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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Xenophon Hendrix

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Posts posted by Xenophon Hendrix

  1. On 11/28/2016 at 0:57 AM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Of course, I actually liked a lot of the 80's fashions.  Especially when compared to the previous hippies and the later grunge.

    I rather liked grunge.

    I'm struggling to remember what I can of 80s fashion. (I was there, but I was an outcast, mostly by choice.) Let's see, I can remember thinking golf shirts with upturned collars were ridiculous, and I never indulged, and I thought the young women wore far too much makeup.

  2. 14 hours ago, Aura Guardian said:

    Well, I was *close* and the "need to use Sarah's power" premise was right.

    But it can't be that easy. This is not that sort of comic. Vampire attack, maybe? Sirleck's minions? SOMETHING is gonna complicate this.

    Sarah uses up the free energy. The vampires attack while the local mages and wizards have to rely on their own stored energy to counterattack.

  3. I'm sure Edward has enough resources or favors owed to manufacture a Cheerleadra sighting without having any of the teenagers involved. For instance, Wolf and Cranium are probably personal friends in addition to being former subordinates.

    Personally, I've always objected to that solution being characterized as "wacky hijinks." Given that no one outside the group knows Cheerleadra's personality, it has always struck me as the easiest and most straight-forward solution.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Tom Sewell said:

    With pink hair, named "Elliot." Yeah, that will work.


    58 minutes ago, partner555 said:

    Edward is being sensible, but there's no doubt going to be some people who'd accept that the superheroine is in fact a guy.

    Yeah, I'm not buying Edward's idea so far. I hope he can pull out a much better rabbit than that.

  5. relevant link

    Edward does seem somewhat callous and uninterested here, which is contrary to his normal behavior. I'm not saying he normally radiates great concern, but he does usually make things happen. Perhaps now that the main eight have all reached early adulthood, he is trying to test them a little, see what they can do, see which ones will make good recruits.

    After all, he doesn't know that the vampires and Colonel Sanders are linked. He might be thinking that the Main Eight should be able to devise a way to protect their friends from a few vampires while DGB goes about cleaning them out, and he wants to see what they do.

    Note that I don't know if I believe this hypothesis myself.

  6. 1 hour ago, hkmaly said:


    And they cloned her 20 minutes after birth? Why?

    Dewitchery diamond would make more sense.

    Clones can also be created just after conception. As for why, how would I know? They looked just like twins until Edward said they weren't. Everyone who is saying that Edward must be wrong could be right.

    As for the Dewitchery Diamond, that thing requires a curse. What could it be, and how would an infant acquire one?

  7. Hypotheses:

    They could be clones using separate host mothers (or one natural mother and one host).

    Diane could be a clone of Susan using an Uryuom egg. Diane was then adopted out.

    There is something similar to the TF gun floating around, but it was used to make one baby permanently identical to the other.

    Diane is the Susan equivalent from a parallel universe and somehow got sent to Susan's universe as an infant.