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Posts posted by Drasvin

  1. I hope we get to see someone punch Voltaire in his smug face. I'm not sure if it would solve anything, but it would be cathartic.

    1 hour ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Holy crap!  The mental image of Adrian seeing that....thing....coming for him, or worse yet, not seeing it untl it's already surrounding him....

    Let's hope there's a way to get a body-snatcher off their victim without hurting them, 'cos one of the few things we know about Sirleck is that his current host is brain-dead and he's hoping to possess a powerful wizard next.  A virtually immortal one, who can live hundreds of years without needing to reset, would be irresistable....

    I doubt that Sirleck would be trying to possess Mr Raven. Magus isn't just a powerful wizard, but one that is virtually unknown to the world. While Raven might be a powerful wizard with an incredibly long life span (and there have been hints that elves can be killed and will stay dead if so), he also has a fairly integrated life as a teacher, both of history and of magic. Also I get the feeling that possessing a half-immortal would be unwise in general, because otherwise, why not seek out a half-immortal to take before now?

  2. 14 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    Yes this does completely depend on whether Edward confirms that Susan is adopted or not, this would fall under the idea that Edward comes up empty for some strange reason.

    Though if Edward comes up empty that means either Elliot and Nanase's logic about him doing background checks is flawed (possible but unlikely with how well they know him) or there is more to the issue than there appears. He's a highly influential person that works for the FBI, the agency that performs most, if not all, of the federal government's background checks. Especially as he would have the clearance to more restricted sections of knowledge in those checks. If the knowledge exists and is available to government systems, Mr. Verres can likely get access to it, provided it's not above his security clearance.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Vorlonagent said:

    I'm of the opinion that, if you're going to do something, go straight to Susan.  She's 18, she's an adult, she's mature, she deserves to know, if she doesn't know already.

    If you aren't going to go to Susan, butt out altogether.  Give Susan the respect of being up-front or respect her privacy by being silent.  Sneaking around, trying to finesse Susan's mother just makes for the sort of confusion that can be more hurtful to Susan than any news about her parentage.

    Elliot has the right idea.  Talk to Ed Verres first.  Get the lay of the land before deciding where to travel.

    Also, if they talk to Mr Verres first and their suspicions are true, then they will have vetted data proving their point if/when they go to talk to Susan about it, because Mr. Verres is going to have a bunch of exposition and a chart or two.

  4. 15 hours ago, Scotty said:

    It's possible Tensaided only has that one store and that it's not part of a franchise. Also we don't know if streaming services like Netflix exist in EGS, at least I don't recall seeing mention of any, so maybe video stores still have a good market hold.

    We don't know if Netflix and it's equivalents exist in EGS, but Youtube does and has enough popularity that the FBI Paranormal Division can't reasonably stop the secrecy leak that resulted from Cheerleadra and Justin versus the Fire Monster getting recorded by all the patrons of the comic shop, forcing a paradigm shift away from discrediting the existence of magic. In real life, Youtube and video streaming services like it were in many ways the forerunners of services like Netflix and Hulu. So it's possible that the movie streaming (and home delivery) services exist in the EGS-verse, just Moperville has a larger than average number of people that prefer going to the store to rent things.

    I'm not sure about other rental chains, but Blockbuster died due to bad business decisions in the face of a better alternative. Their punishing late-fee policy, Loading up on too many new releases to the determent of their other sections, among other things. Presumably, Tensaided understands his customer base well enough to make coming to his store a pleasant experience in itself. Either that or his customer find his antics enjoyable. Maybe both.

  5. 59 minutes ago, Scrapyard_Dragon said:

    The sadistic side of me wants to see how Diane reacts to finding out how rich Susan is. Bonus points if it turns out that only Diane was adopted. To be fair she would have every right to be upset. Point is; the arc where they meet is gonna feel like a soap opera.

    Yeah, she might be upset, at least until she learns more about Susan's past and all the trauma therein.

    Susan got to grow up in wealth, while Diane got to grow up with a more complete and loving family.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    Them owning the TFG wasn't illegal, Will said his family had the TFG before the current laws were put in place and it exempted people that already had one. I do believe that the laws on their homeworld prohibited the use of the TFG which would have been why Will's family brought it with them to Earth. But even Edward saw the potential threat to national security in using that type of TFG. I'm guessing he never told his superiors in the FBI about it or the fact that his son was reverse engineering it, or, if the FBI does know about it, I'd wonder why they haven't tried to take it away from Tedd. Does Edward have that much pull in the FBI, or in the world in fact, that no one dares try to do anything?

    Well, Mr. Verres does have enough friends in high places to make him effectively immune to being outright fired from his job, even for something as bad as almost killing a suspect that had voluntarily surrendered. He also is likely to be rather trusted by his superiors as he's been rather open about the various abilities that the main cast has.

    Also the TFG might not be outright illegal, just regulated. Authorities that are in on the masquerade have the means of confirming identity even through spells and such that would conceal it, even something like Elliot's Cheerleadra and alter-egos spell, which has clauses that can mess up other spells relating to identity, such as Nanase's fairy doll spell. I could see Edward bending things a little to get his son the licenses and such that would be needed for ownership and/or manufacture of the TFG (probably holding the actual licenses himself as Ted is/was a minor and the US government doesn't let minors hold most licenses)

  7. 2 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    Hmm ok, I'm having one of those moments again where I could have sword it was mentioned that the reason why the hammers worked against the France vampire was because he only preyed on females which allowed for the "offensive to females" requirement of the hammers to be met. I've looked in both Hammerchlorians and Q&A#6 and didn't see anything.

    Maybe all vampires are generally offensive to females.

    http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1093 I think the fact that the french vampire preyed on women allowed them to use the hammers on it, and the hammers' magical nature allowed them to work on the vampire.

  8. And presumably, any magic object could be used to hurt vampires, just non-weapons probably would not do spectacular damage. (the stun hammers bypassed the vampire's resistances, though they did only stun it still)

  9. 3 hours ago, SeriousJupiter said:

    I very much doubt Ellen could do that. I've always believed that her copy spell only copies appearance, not powers. I think her getting the angel spell when she copied Nanase really was just a bone thrown by God or Magic.

    I think Ellen's Copy Beam gives her powers if the powers are intrinsic to that form, like Nanase's guardian form and theoretically Elliot's Cheerleadra form. I doubt it would give her any powers that aren't intrinsic to the form being copied. So she wouldn't get Susan's spells if she copied her form and I doubt she would get Grace's abilities if she copied her, as Grace's abilities are intrinsic to Grace, not any particular form she has (Maybe with the exception of senses gained from antennae if Grace has those out when copied)

  10. 5 hours ago, BurntAsh said:
    5 hours ago, Drasvin said:


    I wonder what each aspect represents. The one in the robe is obviously Elliot's libido and the superhero is likely his Superego/Protector aspect. I think the black-shirted female might be his Logic. I'm stumped on which is which between the other three though.

    Well, the question I have is: Why are there both female and male representations of two particular aspects of his personality? And does it signify anything important? Is it a Chekov's Gun, or a Red Herring?

    Likely nothing too important. Elliot has been stuck having to regularly transform into a girl for a while by that point and he tends to be a rather laid back guy for the most part (he seems to get that from his parents), so it's possible some of his subconscious has picked up more feminine qualities. He still seems bothered by being forced to transform into a girl at that point though maybe with a degree of grudging acceptance.


    18 minutes ago, Matoyak said:
    2 hours ago, BurntAsh said:

    And I'm still wondering what the hell this all means.

    It's Elliot's version of Curiosity and Logic, or Diane's angel and devil. Just a representation of his mental state.

    I wonder what each aspect represents. The one in the robe is obviously Elliot's libido and the superhero is likely his Superego/Protector aspect. I think the black-shirted female might be his Logic. I'm stumped on which is which between the other three though.

  12. 3 minutes ago, InfiniteRemnant said:

    two possible problems, first one is the rebuttals made to my gun case idea. short version, firing mechanism causes weapon to unsummon due to one-hit rule.

    other possible problem is that for a manual-fire weapon like a bow or crossbow the ammunition isn't internal, and may be considered a separate object as a result. Which would conflict with the one-at-a-time rule.

    True, though thrown weapons could work, such as javelins or throwing axes.