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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Posts posted by HarJIT

  1. (disables JavaScript)

    Hmm… what kind of editor do we have here?

    BBCode bold, HTML bold, **Markdown bold**. Which work(s)?

    Edit: opening the editor, seems it's converted the BBCode tags to HTML, but still uses BBCode style paragraphs (no p-tags).

  2. On 05/18/2016 at 6:34 AM, InfiniteRemnant said:

    I suppose this is a bad time to point out i keep forgetting about that and would have mispronounced it as Sci-yer-ih-day?

    In Latin, it would be somewhere between Skee-yur-i-dye and S'chee-yur-i-day, depending on whom you ask.

  3. 6 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    Why? Child one, biological parents, Elliot and Ashley. Child two, biological parents, Elliot and Ashley. No test will ever discover that one of those children have Elliot as MOTHER and Ashley as FATHER ...

    Unless, that is, Elliot and Ashley happen to have different enough mitochondrial DNA to distinguish them, and it this is actually ever tested (which seems unlikely).

  4. 2 hours ago, Gamma Emerald said:

    Does anyone here have skill with cutting out specific panels? I'd like to be able to request them for use on other sites.

    On that note:


    (I had that already extracted.)

    As for requests, I might consider them when/if I find the time, but that isn't a guarantee or commitment.


  5. 40 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Sadly, most people get more formal training for their paid jobs than they do for (what should be) their most important job.

    Edward Veres has done some things wrong in the process of raising Tedd.  But I still would not call him a bad parent

    Speaking of good or bad parents, https://m.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/ might just lose you your faith in humanity.

    Back (more) on topic, while not perfect, Ed Verres has not shown himself to be nearly as bad as it might get (he did relent on the TF Gun and Grace after realising just how much they meant to Tedd, after all).  And thanks to Noriko, he's been having to work it out on his own for much of it, something which I do not envy.

  6. 7 hours ago, WR...S said:

    Commentary spoiler (...apparently no boxes anymore?):

    Confirmed that Rhoda can shrink people/things, and isn't (necessarily) just growing her clothes in Grace's vision.  So after fourteen years, it looks like we may be about to see canon shrinking...

    Include stuff as [spoiler]Like this.[/spoiler] to give you

    Like this.

    - even in the (otherwise) WYSIWYG.

    (I've used some source-view trickery so hopefully the first one should show up verbatim and the second changed into a spoiler box.)

  7. 1 hour ago, Zorua said:

    Third-person narration? NO. You cannot. It is forbidden. A third-person narrator is not a character in the story. Their narration should obey grammar, spelling, and punctuation as much as possible. This may also apply to second-person narration.

    (that said, unreliable narrators might get away with it. unusual word choice to suggest that the second-/third-person narrator might be a character after all...)

    http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LemonyNarrator ?

  8. More "annoying" (edit: rather than "minor anger") now I've calmed down a bit:

    Important headsup to those using SeaMonkey or Thunderbird with multiple gMail or gApps accounts:

    The send-from-account selector selects the mailbox profile, not the SMTP profile. I did not realise this (though it figures, the friendly name etc being associated with the mailbox profile).

    Why is this important to note? Well…

    Mailbox profiles which have not been configured otherwise send using the default SMTP profile, and

    Google SMTP changes the From-field address in the delivered email to match the SMTP login (leaving the friendly name as is), presumably to prevent their service from being abused for address spoofing. This does not affect sentbox filing.

    The effects are as follows:

    • The e-mail appears in the sentbox of the account you told Mozilla to send it from, as being sent from that account.
    • Invisibly to you (unless you send or CC to your own account), the email arrives to the recipient with your default e-mail address on it (not the one you selected), but with the friendly name (if different) of the selected account transposed onto it.

    I'm sure you can work out why this might not be ideal in some cases.

  9. https://www.reddit.com/r/elgoonishshive/comments/4xcbu4/law_immortal/d6eke0b


    Intentionally breaking immortal law results in what Pandora described. Immortals aren't constantly getting filled in on what others are doing.

    Your later replies ask about what mechanism, etc. It's triggered by immortals deliberately doing something. Trying to explain the exact mechanics beyond that would be like trying to explain the exact mexhanics of how they're having this conversation in Grace's mind, or how Cheerleadra can fly, or how transformations are possible, etc.


    Also, because I didn't post it here earlier, the already-seen:



    If Magic chose to change how it worked, how widespread would the change be? Would the Griffins' world be affected? Would other universes?


    Only this half has to be worried. The Griffin’s half has magic way, way, WAY out in the open. Their magic is less hipster and more honey badger.