit more comedy than drama. If my strip were a cartoon, we'd be coming to the "learning a lesson" part of the episode near the end, so it's a smidgeon more drama-heavy as of late. Still, it's not devoid of comedy; I think that having Unk carrying a grumbling, hog-tied Jackknife over is shoulder is pretty funny-looking.

    A side note: "Mr. Hellinger's Hardware" mentioned in the first panel gets its name from Hechinger - a hardware store chain that had a store near me when I was a kid - but with the "Heck" syllable changed into its more cussword-sounding form. This is about as close to swearing as my strip will ever get. Also, I was originally going to call the store "Mr. Hellinger's Tools 'n' Stuff", but it didn't fit as neatly in the word balloon, and I hate to miss an opportunity to use alliteration.

    DON'T FORGET: There's still two months left in my contest! Everyone who submits a valid entry will win some art in return, so get to drawing! Or avatar-building!


  6. ComicNumber737.png


    Belt Boy thanks his friends (and Jackknife). Unfortunately, he's still a little down. While he's willing to dust himself off and try again, that doesn't change the fact that he feels like he let his friends down. My comic may be based on Saturday Morning Cartoons, where most character's struggles can be solved in a half hour, but don't expect my characters' problems to have a quick fix.

    I was going to do a different pun with the title... I was thinking of combining Jackknife's name with the phrase "Gag me with a spoon", but "Gag me with a knife" sounds disturbing. Yeesh.

    Anyway, just as Belt Boy has thanked his friends, I'll be more than happy to thank you for entering my contest by giving you some free art! Check out my website for the full rules in order to submit a valid entry. Good luck!

  7. ComicNumber736.png


    Cannon helps Belt Boy and volunteers for the lesser of two annoyances. It might seem strange that Cannon would rather deal with B.O.N.N.I.E.'s emotions than his own. 
    Cannon's perfectly fine about being brutally honest with others, and he's usually not shy about expressing himself, but it's way harder for him to be honest and expressive when it leaves him vulnerable. In fact, that's such a key component of his personality, I made it part of his character design: a thin, gangly frame protected by bulky armor.

    Belt Boy and Cannon do have a little bit of a bromance; I tried to sell that a bit more in the previous comic's last panel and moreso in this comic's first panel. Despite what he says, we know that it's Cannon who's jealous of TM, and not the other way around.

    Have you entered my #contest yet, by the way?



  8. ComicNumber735.png


    Our characters hint at some long-awaited backstory finally being explained! While looking up my comic on the "TV Tropes" website, it described the event(s) that led to Cannon losing his hand and a large part of his arm as a "Noodle Incident", referring to a Calvin and Hobbes running gag where some backstory is brought up, but never explained. Well, I'm letting you know that the circumstances around Cannon's hand WILL be explained... in due time. You'll just need to be patient. Cannon REALLY doesn't like talking about what happened, which is why Belt Boy finds it all the more meaningful that Cannon was willing to talk about his hand to help him.

    Still reminding you that my contest is still going on, and ALL valid entries will win some art! I've gotten one entry already (a definite first; usually, I have people waiting until the last minute!), but there's still nearly three months to go, so there's plenty of time for more entries! Check out my website for the full rules, but here's a brief rundown:


  9. ComicNumber734.png


    Belt Boy lets some sensitive info slip.
    Also, my annual fanart contest begins!

    Belt Boy's slipping back into breakdown mode again, and his background in panel 3 shows it. That dark cloud is supposed to be reminiscent of the background from his dream at the beginning of this storyline. There's more I want to say about this scene, but I don't want to reveal too much just yet. All I will say is that the thing that Belt Boy has inadvertently foreshadowed is something I've been planning to mention for years...!


    My birthday's coming up in just three months, and what I'd really, REALLY like is some fan art and fan avatars! My annual birthday contest has begun once again, and there's two ways to submit entries:

    1. If you're good at art, then you can draw/paint/sculpt my characters and e-mail it to me at heroesofcrash-at-yahoo-dot-com with the subject "Traditional Fan Art Contest".

    2. If you're not good at art (or don't have all the supplies you need), you can create a custom character or avatar in a video game or on a website, so that it looks like one of my characters. You can then send an image to that same e-mail with the subject "Generated Fan Art Contest"

    EVERYONE who submits a valid entry will get some art in return; the Traditional category winner will decide my next desktop wallpaper, the Generated category winner gets a filler based on their art, and all runners-up will get a surprise sketch!

    You can check out the FULL rules on my website at http://www.theheroesofcrash.com/ContestRulesAnStuffPage.htm for more details. Make sure that you submit your entry by May 19th, and have fun!

  10. ModelTrainsDesktop-800x600.jpg


    Ken Bailey - creator of The Mighty EnergyGirl and winner of my Birthday Fan Art contest last year - requested that I draw my characters playing with model trains. Belt Boy's gone overboard... or rather, "off the tracks".

    This one was hard to figure out, partly because I wanted the joke to have a good delivery, and partly because I was considering using a character I have yet to reveal in my comic...! One gag I had planned involved Titanium Maiden schlepping a giant remote control for Belt Boy's giant model train, but then I remembered that most model trains I've seen have control panels; it's CARS that have remotes.

    Gelatin Boy and Cannon struck me as the two cast members most likely to play with model trains; GB's the kind of geek who would have fun, nerdy hobbies, while it's been established that Cannon was fascinated by Belt Boy's gadgets from a young age.

    If you like this picture, you can make it your own desktop wallpaper! Just go to my main page and click on the Downloadables button to see all the wallpapers I have available!

    Hmm... this reminds me... isn't it time for THIS year's fan art contest to start soon...?

  11. ComicNumber733.png


    Belt Boy goes from feeling down to feeling the love.

    I know it’s a bit sappy, but gosh darn it, I’m a romantic sap at heart.  Besides, these two make for an adorable couple!

    It’s fun doing “mood backgrounds” like I did for panels 2 and 4 here.  I find that I’m doing them a bit more often, and I like how it breaks the monotony a bit.  I also like that I’m taking a moment to slow things down and let Belt Boy and Titanium Maiden show that they have chemistry; there will be more of that to come, soon enough!

    Not much to say from the technical side of things, ‘cept that I posted today’s strip a few hours earlier than usual.  I’m visiting my sister in NYC this weekend!  Should be loads of fun!  See you guys later!

  12. ComicNumber732.png
    I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy making Jackknife suffer a little...! ;-)
    Since this week's strip is pretty straightforward, I don't have much in the way of commentary this time around. I will say that coming up with the name "Capebook" amused me so much, I want to incorporate that into the comic in the future. :-)

  13. ComicNumber731.png


    Step 1: Unleash arm blades
    Step 2: Something happens
    Step 3: Profit

    Despite having had a bit of a tiff with Dino-Mo earlier, Sugar Rush seems to be ready to take orders again. Did she stop being mad, or is she just able to put those feelings aside when there are more pressing matters? Stay tuned, and maybe you'll find out!

    I don't always laugh at my own jokes. But when I do, I try to fit them into a comic. No, I'm not just parodying the "Most Interesting Man in the World"; I think that's good advice for a cartoonist. Good characters and stories come from feeling and passion. If you make yourself laugh, you've successfully brought that feeling out in yourself, and you can use that to make something that captures that feeling.

    I not only love the gag, but I like how that last comic turned out visually. It was fun using the transparency slide on a few layers to create the illusion of movement, as well as the watercolor paintbrush tool to create blurred stripes of color. Still, I wish that my current computer still had the GIF making program that my old computer had; I'm sure it would have been even fun to animate that last panel.

  14. ComicNumber730.png


    Necros has escaped, but at least someone's getting the PUNishment he deserves...!

    Looks like Belt Boy was about to get the last lick in, but Necros pulled a "Ninja Vanish". Longtime fans and archive-bingers may remember that Necros used that smoke bomb to escape from his first encounter with heroes of C.R.A.S.H. (Yay! Title drop!).

    The first panel was the most fun to draw, and my favorite in this week's strip. A simple pose, but still dramatic. Belt Boy's patented Wrapper Ropes of Righteousness were easy to sketch; I used different thicknesses of pencil tools, gradually growing larger and larger, to make sure that the thickness of the ropes were consistent.

    My least favorite panel to draw was that last one; Unk is a pretty big character for such a small panel, and drawing him turning at the waist proved a challenge. I was originally only going to have Unk and Jackknife in the panel, but I felt as though it looked too empty. I was going to add in Sugar Rush, but I decided Gelatin Boy deserved a laugh (or at least a stifled chuckle) at Jackknife's expense. Adding the three of them to panel 2 in silhouette form was also a last-minute choice to fill up some empty space.

  15. ComicNumber729.png


    Necros gets a taste of his own medicine as our heroes fight him together! He may be tough, but he's outnumbered, and he's left them an opening. But will that be enough to take him down? Stay tuned, faithful readers!

    Instead of traditional onomatopoeia as sound effects for each attack, I opted to name each attack instead, kind of like the text that pops up in Fairly Oddparents cartoons (which is appropriate, as the show did inspire my comic... even if Hartman seems to have gone a bit off the deep end since then). I had fun playing with the lettering; it was less like writing and more like drawing, with each "font" drawing inspiration from the attacking hero or the attack itself

    Dino-Mo's "Tail Slam" has pointy letters, reminiscent of a bent dinosaur tail; the letters and background have reptilian-inspired colors.

    "Dodgeball Barrage" is written on dodgeballs with a yellow background, evoking Dodge's color scheme.

    Enticia has muted pinks and elegant letters (almost rose-colored, like her civilian namesake) for her "Platform Kick"; more blacks and grays to match her shoes wouldn't contrast with her and Necros well enough.

    "Cannon Fire" is quick and to the point, with no frills, like Cannon himself and his rapid-fire blasts, with (what else?) a green and purple color scheme.

    Sugar Rush's volley of "Fury Punches" are accompanied by fist-shaped letters, with muted reds to stand apart a little from her bright red gloves.

    Jackknife's "Scythe Slash" has letters as pointy as his weapon and green as his outfit, plus they arc in the direction of his attack.

    Unk's "UNK-ppercut" highlights the awful play on words, which admittedly says more about my style than his, but at least keeps his color scheme. I was initially going to have Unk put the squeeze on Necros again, but I wanted to add a different attack to his repertoire. I also didn't want to have too much of Unk show up in the panel; it would break up the pattern of each panel focusing on Necros and the attack itself.

    And finally, Titanium Maiden's "Titanium Clothesline" has metal lettering (suggesting titanium, of course), which contrasts nicely with her signature shade of pink in the background.

    That's a total of eight attacks; the only characters who aren't attacking in this strip are Gelatin Boy (Whose sweat already helped in the previous strip, and who lacks any actual "attacks" anyway) and Belt Boy. Whether or not he plans to take any action remains to be seen, for now...!

    By the way, I'm always happy to hear feedback from my readers; which panel was your favorite in today's strip? Leave me a comment! I also appreciate it when you share my comic, so please share this post!


    [Insert holiday greeting/well-wishing]

    What can I say? The holidays are hectic, and even this filler took time to draw.

    In all honesty, I'm not doing any resolutions. Resolving to do a thing kinda jinxes it, it seems, so I'll probably be more successful if I don't resolve to succeed.

    #webcomic #webcomics #comic #comics #superhero #superheroes#superheroine #superheroines #NewYears #hashtag #morehashtags#allthehashtags

  17. Christmas2018Filler.png


    Whatever you celebrate, be sure to share the love this holiday season!

    Longtime HoC fans will recognize that TM is wearing the sweater she always wears in winter fillers, and Belt Boy is wearing his Christmas-color outfit (You can't tell from this site, but he's traded in his cape for a scarf). Cannon's jacket is based on ones I've worn (as well as his armor's color scheme), and his hat is based on the one his Mii wears when I recreate him in video games. Enticia's outfit is just meant to look classy and fashionable, while Daisy's is a bunch of bright purples and pinks that a little girl might enjoy.

    Happy holidays, everyone!

  18. ComicNumber728.png


    Making Necros look foolish is no easy feat, but walking on gelatin is easy for no feet. Although Necros is formidable, his biggest weakness - like that of many villains - is underestimating his opponents. And with a goofy group such as this crew, is it any wonder he's underestimated them?

    This strip took shorter to create than my last strip, largely because it has fewer people. I admittedly set up this strip to be quicker to draw, which is why I employed a few tricks. A close-up in panel one, showing only one character in panel two, having background characters with no color (which also had the bonus effect of downplaying their presence without ignoring them) in panel 3, and a black sillhouette in panel 4. By the way, if you look closely at panel 3, you'll see that Cannon has his eyes on that gelatin puddle, and a knowing grin on his face...!

  19. ComicNumber727.png


    "We can do this the easy way, or Belt Boy can start rambling again."

    Belt Boy and Cannon are both largely based on different aspects of myself (although my best friend Chris is also a strong influence on Cannon). Belt Boy represents my creativity and my optimism, while Cannon represents my sense of wit and my sarcasm. It's kind of funny seeing aspects of my personality clash against each other; I'm pretty sure that last panel sums up what happens in my head when I catch myself talking too much.

    That first panel took forever; It wasn't easy to fit all those characters in there, overlapping each other in such a way that they didn't look too jumbled together. The last time I drew this many characters was only a little over a dozen strips ago, but they were arranged in a straight line, so drawing this panel was a bit more daring.

    I enjoy playing with the thicknesses of lines and outlines to make characters seem closer and further away; the first and last panels are proof of that. :-)

  20. ComicNumber726.png
    Getting rescued by Jackknife is a cold comfort to Gelatin Boy. Then again, maybe that's too harsh. It's colder than lukewarm comfort, and "cool comfort" sounds too positive. Ah, forget it. The metaphor's clashing with the title for this strip, anyway.
    Had some fun with the shadows on this strip. While the light sources may not be 100% realistic, they at least give the bottom panels a sense of depth.
    Jackknife's blades can take on different shapes, which is why the one he used here is needle-shaped, rather than shark-fin-shaped. He can shape them as long as they're still in his arm; if he ejects them, they're stuck in their shape, and his arm reloads instantly. He's previously shaped his blades into scythes and boomerangs.

  21. ComicNumber725.png


    Seems Belt Boy forgot one teensy little detail when he was sharing his plan. Not sure what Cannon's excuse was, seeing as he sustained his head injury (Strip number 718, dated 9/22/18) in the fight AFTER Belt Boy already shared his plan.

    So long as we're looking at previous strips for clues, no one seemed to notice seeing Gelatin Boy sneak in between Unk and Necros in the last panel of strip number 721 (Dated 10/31/18), nor the fact that the portal disc hasn't been seen since. Gelatin Boy really is a great spy!

    By the way, if you've been enjoying this strip, please show it some love and share it with your friends!

  22. ThanksgivingFiller2018.png
    Happy Thanksgiving from TheHeroesOfCRASH.com!
    If you know what this monster's from, you probably feel old right about now. And if you don't... well, then I probably feel old right about now.
    I'm a sucker for holiday specials, and I still watch them every year. However, Thanksgiving seems to get overlooked, stuck between the two most marketable holidays for TV specials (But let's face it; Halloween and Christmas tend to play off children's greed, so of course they're easy to market). This picture pays homage to two of my favorite Thanksgiving specials. The dialogue, obviously, references A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, whose legendary meal I long to reproduce one day. The picture itself, though, references a more obscure special: Nick's Thanksgiving Fest. This special first aired on Nickelodeon in 1989, and was comprised of several shorts, plus two major cartoons: "Thanksgiving Nightmare" and "Thanksgiving Dreams". This dough monster appeared in the latter cartoon, in which two children from a poor family dream about shrinking to six inches tall and partying with a living Thanksgiving meal in their kitchen. When the kids accidentally knocked a boxfull of yeast into a bowl of dough, this bizarre monster was created. If you saw Nick's Thanksgiving Fest, or saw my Daily Drawings in 2016, you probably remember this culinary creature quite well.
    I decided to draw Enticia and Daisy for this picture; like the kids from the original special, I wanted to draw a pair of siblings, so it was between them and Cannon/Mackenzie. I love drawing Daisy, and felt that there should be at least one child, so I drew her and Enticia.
    If you didn't see my update earlier this week, I wrote a tribute to Stan Lee, which you can access through a link on the main page of my site.
    Once again, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  23. ComicNumber724.png


    Enticia didn't want Necros to flip over her THAT way... or DID she? There's a bit that I could comment on here, but I won't, because I don't want to spoil things.

    Sometimes it's fun playing with the paint effects, whether it's using transparency to create a glowy effect in panel two, or different paintbrushes to make streaks of color in panel three. I'm quite pleased how this strip turned out, especially those panels.

    Previously, I indicated whispering by using a dotted line for word balloons. But that was back when I drew the comic in Flash. Now that I'm using Manga Studio (Or is it Clip Studio Paint, now? I'm not sure, because I got the physical copy, not the download), there's pre-made word balloon tools, which don't include dotted lines. So now, I'm using gray to make the words seem faded and hushed.

  24. ComicNumber723.png


    Unk's no fool... but he's sure feeling like one right now. Because of his unusual name, large stature, and laid-back attitude, many assume that he's simple-minded, but that's hardly the case (He's very much like Titanium Maiden in that regard). However, Necros is taking advantage of the fact that Unk has never matched wits with him. Flailing about in a desperate manner to lure Unk into a false sense of security, then making a humble request that tricked Unk into lowering his head into position... Necros adapts to new situations pretty well. If Unk, Belt Boy, and the rest of our heroes want to stop them, they're going to need to maintain the element of surprise, which is easier said than done.

    The Collective of Heroes recently had a Halloween art trade! It's like a Secret Santa, minus the secrecy. Dan (creator of the webcomic Vanguard) gifted me a picture of Belt Boy with a pumpkin, while I drew Shane (creator of Heroes of the World and Beyond) a picture of Cybat. After you check out these pictures, you can check out their comics via the Collective of Heroes widget on my site!



  25. Halloween18Filler.png

    Happy Halloween from TheHeroesOfCRASH.com! 
    Remember to Vote Blue, or Gritty will EAT YOUR SOUL.

    Usually, my Halloween fillers will include some nostalgic costumes, but there were too many cases of "I Couldn't Resist" with more recent stuff...!

    I absolutely loved Shuri in Black Panther; with her brains, wisecracks, and cool hand-blasters, she was easily my favorite character. Plus, she's canonically smarter than Tony Stark, who I think needs to be brought down a peg (Admittedly, that's largely because I still have a somewhat petty grudge against Robert Downy Jr. for his not-terribly-Sherlock-y portrayal of Sherlock Holmes). She's a VERY close second to Deadpool for my favorite Marvel movie characters. There was no way I was missing a chance to dress Enticia up as such an awesome character, even if her design was tricky to figure out, simplify, and draw.

    Titanium Maiden always goes as redheaded characters for Halloween, and I FINALLY saw the movie Brave this summer (and liked it). TM's Merida-styled hair was a bit less tricky than I was afraid it would be; I found myself blocking out the general shape first, and then doing the outermost strands.

    Cannon always modifies his helmet for Halloween costumes, and this isn't his first time dressing as a Mega Man character (He dressed up as Protoman for the very first Halloween filler!). Cannon and Acid Man (from the new Mega Man 11) share a similar color scheme, have bulky armor above a skinny torso, and wield a barrel-shaped arm cannon on their right arm. The resemblance is unCannony- er, uncanny!

    Every year, Belt Boy dresses as a superhero, and every year it's NEVER someone from either DC or Marvel! While the Big Two have come up with some great characters, a lot of my favorite superheroes are from outside their universes. Nearly all of Belt Boy's previous costumes have been characters with only one canon universe (making them easy characters to follow and understand), they tend to explore some inventive worldbuilding, and most of them have strong elements of humor. I haven't seen much of One Punch Man, but I would like to see more. I probably would have had BB dress as him last year if I hadn't chosen All Might. One more note: Belt Boy is intentionally trying to maintain his character's half-lidded gaze and small anime mouth. He takes his costumes seriously.

    Gritty is TERRIFYING. He looks like a Muppet with the dead eyes of a Five Nights at Freddies animatronic. As a Pennsylvanian with Philadelphian parents, I'm a little embarrassed for my own home team. But Gritty has a few things going for him. For one, the concept drawings of him look MUCH less terrifying than the actual mascot costume. And for another, Philadelphia's citizens have kinda adopted him as an anti-Trump mascot. I guess sometimes you have to fight fire WITH fire... or perhaps fight a nightmare-inducing orange monster with bad hair WITH a nightmare-inducing orange monster with bad hair. Being big and orange, I knew Unk was the perfect character to pull him off (And yes, those creepy eyes are glued to Unk's signature sunglasses).

    And finally, there's Miss Sunflower. This is only her second appearance in a Halloween costume (The first being Gozer the Gozerian). Everyone's been drawing Bowsette lately, and it was only a matter of time until I got into the action. People have been drawing her different ways, combining different degrees of Peach and Bowser's designs. Some make her look mostly like Peach (blonde, waifish, and almost entirely humanoid), while others mix a bit more Bowser into her design (giving her red hair, a bulky physique, and/or a more reptilian design). While I briefly considered drawing Titanium Maiden as a bulky, redheaded Bowsette, it didn't take me long to realize that Miss Sunflower - as a villain with actual horns like most Bowsettes - was a WAY better choice. Outside of her red hair, and her signature makeup, Sunflower's design is mostly like that found in the original Bowsette comic that started this meme (By the way, if Toadette becomes "Peachette", shouldn't Bowser become "Peachser"? I'm just saying...).

    One last note; I was originally going to draw a different Halloween filler based on the idea of there being unwanted attention at a Halloween party. In honor of The Heroes Of C.R.A.S.H. joining the Collective of Heroes, I was going to promote it by having some other CoH characters show up, with Cannon unsuccessfully hitting on the superheroines and making a less-than-stellar first impression. However, since it was pretty late in the game for me to ask permission to use characters, and I already signed up to do a Halloween art trade for the CoH, I decided it would be best not to start things off by biting off more than I could chew. You should still totally read the other Collective of Heroes comics. The ones I've been reading have been pretty great. And their Featured Comic for the week is- GASP! It's The Heroes Of C.R.A.S.H.! :-D