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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. NP Comic for Thursday, Jul 25, 2024

    Given her control on resizing things it's possible she could just enlarge her arm. And wouldn't that be nightmare fuel to see.
  2. NP Tuesday July 23, 2024

    I'm not quite sure I want a pony as a service animal. Even ponies are a bit large to live in human spaces. Now maybe a miniature horse would be small enough to live within human spaces.
  3. Comic Wednesday July 25, 2024

    Oh, yeah, that's one of the reasons he gave for not going to the tournament right after he got his spell.
  4. Comic for Friday, Jul 26, 2024

    Jay and Susan need to just skip ahead to the rent a uHaul step in their relationship.
  5. What Are You Ingesting?

    For the amount of Assam tea I put in my Bodum tea pot, 6 minutes seem like a better brew time than 4. Will keep doing this.
  6. What Are You Ingesting?

    I think I have a bag of "steam in bag" corn right now. All this talk has made me hungry for corn. Having it for lunch I think.
  7. Random. Just Random.

    Until one of 5 moves in 10 years made me lose track of it, I had a nice sealing wax set. Had a nice signet ring to go with it. Mhh. Need to find out if any one will make a ring with my real signet on it. Of course that would assume I ever used dead trees to send messages with.
  8. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "Between you getting a late start this morning, and me wanting to take my morning nap early, well yeah, I'm in my nap box now" - Explorer the Cat.
  9. Appointment made for getting Explorer, my cat, fixed. Soonest they can do her is Feb 26, which is a little longer than I wanted, but I can live with that.
  10. Other Random Comics

    While I'd like to think I ID with Pig most of the time here, today is a Rat day.
  11. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "Gonna get in The Human's lap. Then he can eat his 'grits' and drink his breakfast drinks with me being in the way! Perfect Plan!" - Explorer the Cat.
  12. What Are You Ingesting?

    Back when I lived on a sorta farm, we would start the water to boil, drive up to the garden, pick just enough corn for the day, husk it on the way back in the pickup truck. By the time we got back the water had just come to a boil and in went the corn. 3 minutes later corn on the cob. Of course when we were freezing corn it was a much more industrial operation.
  13. What Are You Watching?

    The danger area of an EF-5 tornado is 2 miles wide, tops. How wide is a hurricane again?
  14. What Are You Ingesting?

    Fresh off the vine Lima beans are a whole other experience than canned or frozen
  15. Comic for Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

    They use one of those "Dice less systems" like Amber. Not saying they use Amber, that would be weird, but there are dice less systems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diceless_role-playing_game
  16. https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-048 And yes, y'all put too much thought into making a first impression on Catalina
  17. Random. Just Random.

    /m ijuin you get stars, a pentagram AND an elder sign. Watch it.
  18. Comic Wednesday July 25, 2024

    Guy looks a little worried as well.
  19. NP Tuesday July 23, 2024

    There is a real difference between horse play and pony play. Don't get them mix up.
  20. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Out of bed. Left ankle still hurts. Taken analgesics. Eating breakfast (grits, breakfast essential and my last star crunch) Planing on working on Project Z instead of doom scrolling social media. Please clean up any blood you leave on the floor while I'm gone.
  21. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Woke up pain free, more or less. Got up when the 1st alarm went off. Stood up out of bed, walked to the bathroom to pee and take meds. Started to walk back to bed so I could get dressed for the day. Twisted my ankle while walking. Said several bad words. Dropped back into bed until it quits hurting. So much for starting the day early. FML
  22. Random. Just Random.

    A wolf, a sheep and a cabbage are in a boat traveling between the towers of Hanoi, while eating an equally divided cake they have to write a program that prints it's own source code. Which one gets the job offer for the CTO position?