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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Posts posted by mlooney

  1. 21 hours ago, ijuin said:

    Yeah, hardly anyone uses sealing wax any more. We now glue our documents closed and use embossed or inked seal marks. As for the other use of sealing wax—to seal jars and bottles—we now use manufactured rubber gaskets.

    Until one of 5 moves in 10 years made me lose track of it, I had a nice sealing wax set.  Had a nice signet ring to go with it.  Mhh.  Need to find out if any one will make a ring with my real signet on it.  Of course that would assume I ever used dead trees to send messages with.

  2. Back when I lived on a sorta farm, we would start the water to boil, drive up to the garden, pick just enough corn for the day, husk it on the way back in the pickup truck.  By the time we got back the water had just come to a boil and in went the corn.  3 minutes later corn on the cob.  Of course when we were freezing corn it was a much more industrial operation.

  3. Just now, mlooney said:

    Woke up pain free, more or less.  Got up when the 1st alarm went off. Stood up out of bed, walked to the bathroom to pee and take meds.  Started to walk back to bed so I could get dressed for the day.  Twisted my ankle while walking.  Said several bad words.  Dropped back into bed until it quits hurting.  So much for starting the day early.  FML

    Out of bed. Left ankle still hurts. Taken analgesics. Eating breakfast (grits, breakfast essential and my last star crunch)  Planing on working on Project Z instead of doom scrolling social media.  Please clean up any blood you leave on the floor while I'm gone.

  4. Woke up pain free, more or less.  Got up when the 1st alarm went off. Stood up out of bed, walked to the bathroom to pee and take meds.  Started to walk back to bed so I could get dressed for the day.  Twisted my ankle while walking.  Said several bad words.  Dropped back into bed until it quits hurting.  So much for starting the day early.  FML

  5. 4 minutes ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    We get a fair number in the hilly, not mountainous, region of North Carolina, not one a year that I recall, but in the 30+ years I've been here, we've had several.


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center has recorded 66 preliminary tornado reports so far this year in Kansas, compared to 39 for all of 2023.


    Granted none close to where I live this year.