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Posts posted by Vorlonagent

  1. 30 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    Yeah especically if his promise extends to all of Susan's friends, not just Sarah and Grace (Nanase's automatic because she was recruited with Susan, and Diane is Susan's sister) Elliot would be covered as well, so we'll have Helena and Demetrius as well as Jerry potentially protecting Elliot.


    Hmm, this may be a twisted theory rather than a wild one, but we've seen Ellen nearly killed because someone believed she wasn't meant to exist. What if Elliot is being targeted for the same reason; There can be only 1 and the Colonel decided Elliot has to go regardless of him being the original.

    Occam's razor says "no".  There's at least one big known reason for wanting Elliot out of the way: Reembodying Magus.

  2. OK, agreed.  Jerry is a 4th side.  As I was writing a reply disagreeing with the idea, I talked my self into it.  I was thinking...


    Jerry's a bit player, he's only interested in the welfare of Grace, Sarah and Susan because...oh yeah right...2 Immortals recruited them for the side of good when they "should have gotten an adult".  And the vow isn't just for the three girls but extends to those close to them...

    So yeah.  Jerry, perhaps unwillingly, is in the thick of it.  Side #4

  3. 10 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    I suppose Immortals have more side than average parliament. Remember that Jerry is not exactly on Helena and Demetrius's side ...

    I'm not counting Jerry as being on anybody's side, actually.  My side count for Immortals:

    1. Pandora's 
    2. Demetrius and Helena (I am SO glad my browser spellcheck knows how to spell "Demetrius")
    3. Now we have the Colonel



  4. OK so The Colonel is working--more or less--on the side of the angels.  Or at least working at cross-purposes to Pandora.  But in an unprincipled manner.

    But he didn't recognize Helena and Demetrius so he may not have been working with them, even though they, too, are a bit unprincipled in the way they uphold the good.  It's possible they look and/or feel sufficiently different as to fool "immortal senses" whatever those are.  While they are interested in Elliot's welfare, they don't seem interested for the reason Pandora would be.

    So we have a minimum 3-sided conflict of Immortals mixed into this.

  5. If Ed Verres was seriously worried about TF Gun abuse, he wouldn't have let Will and Gill give him the thing in the first place.  

    Tedd (Tedd 2.0) was a bit of a jerk. I believe that can be directly traced to him getting bullied.  Those of us who have been abused are often twisted in such a way that we risk becoming abusers.  (Sad fact of human intelligence)  Tedd's only defense with Sarah, which is rather thin, is that he thought the TF Gun wouldn't fire when he pointed it at her.  I don't think he was laughing when Sarah was catgirl-ized.

  6. 4 hours ago, The Old Hack said:

    I am sorry. I am having a hard time seeing your arguments as anything other than victim blaming. You seem so eager to share responsibility around that you are effectively arguing that Tedd is to blame for being genderfluid and for being the recipient of transphobic abuse because he does not respond to it in a fashion that would help to defuse it. And as your own story shows -- a story I recognise, believe you me -- someone caught in that situation quite simply may lack the knowledge and support to respond in a more helpful manner.

    Tedd is not to blame for being genderfluid.  He is not to blame for choosing to freely use the TF gun to shift forms including gender.  

    It is possible that Tedd took emotional refuge from bullying playing with the TF Gun.  

    It's also possible that this need for this sort of safe zone (driven by bullying) could have accelerated Tedd's willingness to experiment with gender-bending and discover that something "clicks" sometimes when he's female (by comparison to a hypothetical Tedd that was not bullied).

    I'm not sure where there's anything negative to say about Tedd in any of this.

  7. One thing to note about our Kentucky Fried Immortal:  He didn't name Plan A "Plan A".  He didn't name Plan CM "Plan B".  Someone else did.  

    If an Immortal is acting on someone else's plan, they probably wouldn't bother with plans by anyone besides those of other Immortals.

  8. 5 hours ago, SeriousJupiter said:

    Actually, in story time, Tedd only learned that he is genderfluid yesterday. So yeah, you make a good point, Tedd is definitely not ready to talk to his father about it yet, but when they do talk about it, I believe Edward will be much more understanding than you give him credit for. He's just worried about his son and doesn't know how to express it. Let's hope that Pandora or anyone else will not sabotage their relationship any more before Tedd is ready to talk.

    Tedd only learned the word "genderfluid" yesterday.

    He's known what he was for years.  He thought it was something unique to him.  Grace just told him there was a name for it.

  9. 46 minutes ago, The Old Hack said:

    I understand your reluctance and sympathise with your desire to establish a demarcation. I simply do not agree with it. In part it is due to the way I judge myself: when I look back at my life, I can see clear patterns of how I have acted in ways variously racist, misogynistic, homophobic and ableist. And these behaviors were not due to ignorance alone. Much of them came from taught cultural behaviors and prejudices. I am working hard on them these days but simply knowing that they are wrong is not enough. Not only do I still slip up, I also have to constantly and actively watch for patterns of behavior I have never recognised before and sometimes only discover are harmful when someone victimised by them so informs me.

    Was I racist, back then? In fact, was I all of these things? To my mind, yes. Without question. Trying to soothe myself into thinking that it was 'just ignorance' becomes a mere justification for my own actions, a palliative for my conscience that tells me that what I did wasn't so bad. The problem is that my actions were that bad. Keeping that in mind gives me motivation to work hard on improving and always be on the lookout for backsliding.

    Therefore, yes. I judge Mr. Verres to be transphobic. This is not the same as saying that he is irredeemable. He is not, but it will take work from his side to overcome it and a lot of it. Trying to explain his behavior away as 'ignorance' is not enough: it assumes that simply informing him that what he is doing is wrong, and him understanding this, will be enough to set everything right. And it won't be. He has a lifetime of learned behavior to overcome, and he can't do that in a day or a week or even a year. It will be an ongoing process and it may take him the rest of his life.

    I certainly expect this to be the case as far as my own learned behaviors go.

    I find harsh judgments on myself or others to be an impediment to fixing the less-than-perfect attitudes I've picked up.  We all do the best we can today.  We make amends for yesterdays when we were less than today as long as those amends makes the situation better.  

    My own judgments against myself have added much unneeded misery to my life.

  10. I don't think Ed Verres needs to be told what "genderfluid" is.

    What he needs is to be told in terms he cannot honestly dispute (he almost-certainly will try) is that Tedd is genderfluid and judging him simply by masculine terms hurts.  It's the denial that needs to be pierced, not knowledge to be imparted.

    Ed Verres is a decent man.  He'll come around.  Once he has no choice. :)

  11. 33 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Tedd needs someone to intercede on his behalf with his father.

    Someone his father can not dismiss as child and is "in the know" about magic.  Someone who could speak sympathetically to Edward for Tedd about gender-identity.  Tedd's advocate need not understand or approve entirely.  But he needs to be able to tell Edward "It's real to Tedd, and by dismissing his feelings on this matter, Tedd thinks you are dismissing him entirely."

    So far, I think Adrian Raven is the only one who could do this.  And the only way he would even know to ask is if Grace let something slip.

    We know Mrs Kitsune has her own hang ups about gender roles that she tries to work through for the sake of Nanase but would probably think of getting between Tedd and Edward as going too far.

    Noriko might be an option, IF we ever find out why she can not make more time for Tedd in the first place.

    Pandora. :)

    Actually Will and Gill would be very good choices.  Gender ambiguity is built into Uyouom genetics.  Someone would have to tell them there was a problem however because they wouldn't perceive it otherwise.

  12. 13 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    Ashley, Luke, Diane, Charlotte ... you don't count Sam yet, right? Or Luke's friends. And Noah (but they didn't tell anything NEW to HIM).


    No Sam because Sam hasn't been told anything.  Luke, yes, but not his friends.  

    I consider Noah to be a special case.  He's not a part of the Main-8 Circle, but he's already "in the know".  Same for Raven, if we're going to be pedantic about stuff like this...

  13. 1 hour ago, The Old Hack said:

    I still would like to see examples of Ellen, Nanase and Elliot actively violating that principle with malice aforethought rather than through teenage overconfidence and the pressure of circumstance. Until then, I personally will not accept the use of the verb 'betray.'

    I'd agree with this.  The issue isn't "betray trust", it's "keep the circle at 8" that the problem now.  Depending on how you look at it, we could be as high as 12...