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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. The Weather.

    It's still raining. No thunder and not likely to get any for the rest of the night. Expected to stop raining around 8 PM. Explorer hanging out on my feet and not particularly upset about any thing.
  2. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Godzilla AKA "The Butt Warmer" runs linux. I'm on the 3rd overload of versions of Ubuntu and it's been fairly flakey by linux standards. I bit the bullet this morning and did a flush, nuke every thing and start over with XUbuntu 20.04 LTS. All my work files live on Dropbox, so in theory all I have to do is re-download them and set up the applications that I use. It takes a while to download about a terabyte of data. This is the work flow change I made that I mentioned in my latest posting to Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
  3. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Testing a major work flow change. More about that later. Here's Explorer the Cat looking confused because it's after time to be hanging out in the bed not messing with computers and butt warmers.
  4. What Are You Ingesting?

    They are an important part of the food chain. Too bad that they think humans are part of the chain as well.
  5. NP Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    Working at EDS broke Dilbert for me. It was too on the nose about what working in a tech firm was like. A little over the top, but not that much.
  6. The Weather.

    It's raining. Chance of thunderstorm in the next hour or so. Explorer is hanging out with me being close, but not trying it get under covers.
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    She doesn't really like siting in my lap, she would much rather hang out with me in bed.
  8. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I try to avoid the "here is another picture of my cat" syndrome as much as possible.
  9. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I'll wait here for him.
  10. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The Human hasn't petted me enough this morning. Do I go over to the desk or just wait for him to get more tea?" - Explorer the Cat
  11. The Weather.

    They haven't changed the forecast, still good chance of thunderstorm, peaking around 3:00 PM. It's sorta nippy right now for the time of year.
  12. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "OK Fine, I'll leave you alone to work on what ever it is you are working on this morning, but you have to pet me when ever you walk past..." - Explorer the Cat
  13. Story Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Yeah, Noriko and Van will be introduced to the main cast about the same time, if not the exact same time. Browser clipping is a thing that can happen. I was very much aware of this back when I gave a damn about select websites.
  14. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "I heard The Human say he might work on those little metal and plastic things. I can get in the way of that as well" - Explorer the Cat
  15. Story Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    The same could be said for Lord Tedd, but I see your point. That being said, unless she shows up because the door/mirror calls her I'm not seeing a major or for that manner minor role for her in this story line.
  16. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The Human took an Adderall so he could work on Project X. Can't let the happen with out getting in the way a bit." - Explorer the Cat
  17. Story Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    I can see your point and agree with it in the main, I should say that she hasn't been a point of view character or one that has had a significant amount of screen time as yet. While not a new character as such, there isn't a lot we know about her as a character. We know she's a monster hunting wizard with a 2nd child and that she was upset about Tedd not being a wizard and that she had left Tedd and Edward, possibly due to Tedd not being a wizard. While that sounds like a lot, it's not really all that much.
  18. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Explorer the Cat about to jump into the lap of The Human.
  19. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    After finishing her house running this morning, Explorer the Cat takes advantage of the fact that The Human has cleared off one of the chairs around the hobby table.
  20. Story Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    While I don't think it's Mama Kitsune, this would be a good thing. Are you forgetting that the top of the comic says "Many years ago...". This is a flashback. Not really, she already appeared once in similar way. That is why I qualified the new character bit. She hasn't had even a minor on screen bit. I mean we have seen Mr. Brown once before, but I'd call him a new character if he started being important to the plot. I think that Dan learned this lesson and it will only be half as long. So only 9 years, more or less, given that Lord Tedd has been hanging fire for 18 years now.
  21. Story Monday, May 25, 2020

    Well, yeah. Saying it like this makes it sound hard, but maybe it's not that hard? I seems to me that the spell would be fast to cast but take a lot of mental energy to keep going. That strikes me as being one that would take just a second to learn, but quite a while to master.
  22. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Explorer the Cat paused for a brief second from her house running
  23. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Explorer the Cat starting a short burst of house running.
  24. Story Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    But The Dan always creates a new character Of course in this context he might not and for all intents and purposes, Tedd's mom is a new character. Yeah, years. Like how long has Lord Tedd been hanging fire? Grace wasn't in front of the mirror when she changed clothes.
  25. Story Monday, May 25, 2020

    So that leaves the question how simple a spell is converting your body and mind to smoke?