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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Red Regent

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Posts posted by Red Regent

  1. *A PlotHole opens and Red Regent is farted out of it, and immediately closes*

    ...Oh come on! You said that you could use the fabled Four-Color card if you had access to it!

    *Notices the weird physics at work with the Fried Jell-O*

    Guys... whoever's doing the physics experiment in the local area cease and desist immediately. Because if that continues we're going to have a lot of trouble on our hands.

    *produces his coilpistol and nervously watches the water*

  2. *PlotHole opens*
    *Red Regent rifles through the pile of Uno games and finds an Uno Blitzo box and takes it*
    *Goes back through PlotHole which promptly closes again*
    *Another PlotHole opens up next to Myranuse's person - whom is apparently frozen in place - and takes the Coilgun from them*
    People keep freezing in place these days... also *points to InfiniteRemnant's person* that's entirely conjecture because if that was the case there would be an orbiting fleet above this planet right now... well, the planet on the other side of this PlotHole, but you know what i mean!*
    *Someone screams "INCOMING!" from behind Red Regent*
    ...and they said tonight was going to be game night!
    *Something explodes just behind Red Regent and kicks up dust onto the deck of Boaty McBoatface as the PlotHole closes*

  3. Granted; I teleport in through a PlotHole and give you a book about alcohol making and promptly leave. You then spend the next 12 years studying and learning how to make a strong drink; sometimes even going to far flung places in the world to study things like Tuba (Filipino Palm wine) and so on, all to create the most potent drink to man... which you eventually make, but since you've now spent 30 years perfecting the formula, you're immune to alcohol's effects... whoops.

    I wish I could find a way to make something fun happen in the Last Post Wins thread. 

  4. This one I was debating on whether to put it in the annoying thread or the angry thread. Then I thought about it a bit more and came to the conclusion that since it made me want to do some light property damage toward the offending party, it goes here. (Obviously hyperbolic but still mad.)

    OK I have two friends, lets call them Halo and Pie.

    TL;DR: Pie critiqued something I made, but it turns out her critique was from Halo and that she was basically lying to me about her own words - thus defeating my purpose of asking her for ideas.

    I ask Pie to review a 2 page plot summary for something I've been working on lately. A few hours later she gives me a few, honestly weak analyses of my work but considering everything going on with her I accept that maybe this was all she could muster and maybe would return to it some time. She didn't - that's fine, people are busy.

    Smash cut to a few hours ago where I'm chilling with Halo, she's about to head off to work in a few hours and is having a smoke and we have a conversation about life and such, then I brought up the same plot summary I sent to Pie a few weeks ago but since we're outside and just talking I decide to send her my work later.

    Jump cut to about a few minutes ago where - on break - I manage to send Halo my file, and in a few seconds she tells me she's already seen it. I forget things a lot so I told her "Sorry, maybe I already sent it to you before." then she tells me "Actually no, you didn't send it; Pie sent it." I asked her why did she send it, and Halo tells me "Well she sent me this file to ask for my opinion on it."

    This connected the dots, and fast.

    I ask Halo to confirm my thoughts, and she basically does saying that "Yeah basically that's what happened."

    So what basically happened was this: Two weeks ago I sent this two page plot summary to Pie, whom then sent it to Halo and asked her opinion about it. She started reading and gave out her opinions, until she stopped and realized "Wait a minute, why am I doing this again?" to which Pie basically responded with "Because I need your opinion so I can tell [Red Regent] about it." after which Halo stopped, and promptly told her to bugger off because she was busy at the time. I'm fine with light criticism, I'm OK with bad criticism, I'm even OK with criticism that doesn't directly answer what I'm trying to get analyzed, but I don't - and CANNOT - tolerate this level of negligence.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Zorua said:

    Even if it isn't finished, it still looks pretty nice as-is. Maybe when I finally get a computer that can run it, there'll be more to it than just "Minecraft with space travel."


    Kerbal Space Program is also on my wishlist. And a few Pokemon games, a DS Lite, and a 2DS.

    The concept was really high minded, and tbh the reveal last year (or was it 2 years ago? I forget) was awesome. However, I do have to note that the game is being sold for ~30-35 USD on Steam (1400 PHP), and while not exactly big budget Triple A game price it is still kind of costly for what it's worth. Maybe worth picking up on a sale, but as of now, quite a bit of a money sink.

    On the other hand KSP is freaking awesome; 10/10 would recommend since it's got the do it yourself vibe from Spore and the punishingly realistic physics for air and space like you'd fine in IL-2 Sturmovik or something similar. It's also pretty light, so even an older laptop will be able to run it.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Zorua said:

    My brother got No Man's Sky.


    This game looks amazing. I'd get it myself, but I think my laptop would melt.

    Been hearing from game critics like Totalbiscuit and a few others that the game is apparently in a half-broken state (graphical errors, and really bad spacecraft controls) which is kinda sad when you think about it. Though if you're still looking for a nice Space exploration game I think you may find what you're looking for in Elite: Dangerous and/or Star Citizen.

  7. ...and the boat is attempting to submerge again... and weird things keep happening. Also I miss my hat.

    That and things are starting to feel really, well I'll be honest, contrived and rather pointless... It's as if I'm only good if I've got something else to bounce off from or else I just... stomp everything.

    *PlotHole opens, revealing another, slightly plump Red Regent*

    What do you wa- yaaaa-

    *Red Regent gets pulled into the PlotHole which closes soon afterward*

    OOC: I'm fresh out of ways to make this go anywhere (all the methods I have basically amount to "shoot it until the hole is bigger than the thing being shot, then keep shooting"), so I'm just going to watch the game for now.

  8. *Watches Arcanius have their scoff with Prof. Tomoe*

    This is kind of why I don't bother with fighting interdimentional beings with open access to warp technology (we count PlotHole technology as such in my place), besides they're usually trying to have harmless fun at best and be mischievous at worst. So basically, barely any threat-

    *two more tentacles whip out from inside the vessel and nearly decks Red Regent, but instead take his hat and consumes it*

    OK, mad now. Touch me all you want, but not MY HAT.

    *Charges up his freezing pistol* One... second... *Fires; the frost projectile leaves a frozen trail of water vapor as it flies toward the interior superstructure of the ship, which instantly freezes the entirety of Larry, the main superstructure, and most of the front half of the ship*

    Now somebody finish him off please?

  9. After 3 days I've finally finished writing a cover for Jeremy Soule's most famous piece of music BY EAR:




    And yes I know that the first two measures are REALLY rough and I will eventually make a second version that fixes most of the iffy parts but hey it's something :D

  10. *To OzLion* Oh... thank you, I just remembered to whom those tendrils belong to: Larry the Curious! A Techno-Cthulhoid from the College of Ethically Questionable Sciences *gets into OzLion's personal space* HE WANTS TO MAKE ME HIS TEST SUBJECT FOR HIS THESIS; Tentacles: A Study of the effects of Anime Tentacle Tropes on a Humanoid Specimen for his Bachelor in Ethically Questionable Sciences in Litero-Biology!

    *To Myran* Well yes and no; if I was using one of the big orbital guns they mount on our big ships - yes I'd have gone through the ship and through the planet, and probably the next planet I run into as I accelerate to who-knows-how-many-kilometers per hour. Luckily this hand-cannon... is just a hand-cannon; only slightly more powerful than a conventional weapon. *gun is taken from his possession by Larry, who attempts (and fails) to use it to shoot the other people aboard the Boaty Facade* one second *freezes the tentacle and grabs his gun, giving it to Myran* Here, have a go at it. *another tentacle grabs him by the arm*

    *Angrish* HAWA! HAWA! *struggles with Tentacles*

  11. You do realize that A. Universe no go boom in the end, and B. You won't be around to see it.

    *Tendril of wires and mushy stuff grabs Red Regent by the boots and drags him into the ship's superstructure*

    Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn! NONE OF THAT!

    *Produces Cryogenic Shard Launcher (Freezing Pistol) and Agi-Steel Mass Driver (High-density/High-velocity hand cannon)*

    NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE *fires both weapons wildly at whatever is grabbing him by his feet*

  12. ^ As a person that eats rice as a staple in his diet, I never understood why you guys in the west treat it like some form of delicacy. (With the exception being rice crispies... mmm, rice crispies.) Though I guess I would recommend cooking rice with milk instead.

    In other news, I was eating candied bananas just now; they taste better fresh but hey they're still good.