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Posts posted by mlooney
2 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:I'm not a fan of those sort of small businesses. The owner rarely has the full set of needed skills and nowhere near the needed knowledge to run it well.
I'm not exactly sure why $WeSellAndSeviceUsedMac is still in business. <checks website> Yeah, still open. Doug is clueless in more ways than one, but he's kept the doors open since 95, must know something. Just not people skills.
11 hours ago, ijuin said:Yah, a highly active person like a lumberjack, an athlete, or a soldier on the battlefield will burn a lot more.
Yeah, an US army MRE, which you are supposed to eat 3 of a day, assuming field conditions, is normally 1,400 to 2000 Cal per bag.
1 hour ago, ijuin said:Dietician’s calories, of which an adult human typically consumes between 1500 and 4000 per day
Just in case you didn't know, the “2000 calorie diet”, that the percentages on the information blob on food is based on, is based on the calorie needs of an adult, white male, who has a semi-sedentary lifestyle. The farther you go from that, the more your calorie intake needs to be adjusted up or down. Being an adult, white male with a semi-sedentary lifestyle, this does make things easy for me to calculate if I'm on target for a given day or not.
3 hours ago, Don Edwards said:(And then if your business is successful enough that you need to hire another worker, you also need to hire a personnel department to take care of the paperwork and government regulations.)
The last place I worked at didn't have an HR department, just the owner. And it showed that he needed a person for dealing with paperwork. His ham fisted “running” the company was a major cause of my 5th and (so far) last mental meltdown.
3 hours ago, Don Edwards said:Does she get up on the table and try to play with the math rocks herself?
Sometimes. She doesn't quite seem to understand the difference between ones laid out so I can count the score and ones ready to roll. I've had to reroll damage a couple of times because she swatted the pile of dice around.
Well, this is one way to keep the factories out of reach of Ukrainian drone attacks.
https://kyivindependent.com/north-korea-to-start-drone-production-in-collaboration-with-russia-media-reports -
On 2/7/2025 at 11:54 AM, mlooney said:While Weather Underground's 10-day forecast are often on strong drugs, they are currently predicting 2 inches (ca. 51 mm) of snow on Wednesday. There is no end to my joy and happiness.
They are currently forecasting about 4 inches (10.16 centimeters) over Tues and Wed. SCK is going to come to a halt for at least 2 days.
6 hours ago, ijuin said:Unfortunately our society seems to be stuck in the dichotomy of “you either give orders or you take them”. Everybody is either a Boss or a Minion, with no way to escape Minionhood except by becoming a Boss.
And there are varying levels of “boss” and the lower on the scale of bossdom they are, in general, the more petty and demanding they are.
12 minutes ago, Darth Fluffy said:The high end (short wavelengths) tends to interact less, it passes through things more. X-rays and gamma rays go right through you. but when they do hit something, they rip it apart and cause damage to your DNA and RNA. That's why you generally don't die immediately from radiation poisoning, it takes time for the damage to mess up your body's function.
It's important to remember that RF radiation is not ionizing, which means, while they may cook you, they aren't gonna do long term genetic damage. Despite what some less well-informed instructors at the US army radar schools will tell you.
“It's math rocks day! I get to help The Human attack the party with dwarves and small dragon!” - Explorer the Cat.
9 hours ago, ijuin said:I meant you personally, not humans in general. You described it as your favorite color.
Well, colors are, in general, just an observed frequency. IR is a frequency range. He observes it, granted not visually, so I can see, no pun intended, his point.
All the lights in my house are LED. I also know that mercury vapor “ready-bright-lights” have a remarkably long life span. I also note, via a summary google search, that they seem to be out of business now, take that as you will. I don't think any of the traffic lights are LED here yet as well. It's a pretty backwater place at times.
4 hours ago, mlooney said:The headache came back around 5. I've taken more drugs (aspirin caffeine and acetaminophen this time, which works better vs. headache, but is something I should avoid if possible due to kidney disease). They seem to be working, or it's going away as it's no longer soul crushing.
One hour and 20 minutes before I can take another dose, and I can feel that I'm gonna need it
1 hour ago, Darth Fluffy said:They have pretty much taken over for most lighting applications.
You assume a place that has a budget to do the start-up cost of a bulk replacement. SCK has the budget to replace, slowly, bulbs as they burn out. They might be replacing them with “new style” LED lamps as they die, but not in the area I see streetlamps. Which, granted, is about 4 blocks “down town” on one street. Walmart has more lighting for their parking lot than damn near the rest of the town.
1 hour ago, Darth Fluffy said:They are hurting for training as well, this seems to be endemic
Again, a problem they inherited from the USSR. The USSR doesn't have what we would call “basic”, you are sent directly to your unit, which then trains you. In peace time, this is the 1st 6 months of your 2-year service (assuming conscript). Now, of course, they give you your uniform, a rifle, show you which end the bullets come out of and send you on a charge.
“Today is a good day to just hang out. It's not really that cold, but sitting on the blanket feels good. Plus, I'm close enough to The Human to help him when he needs it” - Explorer the Cat.
3 hours ago, The Old Hack said:I am also noting that one article stresses the invader's superior resources
They mean grunts and ammo, two things that Russia does have in greater numbers than Ukraine. Not so much with logistics. The USSR and later Russian armies have always sucked at logistics, they are just getting worse now.
5 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:Yes, those purple street lights are bad for your eyes. They were white at one time, then the phosphor coating came off.
In my part of the world, at least where there are streetlights, old ones turn yellow, not purple.
5 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:Your military experience should tell you that at least some of the wet behind the ears privates will mature and effective NCOs.
Yeah, but some squad leaders suck as platoon sergeants and REALLY suck as 1st sergeants. Oddly, the rank of sergeant major is more or less an example of the Dilbert Principle, they are being promoted to get them away from working troops. Or at least it seems that way to me.
There is a difference between still in training and acting in a leadership position that you may or may not be qualified for. This applies to 2nd lieutenants as well. And for that matter, the difference between an NCO and an officer. I've known many NCO that were great at their job, but would have been awful as an officer.
6 hours ago, mlooney said:Drugs are starting to work. I'm going to finish my cup of peppermint tea and try to get back to sleep soon.
The headache came back around 5. I've taken more drugs (aspirin caffeine and acetaminophen this time, which works better vs. headache, but is something I should avoid if possible due to kidney disease). They seem to be working, or it's going away as it's no longer soul crushing.
42 minutes ago, mlooney said:I have a both sides of the head “normal” headache that meds are not even starting to touch. Sleeping isn't happening.
Drugs are starting to work. I'm going to finish my cup of peppermint tea and try to get back to sleep soon.
14 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:I'm rooting for Edward, who has screwed up from time to time, but seems to have a proper focus and a grasp of the big picture, not to mention diplomatic skills.
The problem with that is going back to being a “special agent in charge” would be a demotion for him. While he was “kicked upstairs”, there is no doubt that that is current position is more important than being “just” the man in charge of the mid west office of DGB. Among other things, his current job has national, if not international reach.
12 hours ago, mlooney said:The Peter Principle in action. She's at her level of competence.
For those that didn't read management books written in the late 60s, here is the principle in short:
QuoteThe Peter principle states that a person who is competent at their job will earn a promotion to a position that requires different skills. If the promoted person lacks the skills required for the new role, they will be incompetent at the new level, and will not be promoted again.[2] If the person is competent in the new role, they will be promoted again and will continue to be promoted until reaching a level at which they are incompetent. Being incompetent, the individual will not qualify for promotion again, and so will remain stuck at this final placement or Peter's plateau.
This outcome is inevitable, given enough time and enough positions in the hierarchy to which competent employees may be promoted. The Peter principle is therefore expressed as: "In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence." This leads to Peter's corollary: "In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties."
Comic for Monday, Feb 10, 2025
in Comic Discussion
Yeah, she should.
Most non EGS sites that have EGS characters lump all of those names into one entry. But Google will be confused.
Yeah, I've assumed that she was a “near peer” of Edward, and he's in his mid-30s at the youngest.
He's an FBI agent in a dangerous subfield of FBI interests. I'm not surprised he's got some badassery in his background.