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Posts posted by Sjmcc13

  1. Still need Inara, River, Simon and Kaylee. 

    Unused main 8 are Eliot, Ellen, Justin. 

    I half think is should be Elliot as Inara for the sexual tension, Justin as Kaylee (everyone so far has been the opposite gender) and Ellen as Simon.  River, let me see.... George, ya got nothing here. 

    Only recurring characters I can think of are Badger (Ashley???), Niska (Pandora???) Saffron/whatever her real name was (Bad Tom???), and the blue hand guys(???)

  2. 42 minutes ago, InfiniteRemnant said:

    I just hope dan doesn't pull a plotpoint from the tv sitcom playbook and have the blond mistress be their real mother...

    that would just be WAY too cliche.

    I am half hoping it was Diane's adoptive mother, and he is now her adoptive step-dad.

  3. 1 hour ago, RainbowWizard said:

    On cheating on tests... I feel that he'd have trouble transforming into Cheerleadra whilst in school for an exam. As this is really a side effect of the 'disguise' aspect of his power.

    Well if his secret identity is outed, he could change into Cherledra before a test as a "confidence" boost, or even make the claim about drinking and studying with regards to magical transformations, as long as no one knows about the phone part, they would be non the wiser to the googling/cheating, and just think the guy with magical powers is a bit weird(er). 

    This would probably also result in Ted taking tests in distraction form, because he can, which I would love to see.

  4. 13 hours ago, Duke of Pretzels said:

    It's like skyrim, but with guns.

    More seriously, it's an rpg/shooter where the player explores vast wastes, shoots meets people, and levels up. Very good as far as RPG's go. Although the storyline isn't up to the par the gameplay, side missions, and worldbuilding sets, it's still a worthwhile experience, especially Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 3 Again,This Time with Mods and the DLC.

    I prefer Fallout 2 myself. Though you should note that 3, NV and 4 are shooters, while 1 and 2 are turn based 3rd person party RPG's. 

  5. 13 hours ago, Drachefly said:

    I began playing FF7 and was really underwhelmed. It might end up decent.

    FF7 is more big for when and how it came out, it was a huge increase in # sold IIRC,  and for allot of people it was their first FF game (my first was FF1, on the NES, followed by 2/4 on the SNES). but in terms of story, it is probably one of the weaker FF games (the only PS1 FF game I would not automatically place over it is FF8 which while prettier also has some story and game play issues I found 9 and Tactics both to be better designed and story wise). Also, the effort required to maximize everything is ridiculous. 

  6. 5 hours ago, The Old Hack said:

    I believe that @Sjmcc13 may be referring to Dina in Dumbing of Age, specifically this comic. :)

    Thew referecne is a bit older then that : http://www.dumbingofage.com/2013/comic/book-4/01-the-only-dope-for-me-is-you/upset/

    25 minutes ago, The Old Hack said:

    I strongly doubt that. To me it seems much more likely that they are all built on the same foundation. Elliot's core traits consist of: honesty, empathy and protectiveness. Heidi, Mildred and Gothica would be just as likely to take a bullet for a friend as Elliot himself would be. After all, Elliot is a defender and the whole reason he got a superhero spell is because he dreamed of defending and protecting people.

    I feel the same, The disquise forms seem to be tweaks on elliot's personality, with some traits added and removed, but the core is the same.

  7. 1 minute ago, Wixelt said:

    How does one go about finding such files?

    Depends on your OS and browser. With windows I think they are normally found somewhere under C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData. 

    I do not know if it still works, but years and several OSes and browsers ago, I could also set my browser to offline mode, and key in the address and it would load the cached copy. 

    Truthfully, it has been so ling (like 10 years) since I had reason to try and read a cached copy of a page I do not know if it is even still possible on most browsers. I just know it was at one point.

  8. 3 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    Maybe they manage to keep something secret? ... ok, I know, unlikely ...

    It feels like they are heading towards a near-full disclosure sort of situation, and eventually the diamond will come up. 

    Might not be for a while, but it feels to me like it will come up eventually. I half expect they will have to explain the proper and improper awakenings and Elliot and Ellen's awakening being at least partially explained. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    Also, Diane's confusion is understandable considering Ellen just referenced the fact that she's Elliot's duplicate and knows him more that just a regular sister would. ;)

    So looking forward to Diane's eventual reaction when she finds out about the cloning via magic diamond. Ashley's to.