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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "I've plotted out the day. Gonna take a nap for a while, then maybe get up this afternoon and help the human do things." - Explorer the Cat.
  2. Comic for Wednesday, May 11, 2022

    Fun fact. Zelenskyy was the voice of Paddington in the Ukraine version of those movies. So he has a record of bear arms.
  3. NP Comic for Thursday May 12, 2022

    And she's going to add Grace, or an OC squirrel/alien to the stories. Totally original, please don't steal.
  4. NP Comic for Saturday, May 7, 2022

    I take fairly strong drugs to keep me more or less in sync with what every one else things of as being close to reality. Due to this I'm really not supposed to drink alcohol, much less heavy drinking. My main psychoactive active thing is caffeine, of which I do quite a lot of, in the form of several liters of tea each day.
  5. Crazy Counting Guy

    Another case where comic time and "real time" don't sync up. Would be worse that "human" comic time I would think. Wait, no it wouldn't. Still wouldn't let EGS time match up with real time.
  6. NP Comic for Saturday, May 7, 2022

    It can just a well get out of my head then. I have much better worlds in there than this time line.
  7. Comic for Wednesday, May 11, 2022

    I'm some what surprised that Small City Kansas doesn't have a trash panda problem. But then again, most people have wheelie bins for their trash so it's harder for the coons to get to the trash.
  8. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "Let me plot out the rest of the day." - Explorer the Cat.
  9. What Are You Ingesting?

    From what I've read, in addition to deep dish pizza, Chicago style might mean thin crust, but cut in to squares. https://www.bonappetit.com/story/real-chicago-pizza-tavern-style
  10. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I have a normal "both side of the head, not a migraine" headache. Going to take my tension headache meds and lay down for a while. If I keep to normal I'll fall asleep after an hour or two, thereby mangling my sleep schedule.
  11. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "So you finally made the bed. Glad for you. Still going to hang out here for a few hours. Then I'll help you with the butt warmer." - Explorer the Cat.
  12. Here is. So, I wonder, since more "huggablity" is a known side effect of growth magic, is Diane wanting to hug Susan, even though she knows that Susan doesn't like to be hugged? Is the next <unseen> panel the hug? How does Susan deal with this? It's my head canon that she hugs back.
  13. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "I got off the bed so you could make it. And you flash me. That's not fair" - Explorer the Cat.
  14. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "You better get The Dot out, I'm letting you flash me because you acted like you got The Dot." Explorer the Cat.
  15. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The Human got The Red Dot out of the desk drawer! Yay! Gonna chase The Red Dot!" - Explorer the Cat.
  16. Comic for Monday, May 9, 2022

    Of course Vulcans are long lived. Even if Spock was long lived by their standards, he was a senior star fleet officer during TOS and was a working ambassador in the TNG era. Granted Dr. McCoy lived to at least the start of the TNG era, as he was in the 1st episode of TNG. Wikipedia says that he was 137 years old then, which puts him firmly as a "cranky old man", even if the average life span is 120.
  17. Crazy Counting Guy

    Yeah, I agree, just saying that unless The Dan starts doing canon story line strips more often than 3 times a week, 25 weeks in the shortest amount of time that allows Grace can make 1100.
  18. Being smaller effecting combat reflexes might explain why Elliot seems to have trouble fighting as Cheerledra.
  19. Crazy Counting Guy

    Yeah, Grace only has 75 to go, which, depending on how this current arc goes, could be reached in 25 or so weeks.
  20. Hadn't thought about the size differential all that much. Yeah, being shorter than you think you are might effect athletics in general.
  21. What Are You Ingesting?

    I got a micro wave bacon dish. If I go for 2 minutes for 2 slices (cut in half so they will fit) it gives me crispy bacon, almost more than I like. At 1:30 it makes chewy bacon, but with a little more fat than I like. Need to get the timing down. Such is life, forced to experiment with bacon. It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it.
  22. Crazy Counting Guy

    7 and change years of Jeremy. Well, possible, but it would end up being more like Two Lumps than EGS. Which, all things being equal would not be a good thing. I originally said "Garfield" as my cat comic example, but that has characters other than the cats.
  23. I would think so. Muscle memory is really more a mental thing than actual muscles.
  24. Comic for Monday, May 9, 2022

    Most? Even if anagathics are available in the Star Trek universe (which I don't think they are), most crew members are going to be early in their lives. Anagathics are expensive in most universes that have them, mainly to keep the riff-raff from having them.