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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Posts posted by Stature

  1. 19 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    Was she already unconscious after multiple hits to head at the point she hit the wall, or was she protected until transformed?

    Feels like a "George of the Jungle" situation: The tree gets you knocked out. Although, the pins sure look denser than they seem.

    6 hours ago, Scotty said:

    I'm not quite awake at the moment, so forgive me, but I don't think you caught that I was trying to be funny there. I was simply comparing Dan's brand of humor with the Pharaoh's Wile E. Coyote reference by coming up with another reference of my own that might seen Coyote-ish but done by Dan.

    Getting hit by train in real life is a messy thing, but Nanase slamming into the wall like that should have been likely to break her nose at the very least, possibly crack or break a few ribs too, and definitely bruising all over. The fact that she's just dazed implies that maybe the magic involved in the puzzles prevents serious injury, so if there's a puzzle that results in Nanase getting hit by a train, the worst that's likely to happen to her is also getting knocked over and dazed rather than flattened like a coyote.

    Although, if we happen to see a bike pump nearby, we'd probably be jumping into Bugs Bunny territory anyway, at least Nanase has Sarah around to reinflate her.

    The old squash-and-stretch to exhibit exaggerated motion of physics.