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Posts posted by Scotty

  1. I wonder if any of this will affect Susan, as she's pretty much as guilty of judging someone by label, and by that I mean cheerleaders . Seriously, we've seen 2 negative reactions to Diane being a cheerleader, and just like Ashley suggested that Diane's idea of what a nerd was could have come from a bad experience, we have an idea of where Susan got her idea about the kind of people cheerleaders are, either the woman Susan caught her dad with was a cheerleader herself, or Susan's mom called the woman a cheerleader as an insult, either way it would have had an impact on how Susan viewed cheerleaders in general.

    Of course Susan also saw men in general negatively, but she's since dropped the "all men are pigs" attitude so I wouldn't doubt that she'd also eventually get over the idea that all cheerleaders are homewreckers.

  2. 4 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    Wait ... is Rhoda saying that she doesn't believe in the destiny or that she does believe but would prefer if their world worked differently?

    She wants to believe that renouncing her monkhood and becoming a melee hero was her choice. For the most part it was her choice, but there's the underlying thoughts of "I wouldn't have done this if Susan didn't show up so maybe it was fate that we met".

  3. 29 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    Chad doesn't really look like typical nerd, I think that males in general are less socially observant and may have problems like totally missing that what you talk about doesn't interest the other person ... on the other hand, yeah it's quite possible she dated some nerds (she supposedly tried lot of dates) and found out how hard it is without shared interests ...

    Chad's need to show off his skills in a video game is something that a lot of elitist gamers are prone to do, they'll flaunt their ability and judge anyone who don't get on their level. One panel doesn't necessarily mean that Chad is one of those gamers of course, but it does show a symptom and potential for him to be one.

  4. 6 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    John Stewart publicly denied that The Daily Show was a news show when he debated Fox hosts. The context was, "(We do X), but you do X as well." "Yes, but I'm a comedy show." Still, I agree with you, he was not a bad source of current events information, especially putting it in perspective. Ditto John Oliver, (not on Comedy Central) Larry Wilmore, and others. And of course, Trevor.

    They're comedy shows, but of the satire variety so there's expected to be some truth in what they're saying, well at least for the two Johns, never heard of Larry or Trevor.

    Up here in Canada we have "This Hour has 22 Minutes", but there was also "Royal Canadian Air Farce" back in the 90's early 00's.

  5. 2 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    There is also Nanase, but you missed the significant issue: the trio in the coven has fixed roles. Maiden, mother and crone. Putting aside the fact that no female in comics seem to be old enough for crone, who would you recommend to hurry up to the mother title?


    There was also this one for Nanase but I had her figured as more of a Doctor Strange type wizard in that (the colour scheme is that of Doctor Strange as well).

    Out of Rhoda, Sarah and Ashley, Rhoda is canonically the most powerful of the three, which is why I had her figured as the leader. Sarah does have motherly qualities, so I guess that makes Ashley the maiden.

  6. 6 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    I don't think I have ADHD ... however reading all that ADHD Alien comics made me feel like I know what they speak about. Like, I don't have it that serious or that often, but lot of it sometimes happen to me. Now ... does it mean I do actually have some very weak case of ADHD? Is it also sideefect of something else I actually have? Or do neurotypical people also feel that way and just need it to be pointed out to realize it?

    It's probably similar to autism in that there can be severe cases and barely identifiable cases. Just like Susan has been suggested as being on the autism spectrum (also Tedd, Grace, and Noah) yet she can function fairly normally in society, Tedd's potential ADHD symptoms seem relatively minor and can be mitigated simply by being aware of it, as One Way Road showed, Tedd's resolve to try to balance their work with their friends likely reduced the number of times Tedd got lost in hyperfocus.

    Personally, I was diagnosed with ADD (before it was rebranded as ADHD) I wasn't really hyperactive, I'd just lose focus sometimes, or something that seems more interesting to me would drawn my attention away, but if I found something that interested me a lot, I'd end up shutting everything else out, kinda like Ashley in a bookstore. Most of the time something will catch my attention and all go into "ooh what's this" mode and look at it until my curiosity was satisfied, happens mostly when walking by the TV.

    7 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    Wait. ADHD is medicated with stimulants. Maybe I get ADHD-like symptoms when tired? I do often complain that the more tired I am the harder it gets to stop what I'm doing and go to sleep ...

    From grades 3-8 I was prescribed ritalin which I'm honestly unsure whether it actually did anything for me, I do remember later on there were a number of talk shows that were like "was ritalin actually bad for my kid?" or "studies show that x% of children in the 1980's were misdiagnosed" which initially had me worried.

  7. 1 hour ago, hkmaly said:

    ... oh. Right. The point is that it's not the TOPIC making the discussion nerdy. It's the DEPTH.

    Right, there's different levels of detail that people can focus on, and you can have casual nerds, hardcore nerds, and anywhere in between. Diane's definition would probably cover the kind that are near the hardcore level but also have a "know it all" attitude, don't want to admit they're wrong or will beat you over the head if you happened to get a detail wrong.

    Also these past few comics put a new light on Diane's reaction to Nanase warning her that liking to talk about and listen to others talk about movies was how nerds get started. Diane would be scared of becoming the kind of nerd that was a jerk about it, though Diane was already known to be a jerk about other things.

  8. Probably a good way to put it is like this:

    There are people who enjoy movies, many will talk about how good the actors were, and how well the story was told.

    Then there are those who will talk about the special effects and music score.

    And then there those who will dive into whether or not someone could survive an explosion or drop from 30 feet, and also look for other inconsistencies like prop placement, makeup blunders, and then take specific frames to make memes from.

  9. 3 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    We can appreciate it, but definitely not JUST that. For example, I wonder what it even means - ... hmmm ...

    I'd probably have to agree with the response that it's another way of saying "lots of", in context of the comic, Susan could also say "showing lots of abs" instead of "abs for days".

    Of course Susan's showing abs too, but you can see they're not as defined as Rhoda's so Susan unfortunately doesn't have abs for days. She makes up for it by being Susan though. :D


  10. 53 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    If you do not show up to most jobs, employers will assume you have quit and regard you as a trespasser if you show up again

    Where are these jobs that allow you to just show up whenever you want?

    Volunteer work probably counts, though if you're expecting to get paid, then probably not.

  11. Just now, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    I am curious as to how the comic shop manager, the online movie reviewers, and the self-taught mad scientist who claims to be working for a secret government operation are not nerds

    Considering the epic slapfights between Tedd and Susan in regards to sci-fi stuff, both can be very nerdy. Also, Justin is not immune. But Diane's probably thinking of more extreme cases like Rich and Larry.

    Dan even confirmed that Diane treated Charlotte as one of the bad nerds until Charlotte saved her life, so my guess is the reason Diane doesn't think Justin, Susan, Nanase, etc are nerds is because they've shown themselves to be selfless and cool.

    Also, why I think Diane treated Charlotte that way was because her state of mind at the time was too focused on Elliot, and she went into jerk mode when Charlotte questioned it.  Earlier that night though, the two of them seemed to get along well enough and were pretty in sync when it came to theorizing how Fox worked.

  12. 1 hour ago, ijuin said:

    In that case, Diane should have paid more attention to Grace when she started at MSHS—Grace was quite socially uneducated before the summer timeskip.

    Rhoda was also not very good in the social category, and Diane wanted to help her, I'd imagine she'd have tried to get Grace into the group if Grace wasn't already with Ellen, Nanase and Justin, and it's probably good that she didn't try, Justin could handle being called a "defective male", not sure how Ellen would have taken to Diane pulling something similar while attempting to recruit Grace.

    So while Diane's tactfulness on the subject leaves a lot to be desired and is probably still a remnant of her jerk phase. The desire to help boost people's self esteem and confidence seems run at least as far back as when she was helping Lucy with her issues. I don't think she'd have used "socially inept" if she'd never gone through the jerk phase.

  13. 24 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Diane has no idea who or what a Nerd actually is



    YOU ARE IN THE HOUSE OF THE SECOND BIGGEST NERD IN THE FBI (Arthur has Edward beat by at least a furlong)

    Diane's most likely thinking of nerd as in the stereotypical "George McFly" sense, but it's much broader than that and can even apply to herself.