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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Posts posted by showler

  1. If Elliot and Nanase have been told about the space whales then they are likely to bring them up soon.  And Andrea might want more information. So Elliot might end up calling Tedd.

    If he does, I hope Tedd tells Elliot that now that they aren't moving he can change back in order to retrieve his phone and put it in speaker mode.

  2. Magic flows this way through one location, that way through another.

    If they are the methods of travelling between worlds, then the one coming this way would still be functional, unaffected by the clog.  The one going that way on the other hand...

    edit: eh, never mind.  The portals they use to travel back and forth are two way, not one way so they can't be the same as the flow points.

    Too bad, it would have been a good excuse for them to stick around.

  3. It occurred to me earlier:  In order for Andrea to know that the spell has "persistence", she has to have the ability to analyze a spell the same way Tedd does.  Otherwise how could she know the doll will persist after Nanase cuts the connection?