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Posts posted by partner555

  1. 15 minutes ago, malloyd said:


    Lots.  Famous variants include Ernest Rutherford "All science is either physics or stamp collecting" and Terry Pratchett "Geography is just physics slowed down, with a couple of trees stuck in it.”

    Stamp collecting?

  2. 32 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    I think before we could travel through time, we'd have to figure out a way to fully cleanse ourselves of any diseases that could potentially be 10-100x worse than anything in the time periods we'd visit. Don't want to give the early european settlers PAX Pox. :D

    Nor do we want to give them any computer viruses. :D

  3. My dream car would be one where I don't need to pay a single cent in fuel or alternative power sources to drive it.

    Perhaps a solar-powered car? Not the most ideal since there is such a thing as cloudy days, but probably as close as I'm going to get.

  4. Australian Budget out. Here's the key points:

    • Deficit of $37.1B falling to $6B by 2019/20
    • GDP 2.5 per cent, unemployment 5.5 per cent, inflation 2.0 per cent
    • Small business tax rate falls to 27.5 per cent for more businesses
    • Small business tax rate eligibility turnover threshold increased to $10M, rising to $100M in 2019/20
    • Business tax to fall to 25 per cent by 2026/27
    • Upper limit for middle income tax bracket increased to $87,000
    • Crack down on multi-national tax avoidance
    • Diverted profits penalty rate of 40 per cent on multinationals
    • Superannuation changes including lifetime non-concessional contributions cap of $500,000
    • Increased superannuation flexibility for women and the elderly
    • Tobacco tax up by four annual increases of 12.5 per cent
    • Economy supported by defence spending on subs, frigates and patrol vessels
    • $50 billion infrastructure plan including rail and freight links

    I like the tax cuts, and support the cut to super concessions for the wealthy. I also like the increase to flexibility in super for women and elderly and the stimulus spending.

    Not sure how I feel about their economic targets though.

  5. 2 hours ago, Don Edwards said:

    I suspected when we first saw that page of eight marks that all eight had already been given at that point. Sarah getting a mark not on that page strengthens this view (but does NOT PROVE it).

    Also, the shape does not have to have ANYTHING to do with the power. That's canon, and supported by Susan's mark being the classical symbol for females - which has no apparent relationship to the summoning of objects. (This is a good thing. The one symbol looks to me like two people having sex in a bean-bag chair, and I don't think I want to know what power would go with that.)

    Actually, Tedd's mark was given during the storyline after that page.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Tobyc said:


    The LNP's determination to choose  the least compassionate options imaginable continues.

    I fail to see why refugees would just come to Australia if they're in New Zealand. They seem to think that the refugees would be determined to get New Zealand citizenship to settle in Australia.


    According to the link, the refugees would need to stay at least 5 years before they have any possibility of gaining New Zealand citizenship. All that just to enter Australia? What precisely were the LNP thinking?