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Posts posted by partner555
2 hours ago, showler said:Actually, stupid thought, what if Lucy and George are related? They do have some physical similarities.
Okay, who saw this coming, because I certainly didn't.
Edit: http://egscomics.com/comic/tlod-028
Forgot link.
Lawsuits? Why would she get sued? I never played the games.
56 minutes ago, detrius said:http://egscomics.com/comic/tlod-026
I hope we'll see a conclusion this Friday.
Preferably a Diane / Lucy, Rhoda / Catalina double-date.
Any interest Diane showed in girls was explicitly limited to Nanase and Sarah, and the Sarah one isn't canon.
1 hour ago, WR...S said:Today - the shocking revelation of the bleeding obvious!
The part where Lucy has a thing for Diane? We knew since Lucy said she wished Diane was a guy.
There's literal metaphors, and then there's how Dan makes it funnier than it usually is.
Wonder what Lucy and Rhoda are going to say about what just happened.
5 hours ago, ChronosCat said:I'm also wondering how long she has before a teacher yells at her to get off the table.
The last time a teacher tried to give her detention, she was exuding such a murderous aura that he backed off.
How oddly helpful of the thugs.
Well, this may be the time that half of the main eight (In so far that it's still applicable) that goes to this school to support her. Justin at least as there's no way Dan showed him in the background just cause.
2 hours ago, hkmaly said:Diane, if you meant Justin, he's just behind you.
Huh, missed that.
Susan has a rep to protect.
How many classes has she missed at this point?
Have we reached the climax already? Was expecting more reconciling with Lucy first.
Is it me, or does buff Rhea look like gender bent Greg?
I like this explanation. A lot of real life changes are the result of people slowly changing.
On 12/09/2018 at 3:50 AM, Scotty said:So, Dan's not exactly sure when, and how much, of a time skip it would be, but at least he's certain he'll do it after Elliot and gang meet up with Tara and Andrea again and address some of Justin and Sarah's stuff (dates/notdates?) so that means at least 3 weeks-a month of comic time stories before a timeskip.
And here I thought the major timeskip would happen directly after Sister 3 before Legend Of Diane disproved that.
3 hours ago, Tom Sewell said:I just watched inside Out twice waiting to get my internet back before reading this comic.
So, will it all become clear to Diane on Monday? Well, probably not. But maybe a three way argument between Diane, her inner child, and her inner elephant? Well, her grandma had a three-way argument with herself...
Huh, it runs in the family.
Ahh, the unintrospective is being introspective now.
8 hours ago, Stature said:Before the start of the flashback, almost no one.
I recall people calling it long before this storyline.
1 hour ago, Scotty said:Maybe the fact that Adrian had the school set up with protective wards was a factor, she may not like Adrian, but at least the school has far better security that one who's principal would rather spend money on murals than on a working fire suppression system.
I had completely forgotten about Principal Incompetent. How's he doing now? But yeah, considering the other option, Mamase probably decided on the lessor of two evils.
16 hours ago, Scotty said:Nanase stated that Adrian was her mom's least favorite teacher, either it's due to her not wanting to take magic seriously, or because she also blames Adrian for Noriko abandoning Tedd, or probably both. Maybe she gave Adrian an earful when Edward and Noriko split up.
You know, it begs the question of why Mamase sent her daughter there if she wanted her family to avoid all contact with Raven.
2 hours ago, Tom Sewell said:Just exactly how long do we have to wait before we see Diane kiss a girl? And will she be Lucy?
I don't think it'll be Lucy. Diane has by all appearances been 99.99% straight, with the .01% being having a thing for only Nanase. If it'll be any girl, it'll be Nanase and no one else.
Also, who didn't predict Lucy having a crush on Diane?
Story Wednesday October 31, 2018
in Comic Discussion
Good for you Diane, now you just need to, you know, get Justin's name right, or the apology would kinda fall flat.